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Civil War Diaries of
Dr. Eugene A. Goodwin

1861  |  1862  |  1863  |  1864

The year 1863 finds Eugene Goodwin camped at or near Norfolk, Virginia. During the year he moves North to the Richmond area and ends the year in Newbern, North Carolina. He is involved in more action this year.

Cover of 1863 Diary

Front page

Thursday, January 1, 1863

Pleasant. Matters as usual. In looking back the past year, I think I have got along well considering the poor society that I have been obliged to be in. On guard last night, watched the old year out and the new one in.

Saturday, January 2

Got a pass and went to Lieut. Ryan's camp five miles toward Suffolk. Staid all night. Had a pleasant time.

Monday, January 5

On guard at the R.R. Bridge, had a pleasant time & conversation.

Monday, January 12

Nothing of any account has occurred the past few days. At 5 AM Co. A, B & T started on a scout to Suffolk by way of Lake Drummond, Col. in command. Had mules to tow us in a lighter ten miles to the feeder, then poled the boat up the the feeder in the lake. Could not get out of the lake to Suffolk, so had to come back the same way we went.

Tuesday, January 13

Last night got on a bog, could not get in the lake yesterday, so turned back a little way and biovacked on each side of the lock.

Tuesday, January 13, 1863

Dug land only about 50x100 feet around the lock. Passed the night comfortably, although there was a white frost. Was on the lake today. Nothing remarkable about it, only one shanty on its shore.

Wednesday 14

Got back to camp at nine o'clock. Had a pleasant excursion. There used to be a hotel on the shore, but the mosquitoes were too thick. It has since been burnt.

Thursday 15

Rainy toward night.

Friday, January 16, 1863

Rainy day, cold in the eve. On guard.

Saturday 17

Pleasant but cold. Very cold last night.

Sunday 18


Monday, January 19, 1863.

Pleasant. We are expecting a cavalry raid. So we turn out in the night frequently so as to be ready for them.

Tuesday 20

Rainy & windy. On home guard.

Wednesday 21

Very rainy & windy last night. Pleasant today.

Wednesday, January 28, 1863.

Rainy. On guard. Quite a disagreeable time.

Thursday 29

A little snow last night. Pleasant today.

Friday 30


Saturday, January 31, 1863.

A fine day. Heard cannon at Suffolk. The paymaster has come at last.

Sunday, February 1

Another fine day. On guard. Got paid today.

Monday 2

A pleasant day. Was collecting a few small debts and lost $8.00.

Tuesday, February 3, 1863.

A very cold & severe N.E. snow storm all the forenoon. The hardest that I have seen in Virginia.

Wednesday 4

Clear & cold. On guard. A little more moderate toward night. On guard today over the prisoners.

Thursday 5

Rain most all day.

Friday, February 6, 1863.

Fair & warm.

Saturday 7

Pleasant day, nothing unusual happened.

Sunday 8

A very pleasant day. On home guard.

Monday, February 9, 1863.

Warm & pleasant. Went to Suffolk.

Tuesday 10

A lovely day. Enjoyed myself well with my friends.

Wednesday 11

Another fine day, a little foggy. Returned to camp today.

Thursday, February 12. 1863.

A little rainy.

Friday 13

Fair & cool, on picket guard. Countersign Mohawk.

Saturday 14

A very pleasant day. The Inspector General was in camp to condemn useless articles.

Sunday, February 15, 1863.

Quite rainy today. Took dinner with a citizen. Had a street inspection.

Monday 16

Cloudy, no rain. On camp guard. Countersign Fort Donnelson.

Tuesday 17

Quite rainy. A box of tobacco came to me from New York.

Wednesday, February 18, 1863.

A very rainy day. Nothing unusual occurred.

Thursday 19

Cloudy but no rain. On home guard.

Friday 20

Pleasant day, matters as usual.

Saturday, February 21, 1863.

Pleasant till toward night.

Sunday 22

Quite rainy all day, a little snow last night.

Monday 23

Cloudy & quite cool. On camp guard.

Tuesday, February 24, 1863.

Got a pass and went to Norfolk. A fine day. Went to the theater in the eve. Did not like it much.

