The year 1864 finds Eugene camped in North Carolina. He loses all of his possessions as the company retreated and he set up a little shop and sold items to the othere sodiers. An accounting of the expenses is given at the end of the diary. He is able to muster out in mid-June and then he is able to visit friends and relatives back home and started teaching school again in Vienna, Warren Co., New Jersey. In November he votes for President. |
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January, Friday, 1. 1864.A pleasant day. I hope that if I live to see the close of this year that I can look back upon it with greater satisfaction than the last year. If I live to return to New Jersey, I hope that I shall appreciate Sabbath privileges more highly than I ever did before in my life. I am determined to try and do more good by example and precept than I ever did before. I think when I review my past life that I might have done much more for the cause of God. I am sorry that I have neglected so many precious opportunities. May God, for Christ's sake, help me to do my duty. Amen! I am very thankful indeed that God in great mercy has spared my unprofitable life thus far through this war. |
January, Monday 4, 1864.Pleasant & warm yesterday and today. Matters as usual.Tuesday, 5.Wednesday, 6.Cloudy & cold. Went to Newbern today after some butter & c. Towards night it began to rain & freeze. |
January, Thursday, 7. 1864.Rained most all last night & froze. A good deal the same kind of weather today, raining & freezing. The trees are getting very heavy with ice.Friday, 8.No rain today. So much ice collected on the trees that the branches kept breaking off during the night. After dinner started with 4 men & a team of two horses to the station. The wagon got stuck twice, the horses would not pull. We took them out and drew it out ourselves both times. We had to return to camp without accomplishing our object.Saturday, 9.Very warm & far. On guard. |
January, Sunday, 10. 1864.Very pleasant and warm. Would love dearly to be in Warren Co. NJ to attend S. School, church, class & prayer meeting. I would be very happy.Monday, 11.Quite pleasant today.Tuesday, 12.Pleasant |
January, Wednesday, 13, 1864.Rainy.Thursday, 14.Rainy.Friday, 15.Pleasant. |
January, Saturday, 16, 1864.Very pleasant. On guard.Sunday, 17.Still pleasant.Monday, 18.Very rainy all day. Went to Newbern in a Government wagon and four. Got up some goods. Got somewhat wet. |
January, Tuesday, 19. 1864.A lovely day.Wednesday, 20.Very nice & warm.Thursday, 21.Still warm. Helped other corporal to build a small house on the outer picket post. |
January, Friday, 22. 1864.A lovely day. Like a spring day. On guard. Worked a little on the guard house.Saturday, 23.A lovely day, very warm. Stopped on picket to work on the guard house.Sunday, 24.A splendid day. |
January, Monday, 25. 1864.Tuesday, 26.Wednesday, 27. |
January, Thursday, 28. 1864.Friday 29Saturday 30 |
January, Sunday, 31. 1864.Lovely weather since the 14th. Nothing unusual occurred.February, Monday, 1.The rebels attacked the 1-32nd Reg't, drove them to Newbern. We retreated that place by the Trent Road. I lost all my goods $150.00 worth. Staid behind the breast works all night.Tuesday, 2.At about one o'clock AM a party of rebels in launches captured the Gunboat Underwriter that was lying under the guns of Fort Stevenson, but was set on fire by the guns of that fort. Two men behind the breastworks near me were wounded by pieces of shell that the fire burst. |
February, Wednesday, 3. 1864.A pleasant day on guard last night, the enemy are retreating. Our company went to Fort Stevenson tonight to support the Garrison. All quiet today and pleasant.Thursday, 4.Everything quiet. On guard at Head Quarters. A fine day.Friday, 5.Another fine day. The 132nd NY Vols. returned to Batchelers Crk. today. I got permission and went to the Red House, got there about 4 1/2 o'clock. All provision and clothing had been carried off by the women of the vicinity. |
February, Saturday, 6. 1864.A fine warm day. Staid at Mr. Stewart's last night. Went to several houses today. But found nothing of my goods of any account. Got back to town on the cars about 4 1/2 o'clock.Sunday, 7.Another fine day. Had an inspection but it was slight. Monday, 8.Still very pleasant. On picket guard. |
February, Tuesday, 9. 1864.Another fine day. On guard again with all the company.Wednesday, 10.Had drill today.Thursday, 11.A Company went to the Red House today. I and Mr. Hall also went. I could find nothing of my goods. Staid at Mr. Stewart's this night. |
February, Friday, 12. 1864.Still pleasant. Came down to Newbern on the cars. Started shop again in the Barracks.Saturday, 13.Was in the city today without a pass and was arrested and put in the guard house, but did not stay long as I sent a note to Lieut. Kelly of Co. H who happened to be in the city and he came and took me out.Sunday, 14. |
February, Monday, 15. 1864.
