Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Jasper County, Iowa

1878 History of Jasper County

Fairview Township Biographies

A - M  |  N - W

NANDIN, R. N.; Plasterer; Monroe.

NEFF, C. C.; Laborer; P. O. Monroe.

NEFF, G. H.; Farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Monroe.

NIECE, G.; Renter; P. O. Monroe.

NELSON, H. G.; Nursery; Monroe.

NICHOLS, John I.; Prop'r of Union House; Monroe.

NIMME, D.; Farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Monroe.

NOBLE, H. A.; Capitalist; Monroe.

NOLIN, G.; Farmer; Sec. 26; P. O. Monroe.

NORRIS, G.; Teamster; Monroe.

NORRIS, T.; Carpenter; Monroe.

O'BRIEN, J.; Laborer; Monroe.

OGG, Eli; Farmer; P. O. Fairmount.

OGG, Jacob; Farmer; Sec. 3; P. O. Fairmount.

OGG, M.; Student; Monroe.

OLDHAM, James A.; Farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Monroe.

OLDHAM, Silas F.; Farmer; Sec. 15; P. O. Monroe.

ORTON, M. S.; Farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Fairmount.

OWENS, C.; Miner; P. O. Monroe.

OWENS, W. W.; Miner; P. O. Monroe.

PACE, J. M.; Farmer; Sec. 32; P. O. Monroe.

PALMER, Geo.; Farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Monroe.

PARKS, P. I.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

PATCH, A.; Jeweler; Monroe.

PECK, M.; Retired Farmer; Monroe.

PELL, P. P.; Farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Fairmount.

PENDER, Jas. F.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

PENDER, John; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

PENDROY, Eli; Farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Monroe.

PENDROY, John; Farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Monroe.

PERKINS, Sam.; Barber; Monroe.

PERRIN, C.; Carpenter; Monroe.

PERRIN, H. A.; Laborer; Monroe.

PERRY, S.; Farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Monroe.

PORT, Alex.; Telegraph operator; Monroe.

PORTER, A. J.; Farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Monroe.

PUTNAM, Robt.; Farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Monroe.

RALSTON, James; Farmer; Sec. 15; P. O. Monroe.

RATER, Daniel; Farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Monroe.

RATER, Geo. A.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

RATER, John P.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

RATER, Sarah A.; Farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Monroe.

REYNOLDS, S.; Clerk; Monroe.

RHOADS, J.; Farmer; Sec. 3; P. O. Monroe.

RIGONLOT, Fred; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

RIGONLOT, Geo.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

RIGONLOT, J.; Farmer; Sec. 27; P. O. Monroe.

RINEHART, Jehu; Farmer; Sec. 7; P. O. Monroe.

RINEHART, J.; Farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Monroe.

RITTER, H.; Farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Monroe.

ROACH, R. N.; Carpenter.

ROBERTS, E.; Butcher; Monroe.

ROBERTS, J.; Farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Monroe.

ROBINSON, C.; Ret. Farmer; Monroe.

RODGERS, T.; Coal digger; P. O. Monroe.

ROHRBACK, A.; Clothier; Monroe.

ROMANS, Js.; Farmer; Sec. 25; P. O. Monroe.

Retired Farmer; Monroe; one of the early settlers of this county; was a native of Warren Co., Ky.; he was born in 1816. In 1837, he went to Illinois, thence to Mahaska Co., this State, in 1846, where he remained until 1850, when he moved to this county. He has been married twice. His first wife was Miss M. J. MILLER; she was born in Kentucky in 1818, and died in this county in 1859. His present wife was Lucy M. FULLER; they were married in this county; she was born in New York. Mr. ROMANS owns a half section of land. Is Republican in politics. Has been a member of County Board of Supervisors two terms; Justice of the Peace and Township Trustee two or three terms. Had one son in the army, who served in the 5th I. V. I. three years, and was honorably discharged. Mr. ROMANS and wife are members of the M. E. church, in which he is one of the Trustees and class leaders.

REED, J.; Miller; Monroe.