Wednesday 25

A very lovely day, warm like spring. Staid with Mr. Potter last night. Went to Tanners Creek to see Mr. Williard, he is to go North in a few days with his family.

Thursday 26

Some rain, quite warm. Came back to camp today. Did not enjoy myself very well at Norfolk.

Friday, February 27, 1863.

A very little rain during the day. On picket guard. Two Bridges. Had a very pleasant time.

Saturday 28

Quite rainy today. Mustered in again for another two months pay. Did not get relieved from guard till noon.

Sunday, March 1

Very rainy all day. Wrote several letters.

Monday, March 2, 1863.

Tolerable pleasant today. A little cloudy.

Tuesday 3

Very pleasant, on picket guard. Left Bank canal. An easy time during the day.

Wednesday 4

Very cold today. Did not feel well today.

Thursday, March 5, 1863.

Clear and very cold.

Friday 6

Clear and moderating. Detailed for Provost Guard.

Saturday 7

A little rain. Warm. On guard. Countersign Fair Oaks. Had three posts at the village. Had no one to relieve me but got along well.

Sunday, March 8, 1863

Very pleasant. Everything as usual.

Monday 9

A very pleasant day. Got orders to get ready to move. Towards night the 177th PA came to relieve us. Our negro minstrel band performed tonight for the first time. They did swell. At daylight turned out and got breakfast. Started about 6 o'clock for Suffolk, took the cars [train]. Got there at 9 o'clock.

Wednesday, March 11, 1863.

It rained hard yesterday and last night and cold too. Staid last night with Doc Angle, 11th PA Cav. Today a little more pleasant, but quite cool.

Thursday 12

Pleasant but windy and cool. Got our tent fixed up in style.

Friday 13

Fair but quite cool. On picket guard; at a new fort, Corcoran. All quiet.

Saturday, March 14, 1863.

Tolerable pleasant but quite cool. Very cold last night. One of 11th PA Cav. while on a scout got shot today.

Sunday 15

Cloudy & cool. Had inspection. Was told off for color guard. Went to the camp of the 11th PA Cav.

Monday 16

Cloudy & cool. Nothing unusual.

Tuesday, March 17, 1863.

Tolerable pleasant but fair & warm. The 11th PA Cav. & battery went the Blackwater. Lost about 40 men and accomplished nothing.

Wednesday 18

On guard at camp. Countersign Kristen. A little rain before morning. Quite cool.

Thursday 19

Quite cold, began to hail & snow and continued all day.

Friday, March 20, 1863.

Snowed all day today. Quite cold. Nothing unusual happened.

Saturday 21

Cloudy & a little rainy today. Very disagreeable weather.

Sunday 22

Quite pleasant & warm. Snow melting & very sloppy & muddy. Went to the camp of the 11th PA Cav. To church in the afternoon.

Monday, March 23, 1863.

Very warm & pleasant today. On guard with 6 men at the Head Quarters of Brig. Gen. Terry. Had a good time.

Tuesday 24

Another fine warm day. Matters as usual.

Wednesday 25

A fine day. Matters as usual. The reg't. practiced firing with blank cartridges. Done tolerable well.

Thursday, March 26, 1863.

A very fine day. Went to the 11th PA. Cavalry.

Friday 27

A fine day.

Saturday 28

Tolerable pleasant. Heavy shower toward night.

Sunday, March 29, 1863.

A pleasant day, but quite cold. On picket guard. Countersign Corinth.

Monday 30

Quite pleasant but rain in the eve. Cold.

Tuesday 31

A rainy day. Got 4 month's pay.

Wednesday, April 1, 1863.

Pleasant but very cold.

Thursday 2

Cold but pleasant. Most all the men went to the village but came home sober as no whisky could be had.

Friday 3

A fine day, windy but quite warm. Went to town and to 11th PA. Cavalry.

Saturday, April 4, 1863.

Sent $5.25 to H.C. Davis, Two to Belvidere yesterday. Sent $15.00 to CF. Clark. $10.00 to my sister today. Cool & cloudy. Snowy in the eve. On guard. A bad time of it.

Sunday 5

Quite cool today. The snow fell to the depth of about 3 inches. Expected an attack last night.

Monday 6

Cool, snow about all gone.