Very pleasant weather all the past week. Got a pass to the
city for a week.
Tuesday, 16.Wednesday, 17.Very cold today, a sudden change. |
February, Thursday, 18. 1864.Another cold day.Friday, 19.Cold today, about two inches of snow fell last night. The first snow that we have had this winter. Quite cold today.Saturday, 20.Cold this morning, but very pleasant after the sun got well up. Got another standing pass until further orders. |
February, Sunday, 21. 1864.Quite cold this morning but quite warm and pleasant after nine o'clock. The weather looks like another fall of snow.Monday, 22.Tuesday, 23. |
February, Wednesday, 24. 1864.Thursday, 25.Friday, 26. |
February, Saturday, 27. 1864.Sunday, 28.Had very pleasant weather all last week; quite warm. Several days it was quite windy. Nothing unusual has occurred. My little shop keeps me quite busy.Monday, 29. |
March, Tuesday, 1. 1864.Wednesday, 2.Thus far this week I have helped work on a new fort that was being built. It is quite a large fort and will be mounted with 10 guns; one a hundred pound parrot on a pivot to command the river.Thursday, 3.Did not feel well today. So I did not work. At sunset we got orders to pack up to go on board a transport. Some say we are to go to Roanoke Island, some say to other places. We got aboard the Stmr Thas Collyer and started at 11 o'clock. |
March, Friday, 4. 1864.Arrived at Roanoke Is. about noon. Had to get on a stern wheel steamer to land. Was on camp guard for the night. Had to quarter in tents.Saturday, 5.Quite pleasant day. Got some large fish; called them Drum fish at 5 cts. each and had a good dinner for four of us. Was detailed to act as 1st Lieut. over a company of negroes. All on the island were being organized and armed.Sunday, 6.Some rain. With some others I went across the island to see a large sand hill about 100 ft. high. It gave us a pleasant view. There are 80 families of whites and about 4000 negroes. Got relieved by the 10th VA. and got on the same transport and at one o'clock started for Newbern. |
March, Monday, 7. 1864.Arrived at Newbern at about two o'clock PM. Got into our old quarters again. Can't imagine what we went to Roanoke Island for. But I am glad to get back to Newbern.Tuesday, 8.Another pleasant day. Looked over my accounts, found that I had $27-0 due me. I owe 120 dollars. So I shall do tolerable well I get all that is due me. I also started shop again today.Wednesday, 9.A pleasant day. |
March, Thursday, 10. 1864.Quite rainy today.Friday, 11.Another rainy day.Saturday, 12.A little rain today. |
March, Sunday, 13. 1864.A splendid day. Nothing new has taken place during the last week in this vicinity. Morrow two years ago today our forces captured this city. One year ago tomorrow the enemy tried to retake it. They are again expected tomorrow.Monday, 14.Tuesday, 15. |
March, Wednesday, 16. 1864.Thursday, 17.Friday, 18. |
March, Saturday, 19. 1864.Sunday, 20.Monday, 21.Quite pleasant the past week. Nothing unusual has occurred. |
March, Tuesday, 22. 1864.Windy & rainy today.Wednesday, 23.Quite stormy today.Thursday, 24.Pleasant. |
March, Friday, 25. 1864.A stormy day.Saturday, 26.Pleasant.Sunday, 27.Pleasant but windy. |
March, Monday, 28. 1864.Co. F.D.K. had to go across the Trent river last night to protect the negroes from abuse from the 1st U.S. colored infantry. Had a pleasant night, nothing occurred.Tuesday, 29.Had considerable rain today. Was on camp guard.Wednesday, 30.Pleasant day. |
March, Thursday, 31. 1864.Another fine day.April, Friday, 1.A little stormy.Saturday, 2.A little rainy today. And rather cool. |
April, Sunday, 3. 1864.A little cool, but quite pleasant. On picket guard last night on the beach, had a good night of it. Was promoted to Sergeant today. I ought to have had that position a year ago. But it is better late than never.Monday, 4.Tuesday, 5. |
April, Wednesday, 6. 1864.Thursday, 7.Friday, 8. |
April, Saturday, 9. 1864.Sunday, 10.A pleasant day. Anniversary of my 31st birthday.Monday, 11.Had several rainy days last week. |