RUSH, F.; Laborer; Monroe.

RUSH, J.; Farmer; Sec. 9; P. O. Fairmount.

RUSSELL, J. H.; Farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Monroe.

RUTTER, J. M.; Farmer; Monroe.

SALADA, J.; Plasterer; Monroe.

SALLADA, William Henry
Monroe; born in Lycoming Co., N. Y., July 12, 1846. In 1852, his parents moved to Mercer Co., to miles south of Greenville, in this place. When a boy, he assisted his father on the farm and attended district school. March 1, 1864, he enlisted in Co. B, 57th Penn. Vet. Vols.; in April 1864, he was detailed on the field staff as Orderly; he also carried the regimental mail; in the same month he was in the battle of the Wilderness, and also in the charge at Spottsylvania. In July, was in the battle of Petersburg. In August, his command advanced on the rebels and drove them within seven miles of Richmond; at this place Mr. SALLADA was wounded; he had been in the rear and was riding through the woods to the front, when suddenly a squad of rebels rose up, fired at him, and called on him to surrender. He wheeled about, and as he did so, one of the rebels again fired at him. The ball entered the lower margin of his left temple, between the eye and ear, and passed through his head, cut off the bridge of his nose, and came out through his right eye, causing the loss of both eyes. He was honorably discharged. Late in August 1865, immediately upon being mustered out of the service, he engaged in keeping a retail fruit and provision store, which business he continued in until 1870. He married Miss F. D. McGINISS in Crawford Co., Penn., Aug. 11, 1866; she was born in Clarion Co. They moved to this county in 1870; have three children - Grant L. A., Harry D. and Mary E. D. Though totally blind, Mr. SALLADA has invented a combination cupboard; it combines a cupboard for dishes, receptacles for flour, etc. closet for victuals; can be made to act as a refrigerator; it also has a sink for dishwashing; it is the most complete thing we ever saw. He has also invented a new and invaluable carpet-stretcher and fastener. Politically, Mr. SALLADA has been and is in full sympathy with the Republican party; in 1875, he was elected member of the City Council in this place; in every position he has filled he has been successful.

SALMON, H.; Drayman; Monroe.

Farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Monroe; born in Fayette Co., Penn., in 1822. In 1850, he removed with his parents to Knox Co., Ohio. Married Miss Emily JACKSON; she was born in Fairfield Co., Conn. They moved to this county in 1856; hv six children - Edgar S., Orrin L. (who married Miss Libbie ELROD), Clarence F., Viola Fidelia, Ella and Charles. Mr. SCARBROUGH owns 320 acres of land. In politics he is a Republican; himself and family are members of the M. E. Church.

SCARBROUGH, E.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

SCARBROUGH, F.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

SCARBROUGH, J.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

SCARBROUGH, S.; Farmer; Sec. 22; P. O. Monroe.

SCHACK, John; Wagon maker; Monroe.

SCHALK, C.; Farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Monroe.

SCHALK, J.; Farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Monroe.

SCHALK, J. B.; Farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Monroe.

SCHALK, L.; Farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Monroe.

SCHARF, Adam; Clerk; Monroe.

Merchant; Monroe.

SCHARP, Jas.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

SCHENCK, A.; Farmer; Sec. 27; P. O. Monroe.

SCHENCK & DIX, ; Prop.; Monroe City Mills.

SCHENCK, G.; Farmer; Sec. 23; P. O. Monroe.

SCHECK, John.; Laborer; Monroe.

President of the Monroe Bank and one of the firm SCHENCK & DIX, proprietors of the Monroe City Mills, Monroe. Born in Monmouth Co., N. J. in 1822, where he remained until he was 18 years of age. He then moved with his parents to Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1853. He then moved to this State, settled in Mahaska Co. and engaged in milling. He remained in Mahaska Co. until the Fall of 1863. He then moved to Marion Co.; engaged in milling at Red Rock; thence to Pella in 1857, where he engaged in milling. He moved to Monroe in 1868. He married Caroline HAYES in Westmoreland Co., Penn.; she was born in Allegheny Co., Penn. They have eleven children, five of whom are living - Sarah (now Mrs. Jas. IRVING), William D., Ada, Ida and Charley. Mr. SCHENCK, politically, is a Democrat. Since his residence in Monroe, he has always taken an active interest in its welfare, and is identified with her leading business enterprises.