Tuesday, April 7, 1863.

Pleasant but quite cool. Some talk about leaving.

Wednesday 8

Pleasant. Was woked up last night; in order to pack up to leave camp. Got ready then went to sleep.

Thursday 9

On picket. Took knapsack; quite a pleasant time.

Friday, April 10, 1863.

We were to leave the morn; but the order was countermanded as the enemy were reported near. We were all fell in, and stacked our arms on the parade ground.

Saturday 11

A fine day; at about six PM the long roll was beat, we fell in and occupied the rifle pits in the front of our camp. The enemy seen were two or three miles off.

Sunday 12

A fine day, in the pit all night. Was detailed for color guard yesterday. Still in the pit. A shower in the eve.

Monday, April 13, 1863.

Cool & cloudy. Toward night, one of the 130th NY who was near me was shot by a "search" sharp shooter. They are opposite to us in pits and holes.

Tuesday 14

Cool & pleasant. Heavy firing from our gunboats through the night; a company of our S. Shooters went across the creek on a skirmish. Three got wounded; one mortally it is thought. We don't know as any of the rebs were killed or not. We still stop in the pits.

Wednesday 15

Rather rainy and very disagreeable in the entrenchments.

Thursday, April 16, 1863.

A pleasant day. Nothing unusual occurred.

Friday 17

A fine day. Two of our companies & 6 of the 130 NY Y. went across the creek on a skirmish. They were out about two hours. The rebels were in rifle pits on the side of a hill. We could not dislodge them. We had three wounded and one killed. I think a few secesh were killed.

Saturday 18

A very pleasant day. Was to town and to the 11th PA Cavalry. The enemy's bullets fall quite thick in our camp. One man of Co. G got wounded in the leg while in camp.

Sunday, April 19, 1863.

A fine day. Was taken sick yesterday with a billious attack. A man of F. company was wounded in the calf of the leg while standing in his pit. 150 men & a piece of heavy artillery captured this eve.

Monday 20

A little cloudy. A man had a bullet passed through his neck, it went in at his mouth, he was just looking out of the rifle pit.

Tuesday 21

Feel quite unwell today. Matters are as usual. Bullets still fly about camp.

Wednesday, April 22, 1863.

Still a little firing with rifles & cannon. Rainy.

Thursday 23

Still rainy. Re-enforcements continue to arrive.

Friday 24

Bad weather. Pleasant toward night.

Saturday, April 25, 1863.

Quite pleasant today.

Sunday 26

Still very pleasant.

Monday 27

A very lovely day. Rec'd a box from Benj. Loder NY City containing 1 watch, tobacco, cigars & paper.

Tuesday, April 28, 1863.

Matters as usual. Quite rainy.

Wednesday 29

Damp and rainy. Nothing new. Pleasant in the afternoon. Rain at night.

Thursday 30

Rainy and disagreeable. Mustered in today for two months more pay.

Friday, May 1, 1863

A very pleasant day. Our reg't went out on a skirmish. We lost about 60 men wounded & killed. the enemy was more strongly posted than ever. Our artillery played smartly. I think they did some excution.

Saturday 2

A very pleasant day. Some bullets a flying. No one hurt today. Some of the wounded died today.

Sunday 3

A fine day. On our front the enemy is quiet. A large force (Federal) crossed the Nansernond (Petersburg road) and are fighting.

Monday, May 4, 1863.

Fine day. Several deserters have come in. The rebels have left. Our reg't was ordered out first as usual. We went about two miles & sent out scouting parties. Deserters continue to come in.

Tuesday 5

A fine day. Attended funeral of Chas. Fish shot in a skirmish on the 17th ult. His body was left and buried by the rebels with a notice on the head board.

Wednesday 6

Rain last night, a heavy mist all day. Attended funeral of Color Serg't Daniel Dix.

Thursday, May 7, 1863.

Cloudy & somewhat cold & rainy. Still on the same ground. Matters as usual.

Friday 8

Still cold & rainy. Staid with Mr. Potter in the hospital part of today.

Saturday 9

Cloudy & rainy. Nothing new.

Sunday, May 10, 1863.

Very fine today. Warm and nice. In the hospital attending to Potter.