April, Tuesday, 12. 1864.Wednesday, 13.Thursday, 14. |
April, Friday, 15. 1864.Saturday, 16.Sunday, 17. |
April, Monday, 18. 1864.A few rainy days last week but not much rain. Co. E & F went to Rocky Run this afternoon to assist in doing picket duty. I was left behind.Tuesday, 19.The rest of the reg't except Co. D embarked on a transport to go to Plymouth to reinforce that place as it is attacked by the enemy. They had an ironclad to assist, it sunk two of our gunboats.Wednesday, 20. |
April, Thursday, 21. 1864.The reg't returned as Plymouth had surrendered before they got there. But the reg't had to right back to Roanoke Island.Friday, 22.Saturday, 23.Went to Rocky Run to join my company today. |
May, Friday, 6. 1864.A fine day. Yesterday the gunboat drove the rebels away. We have seen nothing of them today.Saturday, 7.Sunday, 8. |
May, Monday, 9. 1864.Very pleasant weather all last week.Tuesday, 10.Wednesday, 11. |
May, Thursday, 12. 1864.Friday, 13.Saturday, 14. |
May, Sunday, 15. 1864.Left Fort Chase and came to our barracks in Newbern. Matters remain quiet the past week, quite pleasant weather. Had a heavy squall of wind one night.Monday, 16.Tuesday, 17. |
(page missing)April, Sunday, 24. 1864.A little rainy today. Went on picket for 48 hours.Monday, 25.One of the men on the post next to mine left his post and went some distance yesterday to a house, did not return till this morning. Thought he had got captured.Tuesday, 26.A warm day. Got back to camp safe just as I had got to bed after tattoo orders came to pack up and return to Newbern. But had to wait for the picket so did not get started till near eleven o'clock. We relieved some of the 92 NY. |
April, Wednesday, 27. 1864.About two o'clock reached Newbern. Co. E took steamer, went across the river to Fort Anderson, our company also crossed to Fort Chase, about 3 miles by the above fort. Got no sleep this night.Thursday, 28.Friday, 29. |
April, Saturday, 30. 1864.Mustered in again for two months more pay. The next time I am mustered, it will be out of the service. I shall be glad.May, Sunday, 1.Pleasant weather during the past week. Nothing unusual has occurred. One year ago we had a heavy skirmish with the rebs at Suffolk VA. Soon after we began to move about. Appearances indicate that we will again get on the move. But I shall not have to stop long. Yet it may be long enough for me to loose my head or some other part of my body. |
May, Tuesday, 3. 1864.Wednesday, 4.The enemy made an attack on the picket at Deep Gully. Apart of our reg't went up. The rebs had killed and captured some of the 12th NY Cav. but that was about all.Thursday, 5.The rebs made a raid to the Neuse river this afternoon, just below the town. They had 9 pieces of artillery. The NC. loyal cavalry (1 comp.) made a charge and captured two pieces. They boarded schooner and took some things. |
May, Wednesday, 18, 1864.Thursday, 19.Friday, 20. |
May, Saturday, 21. 1864.Sunday, 22.A pleasant day, quite pleasant the past week. Nothing unusual occurred. Been having drill 1 1/2 hours in the evening.Monday, 23. |
May, Tuesday, 24, 1864.Got orders to have two days rations cooked and be ready to go on an expedition at any moment. Pleasant day.Wednesday, 25.A pleasant day. Rec'd revolvers. Co F got the same & cutlasses. Went on board Stmr Massasoit and left at 7 PM. Took 5 days uncooked rations with us.Thursday, 26.Arrived at Cape Hatteras at 3 AM. During the day took on board from a schooner 25 tons of coal. About noon started for Roanoke Island, arrived there at about 5 PM. Lay at anchor all night. I find we are on expedition to blow up the ram that is up the Roanoke river. |
May, Friday, 27. 1864.A fine day. About three o'clock started for the fleet in Edonton Bay, arrived there at about nine o'clock. Capt. Lee (John C) of Co. F has charge; he has got up a torpedo to be fastened onto a spar 60 ft. long that is to be attached to the bows of the boat.Saturday, 28.A fine day. Went to the picket boat at the mouth of Roanoke river, then back to the fleet. I think that if we go up the river the boat will be disabled and all killed or taken prisoners. We have rations for 95 men.Sunday, 29.Pleasant day. Lay at anchor with the fleet. Which consists of the double enders Massabesset (flag ship), Tacony, Wild Lucy, Ferry Boats, Com. Barney, Com. Hill & propeller Whitehead. |