Transcriber's note: The original book gives the date for moving to Pella as 1857. This is not a transcription error. It may have been a typographical error in the original book, however, as 1867 would have been made more sense chronologically.

SCHOOLEY, J. H.; Farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Fairmount.

SCOTT, Wm.; Laborer; Monroe.

SEALS, L. C.; Clerk; Monroe.

dealer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods; Monroe; born in Greene Co., Penn. in 1828. H married Miss Sarah J. STEWART, of the same place in 1848; she was born in 1828. They moved to Pittsburgh in 1862; thence to this place (Monroe) in 1867. They have four children - Mary E. (now Mrs. WESTGATE), Leroy C., Martha (now Mrs. William HERTZOG) and Fannie. During the war of the rebellion, Mr. SEALS enlisted in the 8th Penn. Reserve Corps; served about one year and was honorably discharged. In politics, he is Republican; himself and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. He is one of the charter members of the I. O. O. F. Lodge at this place. His clothing store is on the south side of the square; he is an old hand at the business, and keeps a large assortment. He can sell goods as cheap as they can anywhere in Central Iowa.

SEAY, Jesse; Farmer; Monroe.

SEAY, John F.; Farmer; Monroe.

SEAY, J. M.; Farmer; Sec. 25; P. O. Monroe.

Farmer; Sec. 20; P. Monroe; born in Washington Co., Va. in 1822; moved to this State in 1846; settled in Jefferson Co., remaining there three years, at the end of which time he moved to this county and settled on the farm he now resides on, thus becoming the first settler between Skunk River and Monroe. Previous to his leaving Virginia, he married Miss Mary OWENS. They were married March 1, 1846. They have seven children - Elizabeth, Jessie, John, Peter, James W., Mary Ellen, Beverly and Thomas. Mr. SEAY owns 220 acres of land. Politically, he is a Democrat; he has held various local offices.

SEAY, Warren; Farmer; Sec. 20; P. O. Monroe.

Sec. 32; P. O. Monroe; he was born in West Virginia in 1823; during early life he received a liberal education; was licensed Methodist Minister in his native State in 1845. In 1847, he went to Indiana, where he was ordained. He labored in a ministerial capacity in Indiana until 1851, in which year he came to this county, remaining until 1852. He then went to California, and followed his ministerial duties in that State until 1856, when he returned to this State. Since 1856, he has had pastoral charge of churches in various places in Jasper, Polk and Marion Counties in this State. Married Miss Clarissa WALLACE in California in 1853; she is a native of Pennsylvania. They have one daughter - Clara. Mr. SHAFER owns eighty acres of land. Politically he is a Republican, having acted with that party since its organization. During the war, he was appointed Deputy Collector of Revenue of Jasper and Marion Counties, which position he filled for three years. At present writing, he is a member of the Methodist Conference of Des Moines.

SHAFER, A. M.; Farmer; Sec. 32; P. O. Monroe.

SHANKLIN, R.; Farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Monroe.

SHULER, Daniel; Farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Monroe.

SHULER, Francis; Farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Monroe.

dealer in watches, clocks and jewelry; west side of public square, Monroe; was born in Sumner Co., Tenn. in 1831, where he remained till 1855, when he came to Marion Co., this State, remaining there until 1856; thence to this county, remaining until 1860. He then went to Texas and remained there until 1866, when he returned to this county and made it his home. He engaged in his present business in 1869. Mr. SHAW understands his business thoroughly; he keeps a first-class jewelry store, well stocked with almost all makes of clocks, watches, as well as all kinds of jewelry and silver plated ware; he also keeps the Singer Sewing Machine, and gives special attention to the repairing of watches, clocks and sewing machines. Married Miss S. M. Allen in Indiana in 1855. She was born in Sumner Co., Tenn. in 1836. They have two children living - Oliver G., and Fred W. Politically Mr. SHAW is a Republican. He has held the following offices: Member of City Council, six years; member of Board of School Trustees, four years, three of which time he was President of the Board; Mayor one term; at the present time he is W. M. in Fairview Lodge, A., F. & A. M., and is Captain of the Host in Gebel Chapter of R. A. M., U. D.