Monday 11

A very warm day. Moved camp today, near the 11th PA Cav'y. Took logs and all. Felt very unwell. Staid in the camp of 11th PA Cavalry.

Tuesday 12

A fine day. Nothing unusual. Had a sort of a chill & fever. Felt very bad indeed.

Wednesday, May 13, 1863.

Another fine day, but I feel very unwell. Expect to move again.

May 14

Moved again today. Felt very sick, took physic. After we got to out camp ground (a short distance), felt so unwell and as it began to rain, I went to the hospital.

May 15

A fine day. Staid at the hospital last night. Was ordered to join the company; but was unable to go out with them. The 19th Wis. went along.

Saturday, May 16, 1863.

Warm & nice today. Feel a little better. Expect to have a chill tomorrow.

Sunday 17

A lovely day, only quite warm. Still feel quite unwell. Nothing unusual occurred.

Monday 18

A pleasant day. Matters as usual.

Tuesday, May 19, 1863.

Still very pleasant. Nothing new.

Wednesday 20

Fair weather. Matters and affairs as usual.

Thursday 21

A very warm day. Went over to 11th PA Cavalry. Saw some released prisoners who had been at Richmond.

Friday, May 22, 1863.

A very warm day. Felt a little better. Nothing new.

Saturday 23

Still very warm. Took the cars and went out to Windsor near the Blackwater to join the reg't.

Sunday 24

A slight skirmish on the front. Still very warm and dusty. The forces fell back about six miles toward Suffolk. The rebels did not trouble us.

Monday, May 25, 1863.

A little cloudy today. A slight rain, not much. Everything quiet. Got along quite well.

Tuesday 26

About noon began to fall back to within 4 miles of Suffolk. Made ourselves comfortable about dark, but at ten o'clock started for Suffolk.

Wednesday 27

At daylight started out again. To a place 4 miles from Suffolk in the forks of the R Roads. [X on map]

Thursday, May 28, 1863.

About noon started again for camp and got paid in the evening. A warm day and awful dusty. A rumor afloat about our going away.

Friday 29

A fine day. Sent $20.00 to my sister. Had a letter from her. She wrote me that my brother Edwin, at the battle of Fredericksburg was taken prisoner May 3 paroled May 15.

Saturday 30

A fine day. Nothing new.

Sunday, May 31. 1863.

A fine day. After inspection went to the camp of 11th PA Cav. to the dedication of their chapel, had a good time.

Monday, June 1

A pleasant day. Quite warm.

Tuesday 2

A little rainy.

Wednesday, June 3, 1863.

A little cloudy & rainy. Nothing unusual. Quite unwell.

Thursday 4

Warm & pleasant.

Friday 5

Weather pleasant. A Brigade drill this afternoon.

Saturday, June 6, 1863.

A fine day. No drill.

Sunday 7

A nice cool and lovely day. A heavy thunder shower last night. The first rain of any amount for 3 weeks. Went to 11th PA. Cav. to church.

Monday 8

A pleasant day, matters as usual.

Tuesday, June 9, 1863.

Still quite warm and pleasant.

Wednesday 10

Pleasant as usual.

Thursday 11

Warm & windy, had orders to get ready 3 days rations, to be in light marching order. But the order was countermanded.

Friday, June 12, 1863.

Quite pleasant, a light shower. At ten o'clock started for South Quay 3 mi. on the Blackwater. We were the rear guard. Stopped all night at Holland Corner, the advance went on and commanded the forts on the other side but got no response. This afternoon went to Carrsville 6 mi. About 10000 troops were with us.

Sunday 14

Cloudy and pleasant. Went to Franklin 6 mi., made a demonstration but got no reply. Then went to Sander's corner 7 miles.

Monday, June 15, 1863.

Went to Blackwater bridge 6 mi. made a demonstration, no reply. Back to Sanders Corner and then to Carrsville 4 mi. Got there at 3 o'clock.

Tuesday 16

This morning went to Franklin again. Took possession of the defense on our side of the river a few rifle shots exchanged. We lost a captain and two men wounded. Staid here all night.

Wednesday 17

This morn. our reg't. and the 118 NY got orders for Suffolk. The Brigade was under marching orders. Got there at 8 o'clock

Thursday, June 18, 1863.