May, Monday, 30, 1864.A pleasant day. Took from off Flag Ship 4 deserters; who said that they belonged on board of the ram. Also 2 contrabands and went to Roanoke island arriving there in the evening., lay at anchor all night off the ... .Tuesday, 31.Lay at anchor all night off the island. Took on board ten days rations on board. A good deal of growling on board. A little matter would stir up a mutiny. Started for the fleet at about 5 o'clock. Had poor chance to cook. The str. is small. Had to cook a part of the rations in the furnace.June, Wednesday, 1.Lay at anchor with the fleet. Sent on board the Commodore Barney ... freight that we bought up to her. |
June, Thursday, 2. 1864.Lay at anchor last night near the mouth of the river. With the fleet today. When Lee got a lot of liquor in him he would do a little toward getting the torpedo arrangement ready.Friday, 3.A little cloudy. The Thos. Collyer came up. Had the Col. of 15 Ct. asst. Quarter master Bradley and the 15 Ct. Band and some few others. Capt. Smith Commnd'g fleet and the above got on our boat and we went ashore at Edenton. It is a pleasant place, only it was lonely & deserted, yet quite a number of people were there. Saw a number pretty girls. The band played national airs. Did not do anything today. |
June, Sunday, 5. 1864.A fine day. The Str. Rockland came up with orders for us to return on her. Which we obeyed with alacrity & pleasure. Got to Roanoke Is. at about five o'clock. Went ashore into an old building and staid all night.Monday, 6.A little showery today. Still on the island. When we went to the fort ... 31st ult that a number of NC people who were put ashore to see their friends who were some ways into the country. They were kept on board several days.Tuesday, 7.Staid on the island till about noon, then took the Str. Thos. Collyer for Newbern via Cape Hatteras. Then we went to fleet 31st ult also had a man, wife & two children. They were going to see their friend, the smallest child was sick. |
June, Wednesday, 8. 1864.They were kept on board two nights. Then sent back to Roanoke. We found them in the building that we occupied those two nights. They had to stay there with us, woman and all together. Got to Newbern this morning at about two o'clock.Thursday, 9.Had nothing to do today, pleasant.Friday, 10.Fine day. All that came back from Roanoke Island went to the Red House & Beech Gr. - Our detachment went to Beech Grove. Got there about dark. Put up a tent, had a quiet time. |
June, Saturday, 11. 1864.Quite a pleasant day. Was detailed for guard. Had to visit the posts twice. There were 4 posts. Went to the out post across the creek and then went to a house 1/2 mile beyond and got some eggs & milk.Sunday, 12.Quite rainy today. Went to Newbern city. The pay rolls came up to be signed. My boots gave out and I had to go bare foot a while and I know I shall catch cold.Monday, 13.Quite a pleasant day. We got relieved and went to Newbern city. Took up our quarters in the old barracks. |
June, Tuesday, 14. 1864.A pleasant day. Nothing to do. Expect to start for home in a day or two as soon as a transport arrives.Wednesday, 15.A fine day. Expected to get off today, but did not.Thursday, 16.Another pleasant day. At five o'clock fell in and was escorted through Newbern by the remainder of the reg't. Went on board of the Propeller Parthenia, a very slow boat. |
June, Friday, 17. 1864.A pleasant day. Got to Hatteras this morning at about six o'clock.Saturday, 18.Still quite pleasant, a little cloudy. Got to Fort Monroe at about six o'clock. Did not go ashore. The vessel coaled up.Sunday, 19.A pleasant day. |