SHAW, N. M.; Farmer; Monroe.

Farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Monroe; born in Allegheny Co., Penn. in 1809, where he married Miss ROBERTSON; she was born in Halifax. They moved to this county in 1866, and settled on their present farm. They have six children - William H., he married Sarah McKNIGHT; Mary Eleanor, born Dec. 11, 1840, died Feb. 9, 1859; Matthew, born in 1842. At the breaking out of the rebellion, he enlisted in Co. B, 61st Penn. V. I.; he as killed in the battle of the Wilderness in May 1864; his remains were buried in a soldier's grave; he fell in defense of glorious cause, a martyr to liberty; Margaret Jane (now Mrs. S. DAVIDSON); Samuel W. and Martha Ann. Mr. SHAW owns 185 acres of land. Himself and wife are members of the U. P. Church, in which Mr. SHAW has been Elder over twenty-five years. He is a Republican in politics.

SHAW, W. D.; M. D.; Monroe.

SHAW, W. O.; Teamster; Monroe.

SHNEY, B. L.; Coal miner; P. O. Monroe.

Farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Monroe; born in Westmoreland Co., Penn. in 1814. In 1822, he moved with his parents to Wayne Co., Ohio, where he married Miss Margaret SNYDER. She was born in Pennsylvania. They moved to this county in 1851, and moved to their present farm in 1852. Their children are Mary J. (she married Isaac WILLIS); Susanna (she married Moses FOSTER), John (he married Jane KINDRED), Thomas, George, Ellen and James. Mr. SHEELER is a Democrat. He owns 190 acres of land, which is well improved. He has been very successful in life, and what he has got, he earned by his own unaided exertions and good management.

Farmer and stock raiser, Glen Farm; Sec. 31; P. O. Monroe.

Born in Kentucky in 1835; came to this county in 1876. Married Mrs. Loretta LONG; she was born in Ohio. He is principally engaged in raising thorough- bred stock. He has one of the best stock farms in the State, as well as the finest herd of short horn cattle, and the best thorough-bred Clydesdale and Cleveland bred horses, Poland-China and Berkshire hogs, Cotswold and other fine breeds of sheep. Persons desiring thorough-bred horses, cattle, sheep and hogs, would do well to write him for a catalogue, or call on him at his home, "Glen Farm," six miles north of Monroe, and seven miles south of Newton.

SILLMAN, A.; Farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Monroe.

SIMPSON Bros.; Proprietors livery stable.

SIMPSON, D. A.; Farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Monroe.

SIMPSON, Geo.; Farmer; Sec. 26; P. O. Monroe.

SIMPSON, Sam.; Farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Monroe.

SIMPSON, W. V.; Farmer; Sec. 3; P. O. Monroe.

SLUSSER, F. M.; Ret. Methodist min.; Monroe.

SMITH, Mike; Laborer; P. O. Monroe.

SMITH, R. H.; Farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Monroe.

SMOUSE, D. W., M. D.
Physician and surgeon; Monroe. Dr. SMOUSE is a native of Alleghany Co., Md.; he received a medical education at the Maryland Medical University, of which University he is a graduate; was on medical staff of the University Hospital several years. Came to Monroe in May 1876, and has successfully continued in the practice of his profession. He is intensely laborious in his profession; this quality coupled with excellent judgment and a thorough mastery of his profession has given him a leading practice, and cannot fail to achieve for him a high distinction in the profession. He is a gentleman of culture and pleasing address.