At ten o'clock took cars for Norfolk, then steamboat for Yorktown.

Friday 19

Got here at Yorktown sometime in the night. Landed this morning, had rain today.

Saturday 20

A little cloudy. Had a general inspection.

Sunday, June 21, 1863.

Monday 22

Tuesday 23

Wednesday, June 24, 1863.

Thursday 25

Been in the same camp since we came to Yorktown. Have been expecting to move every day. Had a few showers.

Friday 26

A little rainy today. Got up at Reville 2 1/2 mi. Started for White House on a steamer, all the troops at Yorktown also went the same way. [White House is North of West Point and North East of Richmond]

Saturday, June 27, 1863.

Cloudy. Col. Shear of 11th cav. returned from near Richmond captured Reg. Gen. Wm. Lee, 1 surgeon, 1 Lt. Col., 5 other commissioned officers, 75 men, 80 loaded wagons, about 300 mules.

Sunday 28

A little rainy. I believe that there is nothing new.

Monday 29

It still continues to be a little rainy. Matters quiet as usual. We now belong to Brig. Gen. Getty's division. Col. Wardrop act. Brig. Gen. of the brigade.

Tuesday, June 30, 1863.

A little rainy, by spells all day. Mustered in for another two months pay. About dark we crossed the Pamunkey on our way to Hanover Junction. Only went two miles that night.

Wednesday, July 1

Pleasant only very warm. A good many men of other reg'ts fell out. Gen. Getty's division went. About 10000 strong. Camped at King Wm. Courthouse.

Thursday 2

Reville at two o'clock but did not get started till 7 o'clock. Camped at Brandywine about 15 miles.

Friday, July 3, 1863.

A very warm day. Started at 4 o'clock. Took about 3 hours rest at noon. Then we found an ice house; I got some. A fine rolling country. Well cultivated. Many very large fields of wheat were passed, camped at 11 o'clock on Taylors plantation. He has many thousands of acres. Early this morn. started for Hanover Junction about 15 miles, arriving at the R Road at about dark. Soon the rebs opened upon us with shell; from a fort about 1000 yds. off. One of our companies and 3 of the 118th of NY. skirmished close to the fort, took 11 prisoners.

Saturday 4

Quite warm. Expected to open the engagement this morn, but got orders to return to Whitehouse immediately, so at 2 o'clock started for Taylors and staid all night. Quite pleasant till noon, when it rained very heavily till night. We marched through it, 9 miles in 2 hrs & 40 min. Camp tonight at King Williams Ct. House.
Monday, July 6, 1863. Tuesday 7 Very pleasant today. Got to the White house at noon. Quite tired having marched 110 miles. At 8 o'clock took up our line of march for Yorktown. It rained very hard most all day, made the roads awful bad. We made about 15 miles.

Thursday, July 9, 1863.

Started about daylight this morning and got withing 2 1/2 ms. of Williamsburg. No rain, quite warm Wmsburg has only one long street about 1 mile long. Got to camp at 8 o'clock, same as night before.

Friday 10

Very warm today. Started at Six o'clock. Got to Yorktown at 4 o'clock. We have now marched 160 miles in 10 successive days.

Saturday 11

Quite a pleasant day. Rather warm. Went and got a lot of nice blackberries. They are very thick around here.
Sunday, July 12, 1863. Quite pleasant, only we had a shower. Monday 13 Pleasant, but had a shower. Tuesday 14

Wednesday, July 15, 1863.

Thursday 16

Friday 17

Saturday, July 18, 1863.

Sunday 19

Since last Tuesday the weather has been quite warm, but have had a shower every day. Reviewed today by Gen. Foster.

Monday 20

Quite pleasant today. Rain at night. Moved inside the fort.

Tuesday, July 21, 1863.

Wednesday 22

Thursday 23

Friday, July 24, 1863.

Saturday 25

Sunday 26

Monday, July 27, 1863.

Quite pleasant, a cool breeze. Pleasant weather since last Monday, had several showers during the past week. Nothing unusual has occurred.

Tuesday 28

Wednesday 29

Thursday, July 30, 1863.

Friday 31

Saturday, August 1

Sunday, August 2, 1863.