June, Monday, 20, 1864.A fine day. Quite warm. Got to New York City at about ten o'clock. Got ashore about noon. Went to the NY State Soldiers depot, took dinner. Then delivered up our arms. Got cleaned up. Stopped at Crooks 74 Chatham St. Went to Belvidere NJ. Got there at about 8 1/2 o'clock. Put up at Bro - Karns.Wednesday, 22.Called around & saw my friends. All seemed glad to see me. Went to M.E. church to lecture. |
June, Thursday, 23. 1864.A fine day. Went to Vienna. Hired a horse & carriage. Gone all day.Friday, 24.A fine day, made a number of calls. Went to M.E. church to prayer meeting.Saturday, 25.A very warm day. Came on to NY City. Put up at NY State Soldiers depot. Thermometer 98. |
June, Sunday, 26. 1864.A warm day. Went to a M.E. church this morning and to Central Park in the afternoon.Sunday, 27.Still very warm. Nothing new, no sign of getting mustered out.Monday, 28.Everything just the same. Fair & hot. I feel very impatient at this delay. |
June, Wednesday, 29, 1864.Nothing new. Don't feel well. Thursday, 30. Another hot day. Just made out to get to work on our rolls this afternoon.July, Friday, 1.Myself, 1st Sergt and two others worked all day on the rolls. Got five finished. |
July, Saturday, 2, 1864.A hot day. I worked all day on the rolls, made out two myself. A good deal of work. 112 names on each of five rolls, 16 on the two pay rolls.Sunday, 3.A hot day. Attended service in the afternoon at the NY S Soldiers depot. Towards night the boys began with their fire crackers, guns & pistols.Monday, 4.A hot day. The young folks kept up a great racket all night. I could sleep but a very little. There was a parade of the City militia. I wish I was out of the city. Witnessed the fireworks at the city hall in the eve, they were splendid. Paid me for all my vexation. |
July, Tuesday, 5. 1864.A fine day. About nine o'clock last night a fire broke out near the NY S Soldiers depot. Where I stop. It spread and 8 or ten buildings were burnt. Ten steam fire engines were out. I caught an additional cold last night.Wednesday, 6.Got mustered out today and rec'd our discharges. A hot day.Thursday, 7.A hot day. |
July, Friday, 8. 1864.A little rain today. Got paid off at four o'clock PM. Paid up to July 2nd. Started at eight PM on New Haven & Boston RR for home. Felt quite unwell.Saturday, 9.A fine day, Arrived in Boston at six AM. At 7 1/2 o'clock Am took the cars on Boston & Maine RR for Gardiner, arrived there at about 4 PM. Folks very glad to see me.Sunday, 10.A fine day, not quite as warm as in NY. Went to church in the forenoon and SS concert in the afternoon. |
July, Monday, 11. 1864.Quite a warm day. Took accommodations train for Hallowell [Maine]. It looks just like the same old place. Came back at 2 1/2 PM. A little shower took place just as we got outside of the city.Tuesday, 12.Another warm day. Had a heavy shower last night.Wednesday, 13.A warm & pleasant day. |
July, Thursday, 14. 1864.Friday, 15.Saturday, 16. |
July, Sunday, 17, 1864.Attended church forenoon & eve.Monday, 18.Very warm and dry the past week. Took the Fly train to Hallowell and then went over the river. Saw some familiar faces. But there has been very many changes. A great many old persons have died.Tuesday, 19.Called on all the old neighbors who were left. Visited the graves of father & mother & sister. Came to Gardiner on the last train. Found bro. George at home. A long time since I saw him. Ten or eleven years. |
July, Wednesday, 20. 1864.Hot & dry. Did nothing today.Thursday, 21.Hot & dry. At three o'clock took Eastern Queen from Gardiner to Balt., arrived there at 6 1/2 o'clock. Stopped at MR. Turners. Sister Hannah accompanied me.Friday, 22.Still hot & dry, did nothing today. |
July, Saturday, 23. 1864.Hot & dry. Crossed the ferry to Woolwick and hired a boy to take us in a carriage to Winship Lilly's, paid $2.00. Arrived there at noon.Sunday, 24.Hot & dry. Mr. Lilly kept up a continual tirade against the government. I said but little for fear of getting excited. At five o'clock Mrs. lilly took us in a carriage to Mr. Gilmore's.Monday, 25.Cloudy & cool. Went to Mr. Fullerton's on foot in the afternoon. Sister staid there all night. I came back to Mr. Gilmore's. Had quite a rain in the evening. |
