The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
April 16, 1868
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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by: Joey Stark
Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.
April 16, 1868
Real Estate Transfers --- The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the week ending April 13, 1868.
Benj. TEMPLETON from Eli J. COOK and wife, 3 acres in Round Prairie
township. Deed dated April 3, 1867. 80 00
W. M. SUMMERS from Benj. TEMPLETON and wife, 3 acres in Round Prairie
township. Deed dated March 23, 1863. 150 00
Abraham CHARLES from I. H. CRUMLEY, as Guardian, 15 acres in Penn
township. Deed dated February 7, 1868. 800 00
Isaac F. LEE from William E. RIPLEY and wife, 60 acres in Round
Prairie township. Deed dated February 6, 1867. 800 00
Henderson GORSUCH from Charles S. WOOD and wife, 40 acres in Walnut
township. Deed dated March 7, 1868. 280 00
Henry WHEELER from Joel J. BRADSHAW and wife, 20 acres in Locust
Grove township. Deed dated September 14, 1863. 400 00
W. H. SHELTON from Polly STEWART and Children, 82½ acres
in Locust Grove township. Deed dated Feb. 14, 1868. 600 00
Joseph KURTZ from Susan STAFFORD and others, 30 acres in Walnut
township. Deed dated April 5, 1866. 650 00
William LEATH from J. L. ILGINFRITZ and wife, 45 acres in Fairfield
township. Deed dated Oct. 2, 1854. 500 00
John D. HOUDERSHOLT from Brinton HUGHES and others, 60 acres in
Liberty township. Deed dated March 3, 1868. 1,000 00
Phillip BAUGHMAN from Mary SIPES, lots 30 and 31 in Batavia.
Deed dated Jan. 22, 1868. 200 00
A. B. TEETER from E. J. HALE, lot 77 in Batavia. Deed dated
Nov. 14, 1867. 100 00
Presbyterian Church from Joel VEST and wife, lot 19, old plat of
Batavia. Deed dated March 23, 1868. 10 00
G. H. FISHER from Harrison RUNYON and wife, lot 11, block 1, Glasgow.
Deed dated July 26, 1868. 100 00
J. R. DOLE from Nicholos [sic] JOHNSON and wife, 2 acres in Fairfield
township. Deed dated February 22, 1868. 75 00
Jonathan WALKER from William SHARP and wife, 34 acres in Locust
Grove township. Deed dated March 26, 1868. 550 00
Lowis [sic] UNKRICH from G. H. FISHER and wife, 1 lot in Glasgow.
Deed dated March 23, 1868. 150 00
John FAMULENER from Mary Jane KERR and husband, 35 acres in Liberty
township. Deed dated March 28, 1868. 800 00
R. T. GEORGE from Barelay [sic] JOHNSEN and wife, 40 acres in Penn
township. Deed dated Feb. 26, 1868. 1,300 00
Presbyterian Church, Batavia, from P. BAUGHMAN and wife, 2 lots
in Batavia. Deed dated March 20, 1868. 135 00
Robert B. MOORE from Sylvester SPRAGUE and wife, 2 lots in Batavia.
Deed dated April 9, 1868. 1,350 00
Sylvester SPRAGUE from Wm. H. BARTHOLOMEW and wife, 1 lot in Batavia.
Deed dated December 28, 1864. 1,000 00
Sylvester SPRAGUE from V. S. CARSON and wife 1 lot in Batavia.
Deed dated September 4, 1865. 100 00
A. N. STAFFORD from Susan STAFFERD and others, 60 acres in Walnut
township. Deed dated March 18, 1868. 500 00
Peter DIERS from A. N. STAFFORD and wife, 20 acres in Walnut township.
Deed dated March 27, 1868. 400 00
Lewis JORDAN from John McCRILLIS and wife, 120 acres in Lockridge
township. Deed dated March 24, 1868. 3000 00
Lukas ZEHLMANN from Lewis JORDAN and wife, 160 acres in Lockridge
township. Deed dated March 24, 1868. 2,700 00
Anton ZEHLMANN from Noah S. CALDWELL and wife, _0 acres in Lockrdge
[sic] township. Date of deed March 19, 1868.
400 00 [Ed. note: Unknown first character
in acres; nothing appears on the original newspaper prior to the zero but
from the spacing and the associated transaction cost it is estimated to
be 30 or 40 acres.]
Isaac FELLOWS from J. M. SHAFFER and wife, 4 acres adjoining Fairfield.
Deed dated March 31, 1868. 500 00
Jacab [sic] RINEKER from Catherine WOODWARD and husband, 33 acres
in Liberty township. Deed dated March 24, 1868. 500 00
Jacob RINEKER from Mary J. KERR and husband, 65 and 68-100 acres
in Liberty township. Deed dated March 28, 1868. 1,300 00
Proceedings Library Association
Fairfield, Iowa, April 13, 1868.
Board of Directors of the Library Association met at J. M.
SHAFFER’s office, President SLAGLE in the chair. Present A. T. WELLS,
Mr. SLAGLE from the Committee to inquire into the expediency of purchasing real estate made a verbal report that they thought an available piece of property could be purchased: the conversations developed the fact that individuals were willing to take shares in such property --- provided the Society could not, with the funds on hand, and by voluntary contributions, purchase and control the entire property. On motion of SHAFFER, the report was received and the Committee continued.
Mr. SLAGLE reported that he had conferred with the officers of the Young Men’s Christian Association, who report that they are attempting to raise money to carry out their proposition. Report received and committee continued.
Mr. CASE was excused for the balance of the meeting.
The report from Wm. LONG, ex-treasurer, was presented in detail;
it shows, $120 55 received from March 18, 1865 to May 1866; and the same
amount expended for rents, freights on books, &c. On motion of
SHAFFER, report was received and place on file.
The annual report of A. T. WELLS, Librarian, was read;
it shows; receipts from dues from May 12th, 1866, to April 10th, 1868,
$60 45: other sources $13 80: total $74 25: expended
$86 65; balance due librarian, $12.40. Mr. WELLS spent in the library
123 half days, and 13 days extra to re-arrange the books &c.
No. of volumes taken out 870. No. now in hands of stockholders 35:
No. lost or which are not found charged on the books 20. On motion
report received and placed on file.
The Secretary reported that he had had conference with the Librarian, in regard to the preparation of a history of the Association, classified list of books, &c. and that the same would be commenced and completed at as early a day as possible.
A. T. WELLS having reported that he be relieved of his duties as Librarian, Messrs. CAMPBELL and SHAFFER were appointed a committee to devise some ways and means to have the library open, if possible, two days in the week --- it being suggested that many of the young ladies of the city would accept this duty, and by a system of alternating, that the same would be done without cost to the Society.
Resolved, That the thanks of the Society be tendered A. T. WELLS for the faithful manner in which he has discharged his duties as Li- [remainder of article cut off].