Monday 3

Had a shower every day for the past week. Weather very hot. A good deal of sickness among the men of the Garrison.

Tuesday 4

Wednesday, August 5, 1863.

Thursday 6

Friday 7

Monday, August 8, 1863.

Tuesday 9

Very warm during the past week. Rain most every day.

Monday 10

Tuesday, August 11, 1863.

Wednesday 12

Thursday 13

Friday, August 14, 1863.

Saturday 15

Sunday 16

Very warm today. Rains most every day during the last week. Moved to Gloucester Point today.

Monday, August 17, 1863.

Very warm during the past week. My health quite poor. Still a great many men sick.

Tuesday 18

Wednesday 19

Thursday, August 20, 1863.

Friday 21

Saturday 22

Sunday, August 23, 1863.

Monday 24

Still very hot the past week. My health does not improve. A slight shower during the week.

Tuesday 25

Wednesday, August 26, 1863.

Thursday 27

Friday 28

Monday, August 29, 1863.

Sunday 30

Monday 31

Quite cool the past week, one or two shower. Had several deaths during the past week.

Tuesday, September 1, 1863.

Mustered in yesterday for two months more pay. Quite cool the past week.

Wednesday 2

Thursday 3

Friday, September 4, 1863.

Saturday 5

Sunday 6

Monday, September 7, 1863.

Still quite cool. We still have a death most every day. Only 21 men for duty in the reg't. No news.

Tuesday 8

Wednesday 9

Went to Camp Hamilton today to visit my friends in the Hampton Hospitals.

Thursday, September 10, 1863.

Friday 11

Saturday 12

Returned to camp today, had a pleasant time.

Sunday, September 13, 1863.

Monday 14

Quite pleasant the past week. Only about 20 men in the reg't for duty. Still have many deaths.

Tuesday 15

Wednesday, September 16, 1863.

Saw the new moon this eve. It pointed down. Some say it is a sign of wet weather, some say dry. I will try to observe hereafter how it does run.

Thursday 17

Friday 18

Saturday, September 19, 1863.

Sunday 20

Monday 21

Tuesday, September 22, 1863.

Wednesday 23

On picket yesterday and today. Had a pleasant time.

Thursday 24

Got 4 months pay today.

Friday, September 25, 1863.

Saturday 26

Sunday 27

Monday, September 28, 1863.

Tuesday 29

On guard yesterday and today again. Pleasant. Everything goes on as usual.

Wednesday 30

Thursday, October 1, 1863.

Friday 2

Today I was detailed to take charge of Slab Richmond. The 118th Reg't went to Norfolk.

Saturday 3

Sunday, October 4, 1863.

Monday 5

Tuesday 6

Wednesday, October 7, 1863.

Thursday 8

Friday 9

Saturday, October 10, 1863.

Sunday 11

Monday 12

Had quite a pleasant time last week. A plenty to do.

Tuesday, October 13, 1863.

Wednesday 14

Thursday 15

Friday, October 16, 1863.

Saturday 17

Sunday 18

Monday, October 19, 1863.

Had quite pleasant weather, a little rain. Expected to leave last Monday. So I was relieved of the charge of Slab Richmond. We still remain at Gloucester Point. The new moon points down. The last month was quite dry.

Tuesday 20

Wednesday 21

Thursday, October 22, 1863.

Friday 23

At 8 o'clock began to go on board the propeller John Rice.

Saturday 24

The 9th it also embarked with us, took us all night to get all our goods on board. Left Yorktown at 8 AM. Got to Fort Monroe at 11 AM.

Sunday, October 25, 1863.

It was so stormy did not leave Fort Monroe till this morning at about 7 AM. The wind quite heavy from NE, sea quite rough, was a little seasick. Had a very disagreeable voyage.

Monday 26

Arrived at Morehead City NC at about 9 AM. Got our goods on the cars and started for Newbern [North Carolina] at about 3 PM, arrived there at about 5 PM. Went into tolerable comfortable barracks.

Tuesday 27

Quite a pleasant day. This eve. our company & D got orders to pack up to go ten miles in the country.

Wednesday, October, 28, 1863.