July, Tuesday, 26. 1864.Cloudy in the forenoon & windy, fair & hot in the afternoon. We went to Bath on the forenoon and to the Menagerie in the afternoon. Did not like it much. A great crowd there.Wednesday, 27.Hot & dry, made a call on Mrs. White, a cousin.Thursday, 28.Hot & dry. Made a call in the morning on Mrs. Kelly, a cousin. At eleven o'clock took Str. Scotia (a captured blockade rammer which now runs from Portland to Augusta) to Gardiner, arrived there at 3 o'clock. |
July, Friday, 29. 1864.A very little rain fell in the morning. Did nothing today.Saturday, 30.Went to Hallowell. Took dinner with Bro. James' wife. Then went to Augusta and saw him.Sunday, 31.Hot. Attended church all day and evening. |
August, Monday, 1. 1864.A very warm day. Took Str. Eastern Queen for Boston. Had a pleasant trip down the river.Tuesday, 2.A little cloudy, some rain fell this morning. Arrived in Boston at 5 1/2 o'clock, Had a good nights rest. Took cars at Worcester depot at 8 1/2 o'clock AM for NY City, got there at 6 o'clock. Rained a little this eve.Wednesday, 3.Quite a pleasant day. A 8 o'clock & 90 minutes took passage on the NJ Central RR for Belvidere. Got there at 2 o'clock PM. A heavy shower this afternoon & evening. |
August, Thursday, 4, 1864.A pleasant day. Called around and saw my friends. A National fast day; I fasted and attended church.Friday, 5.A little cloudy today. Went on a Pik Nic to Manunka Chunk Nation. Only a few were present. Had quite a good time.Saturday, 6.A pleasant day. Called on more of my friends. |
August, Sunday, 7. 1864.Attended church all day & evening.Monday, 8.Another pleasant day. Meet one of my old scholars that I thought a good deal of. L.Y.D. staid all night there.Tuesday, 9.A hot day. I on the forenoon went a gurming with L.Y.D. but got nothing. About two o'clock started for Townsbury. Staid all night at J. Paces. |
August, Wednesday, 10, 1864.A hot day. Called and staid all night at T. Hoaglands.Thursday, 11.Another hot day. Took dinner at R. Vansyckles. Staid all night at J. Whitesell's.Friday, 12.Took dinner at Mr. Henry's. Staid all night Daniel Hull's. |
August, Saturday, 13. 1864.Another hot day. Took dinner at Mr. Almer's. Staid all night at Mr. Myer's. A singing class met there in the eve. Had a good time. Staid all night at Myer's.Sunday, 14.A hot day. Attended church all day. Staid all night at L. Flemings.Monday, 15.Quite hot. Staid all night at J.B. Ingersoll's. |
August, Tuesday, 16. 1864.A pleasant day. Attended S. School Convention in the eve. at Jayne's Chapel. Staid all night at A. Ketcham's.Wednesday, 17.A heavy shower of rain this morning. Staid all night at John Dean's.Thursday, 18.A pleasant day. Staid all night at H. Hopler's. |
August, Friday, 19. 1864.Another pleasant day. Staid all night at Wm. Osmun's.Saturday, 20.Another hot day. Staid all night at Wm. T. Fleney's.Sunday, 21.A little rainy today. Went with Mr. Henry to church at Danville in the morning. In the afternoon went to Jayne's chapel. Bro. Butby preached. Staid all night at Wm. Henry's. |
August, Monday, 22. 1864.A little cloudy today. Went to Hackettstown. Staid all night at David Parks.Tuesday, 23.A pleasant day. Staid all night at D. Parks.Wednesday, 24.A hot day. Went with the M.E. S. School on a picnic to Port Murry, went in canal boats. Staid at A.F. Cregors at Rockport. |
August, Thursday, 25. 1864.A hot day. Staid all night at H.C. Davis.Friday, 26.Another hot day. Made a number of calls, came back to Hackettstown and staid all night at D. ParksSaturday, 27.A pleasant day. Made calls, staid at C. Parks all night. Went to Vienna in the eve. to war meetings, made a few remarks by request, was cheered. |
August, Sunday, 28, 1864.A fine day. Went to M.E. church. Rev. Dr. Porter preached. Went to the Presbyterian meeting in the eve. Staid at D. Parks all night. Hackettstown.Monday, 29.Another pleasant day. Staid at D. Parks.Tuesday, 30.Pleasant. After dinner went to A.C. Howell's, Vienna, and staid there all night. |
