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A Political Murder

The following is a chapter from "The History of Jefferson County, Iowa", Page 416, published by the Western Historical Company of Chicago in 1879.



Another fatal encounter took place at Batavia, in the latter part of October, 1860, just previous to Lincoln's first election. Party spirit ran high at that time, and the affray here mentioned grew out of a political dispute. It appears that six men, whose names were Silas McCart, Pleasant McCart, Isaac Gerringer, John McQuerry, and two other men, went to the house of John A. Mix, on Friday, for the purpose of attacking it, or some person in it. Amos Wimer, who was boarding with Mr. Mix, told them not to come near. The house was then stormed with brickbats; and, during the siege, Silas McCart struck Wimer with a brick, when the attacking party rushed, in a crowd, upon him. Wimer succeeded in drawing a small spring dirk-knife from his pocket, with which he stabbed McCart four times, the latter dying of his wounds the following Sunday. Wimer made his escape and kept himself concealed for some time, for fear of being lynched. He afterward joined the army and fell in the Union cause at the battle of Shiloh.

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