About three 1/2 o'clock took the cars and went about ten miles then marched 3 to a picket station called Red House. I had go on guard. Quite a cold night.

Thursday 29

Pleasant day. Got bunks made today in some outbuildings, what used to be negro quarters. They will be quite comfortable.

Friday 30

Still very pleasant, busy in fixing up and clearing the premises.

Saturday, October 31, 1863.

Sunday, November 1

Monday 2

Still have pleasant weather. Everything quiet. Seen nothing as yet.

Tuesday, November 3, 1863.

Wednesday 4

A lieutenant of the 12th NY cavalry was shot this afternoon by guerrillas, he was riding between two picket posts that were some ways apart.

Thursday 5

Friday, November 6, 1863.

Saturday 7

Sunday 8

Monday, November 9, 1863.

Still very pleasant. Everything continues quiet.

Thursday, November 12, 1863.

Friday 13

Saturday 14

Sunday, November 15, 1863.

A heavy rain last night till eleven o'clock. Was on picket guard.

Monday 16

Very pleasant today and last week, excepting Saturday night. Went to Newbern today in the cars and drove back a mule & cart for the post. Came on the pine tree road and got to camp at dark.

Tuesday 17

Wednesday, November 18, 1863.

Thursday 19

Friday 20

Saturday, November 21, 1863.

Sunday 22

Monday 23

Quite mild and pleasant the past week. Quite a number of deserters came in. Nothing new.

Tuesday, November 24, 1863.

Wednesday 25

Thursday 26

Friday, November 27, 1863.

Saturday 28

Sunday 29

Monday, November 30, 1863.

Quite pleasant last week, except on Saturday & Sunday when it rained very hard. Nothing unusual occurred. Got my box this eve. from my sister. Boots fit good.

Tuesday, December 1

Wednesday 2

Thursday, December 3, 1863.

Friday 4

Saturday 5

Sunday, December 6, 1863.

Monday 7

Nothing new during the past week. Have been helping build a shanty.

Tuesday 8

Monday, December 9, 1863.

Tuesday 10

Wednesday 11

Saturday, December 12, 1863.

Sunday 13

Monday 14

Last Saturday got up some butter, cheese & c. to accommodate the men. A little rain last week.

Tuesday, December 15, 1863.

Wednesday 16

Thursday 17

Rain last night.

Friday, December 18, 1863.

Heavy rain last night.

Saturday 19

Sunday 20

A pleasant day.

Monday, December 21, 1863.

Tuesday 22

Wednesday 23

Thursday, December 24, 1863.

Friday 25

A lovely Christmas day. But did not enjoy myself much. Had dinner with a citizen, one who has been in a rebel prison.

Saturday 26

Sunday, December 27, 1863.

Matters as usual the past week. Had several cold days.

Monday 28

20 men including myself & 30 men of the 132 NY Vols, 2 companies of the 12 NY cav. with 2 howitzers went on a scout to Trenton on the Trent river. Distance about 20 miles. The infantry rode out in wagons and crossed the river in a small boat. Saw no rebels force. Brought in 4 families.

Tuesday 29

Wednesday, December 30, 1863.

Got back to camp before dark.

Thursday 31

A rainy day, but very mild. Mustered in for another two months pay. The past year has slipped away very fast and I am truly thankful to God for sparing my unworthy life. I am truly sorry to say that my Christian life has not been what it ought to have been. I have not guarded my actions & words as I ought to have. I trust that God for Christ's sake will pardon me. For a while back I have been trying to mend my course and be somewhat as a Christian ought to be. I trust that Jesus will assist me. I mean to live a better life in future. May God help me. Amen.
Clothing drawn from the US goverment since June 1862 1 knapsack 1 blouse 2.63 1 pair shoes 1.94 2 pr draws 1.00 2 pr. shirts 1.76 1 blanket 2.25 1 cap .63 1 pr. pants 3.03 4 pr. socks 1.04 1 shirt .88 2 pr. draws 1.00 2 pr. shoes 3.88 1 blanket 3.60 1 overcoat 9.50 1 pr. draws .95 2 shirts 3.94 1 pr. shoes 2.05 1 pr. pants 4.00 1 blouse 3.00 1 Haversack 1 canteen 1 cap
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