August, Wednesday, 31. 1864.A lovely cool day. The S. Schools on the Vienna circuit had a picnic. 4 schools. I attended, had a fine time. Came back to A.C. Howells and staid all night.September, Thursday, 1.A fine day. Got a ride to Belvidere. Took Board with S.T. Dickinson.Friday, 2.A fine day. |
September, Saturday, 3. 1864.A little cloudy.Sunday, 4.Rainy today. Went to the old School Presbyterian church in the morning. Sunday School in the afternoon. And the funeral of a soldier. Sermon by Rev. Mr. Knighton. Rainy in the eve.Monday, 5.Rainy today. |
September, Tuesday, 6. 1864.Cloudy, but little rain.Wednesday, 7.A lovely day.Thursday, 8. |
September, Friday, 9. 1864.Saturday, 10.Sunday, 11. |
September, Monday, 12. 1864.Quite pleasant the past week, nothing unusual happened. Walked to Washington NJ from Belvidere and staid at Mr. Hartpence's.Tuesday, 13.Walked to Rockport and staid all night at Mr. Cypher's. A little cool & cloudy today. Saw an old fried Mr. Jennings at Washington, it has been a long time since I have seen him. I attended school with him one winter at Monmouth ME.Wednesday, 14.A pleasant day. Went to Hackettstown and staid at D. Park's. |
September, Thursday, 15. 1864.Quite pleasant.Friday, 16.Pleasant. Left Mr. Parks and went to Townsburg. Staid all night at Mr. Henry's. The teacher Mr. Delius has left the school at Vienna and gone to war.Saturday, 17.A fine day. Walked to Belvidere. A telegram from my brother was waiting for me. He did not need me, so I will take up a school. |
September, Sunday, 18, 1864.A little cool today, rained a little in the evening.Monday, 19.Got a horse and carriage and went to Vienna and engaged the school. Went back to Belvidere the same day.Tuesday, 20.A fine day. Got a ride to Hackettstown and staid at D. Parks all night. |
September, Wednesday, 21. 1864.A lovely day. Went to Vienna and back.Thursday, 22.A little cloudy. Did nothing today.Friday, 23.A little rainy, went to Vienna and staid at Mr. Howell's. |
September, Saturday, 24. 1864.Showery today. Went to Hackettstown to get some things in order to keep Bachelors hall. As I can't get board less than $4.00 a week and I can't pay that.Sunday, 25.A lovely day. Attended church in the morning & evening.Monday, 26.A fine day. Commenced school today. A fair beginning School at Vienna. |
September, Tuesday, 27, 1864.Wednesday, 28.Thursday, 29. |
September, Friday, 30. 1864.October, Saturday, 1.Sunday, 2. |
October, Monday, 3. 1864.Nothing unusual occurred the past week; had a good school On Friday night went to D. Parks, came back Sunday night.Tuesday, 4.Wednesday, 5. |
October, Thursday, 6. 1864.Friday, 7.Saturday, 8.Pleasant. Quite cold. Went to Jacob Paces and staid all night. |
October, Sunday, 9. 1864.Monday, 10.A pleasant. A heavy frost last night. The first of any account of the season. Quite cool today. Cloudy and rainy most of last week.Tuesday, 11. |
October, Wednesday, 12. 1864.Began to rain about 12 o'clock PM. Attended the re-opening of the M.E. church at this place (Vienna). Had only service on account of rain.Thursday, 13.Cool & windy.Friday, 14. |
October, Saturday, 15. 1864.Sunday, 16.Monday, 17.Last week quite pleasant all but Wednesday. Thus far get along well with my school. |
October, Tuesday, 18, 1864.Wednesday, 19.Thursday, 20. |
October, Friday, 21. 1864.Went to David Parks.Saturday, 22.A little stormy today.Sunday, 23.Went to church at Hackettstown, took dinner at C. Titus'. |
October, Monday, 24. 1864.Quite pleasant most of last week.Tuesday, 25.Wednesday, 26. |
October, Thursday, 27. 1864.Friday, 28.Quite all the week up to last night when it began to rain quite hard. Rainy all day. Saturday, 29. Staid about home today. |
October, Sunday, 30. 1864.Went to church at Vienna in the forenoon. Went home with Mr. Henry and took dinner with him. Went to Jane's chapel in the afternoon. Staid all night at J. Deans.Monday, 31.November, Tuesday, 1. |
November, Wednesday, 2. 1864.Thursday, 3.Friday, 4.Began to rain last night. Rained some today. A little pleasanter in the eve. Went to Hackettstown to a political meeting (Republican). Got back at 12 o'clock. |
November, Saturday, 5. 1864.Staid about home today. Staid at J. Deans all night. Made a call with some young folks to N. Vliets.Sunday, 6.Went to church in the morning and eve.Monday, 7.Rainy today. Tomorrow is election day; for President. I think that Lincoln ought to be elected as I think he is the best. I can't believe in McClellan and the platform. Yet if McClellan is elected I hope it will be for the best. |
November, Tuesday, 8. 1864.Today I voted for Abraham Lincoln & A.J. Johnson for Presidents.Wednesday, 9.Thursday, 10. |
November, Friday, 11. 1864.Last night was out till two o'clock to a small party at Mr. Hulls.Saturday, 12.A little stormy the first of the week. Abraham Lincoln & Andrew J. Johnson are elected presidents. At Mr. Olmstead's last night till two o'clock to a small party, had a good time. Went to Hackettstown today.Sunday, 13.Today heard Dr. Porter of hackettstown preach. Took dinner at C.M. Titus'. Quite cold and a few flakes of snow fell. |
November, Monday, 14, 1864.Tuesday, 15.Had quite a snow storm this afternoon.Wednesday, 16. |
November, Thursday, 17. 1864.Friday, 18.Saturday, 19.Went to Hackettstown and back. Quite stormy during the week. |
November, Sunday, 20. 1864.Attended church at Vienna.Monday, 21.Tuesday, 22. |
November, Wednesday, 23. 1864.Thursday, 24.Thanksgiving day. Had no school Heard Bro. Clark preach at good sermon. A pleasant day.Friday, 25. |
November, Saturday, 26. 1864.Sunday, 27.Monday, 28.Some bad weather last week but not much. Have not much success in the extra meeting yet. |
November, Tuesday, 29. 1864.Wednesday, 30.December, Thursday, 1. |
December, Friday, 2. 1864.Saturday, 3.Quite pleasant weather for the greater part of the past week. A little foggy today.Sunday, 4.A little cool & pleasant. Went to church here in the morn, then to Jane's Chapel to a love feast and Quarterly meeting at two o'clock PM. A large turn out. A good time. In the eve church at Vienna was full. Bro. Bryce B.E. preached, a good sermon. |
December, Monday, 5. 1864.Tuesday, 6.Wednesday 7. |
December, Thursday, 8. 1864.Friday, 9.Quite cold today.Saturday, 10.Quite pleasant the past week. Last night it snowed quite heavy. Snow 6 inches deep. Fell quite even. |
December, Sunday, 11. 1864.Quite moderate today, a little foggy.Monday, 12.Clear and cold today.Tuesday, 13.Cold today. |
December, Wednesday, 14. 1864.A little more moderate today, pleasant.Thursday, 15.Friday, 16. |
December, Saturday, 17. 1864.Quarter closed yesterday, but I shall keep one week more before I have a vacation.Sunday, 18.Monday, 19. |
December, Tuesday, 20. 1864.Wednesday, 21.Thursday, 22. |
December, Friday, 23. 1864.A pleasant day. Treated my scholars today. Take a vacation next week.Saturday, 24.Went to Belvidere today. Got a ride from Townsbury. Sleighing good. Staid all night at Bro. Dickinson's.Sunday, 25.Another pleasant day. Attended church morning and evening. S. School in the afternoon. Staid all night at Mrs. Lawrence's. |
December, Monday, 26. 1864.A little rainy and foggy today. Went to Phillipsburg. In the eve attend the M.E. Fair & Festival at Easton. Staid all night at J.C. Bennel's Hotel.Tuesday, 27.Still foggy and damp. Attended the fair this eve. Staid at Bennet's.Wednesday, 28.Returned to Belvidere today. Still foggy and damp. |
December, Thursday, 29. 1864.Moderate and foggy.Friday, 30.Quite cool today. Returned to Vienna.Saturday, 31.Stormy today. |
MemorandaTook board at W.B. Brokaws Wednesday Aug. 3rd. Aug. 3 dinner & lodging Aug. 4 breakfast-sup. & lodg. Aug. 5 breakfast & sup. & " Aug. 6 breakfast & dinner & " Aug. 7 " " " Aug. 8 " " " |
MemorandaClothing drawn from the U.S. Government since June 1863
May 29th
Jan. 11.
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