SPEER, Samuel; Farmer; Sec. 31; P. O. Monroe.

SQUIRES, P. J.; Mechanic; P. O. Monroe.

STEMM, Chas.; Farmer; Sec. 14; P. O. Monroe.

STEMM, Franc; Farmer; Sec. 2; P. O. Monroe.

STEM, Chas.; Farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Monroe.

STERRATT, John; Laborer; Monroe.

STIMS, Jas. H.; Farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Monroe.

(Henry C. STOTTS and W. E. SNYDER), Proprietors of harness shop, north side of square; Monroe; they are selling harnesses as cheap as the cheapest; they do all repairs to reasonable prices; the have put the price of harness down to bottom prices. They make it a point to get the very best material in the market, out of which to have their harness made. They warrant perfect satisfaction in their line; they keep a full stock of harness, collars, bridles, whips, etc., constantly on hand, which they will sell at as low a figure as any firm in Central Iowa. Call and see them when you want anything in the harness line.

STOTTS, William T.
Lumber merchant; Monroe; as born in Darke Co., Ohio in 1829; when he was 1 year of age, his parents moved to Sangamon Co., Illinois, where they remained until 1840. They then moved to Lee Co., this State, thus becoming one of the pioneer families of Iowa. Our subject remained in Lee Co. until 1873, in which year he came to Monroe. He has been married twice. His first wife was Miss I. SPRINGER; four children by this marriage - Mary (who married H. C. SNYDER), William E., Arimantha and John C. His present wife was Margaret E. SPROW. Mr. STOTTS is a member of the Masonic Lodge at this place. Politically, he is a Democrat. He represents Tabor & Co.; they keep a large stock; their sheds are full of the best finishing lumber, flooring and siding; they have a decided advantage over most lumber dealers in the interior; they own their pinery, therefore save the profit consumed by middlemen; they also keep a large stock of nails, carpenter tools, spades, picks, shovels, paints, oils, lime, hair and building paper, and are prepared to furnish everything for building purposes.

STRATER, P.; Farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Monroe.

STRATER, W.; Farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Monroe.

STULL, J.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

SUBINS, W.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

SUMMEY, Ransom
Farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Monroe; born in Indiana in 1843; moved to this county with his parents in 1854. At the breaking-out of the rebellion, he enlisted in Co. K, 3d Iowa V. C.; served four years, and was honorably discharged; was in a number of battles, the principal ones being the battles of Big Blue, Osage, Selma, Columbia, Pea Ridge, Harrisburg and Guntown. On his being discharged from the service, he returned to this county. Married Miss Caroline HORTON in 1866; they moved to Dakota the same year, remaining there until 1874, when they returned to this county. They have three children - Alice, Flora and Rosa May. Mr. SUMMEY is Republican in politics. At present he holds the offices of School Director and Treasurer.

TAYLOR, A. T.; Plasterer; Monroe.

TAYLOR, C.; Renter; P. O. Monroe.

TAYLOR, J.; Farmer; Sec. 11; P. O. Monroe.

TAYLOR, Wm.; Farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Monroe.

TAYLOR, W. H.; Farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Monroe.

THOMPSON, H. D.; Farmer; Sec. 30; P. O. Monroe.

THOMPSON, J. S.; P. O. Monroe.

TIFFT, Amos; of the firm DIXON, FISHER & Co.; Hardware merchants.

TIFFT, S. B.; Retired merchant; Monroe.

TODD, vJ., Rev.; M. E. Minister; Monroe.

TOOL, A.; Farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Monroe.

TOOL, Chas.; Farmer; Sec. 21; P. O. Monroe.

Farmer and stock raiser; Sec. 34; P. O. Monroe; is one of the pioneers of this county; born inn Washington Co., Va. When he was 11 years of age, he moved with his parents to Illinois, where he attended school and received a liberal education. He came to this county with his parents in 1843. Married Miss Sarah FOUTY, in Warren Co., this State, in 1847. She was born in Indiana. The have nine children. Mr. TOOL has been prominently identified with the religious and educational interests of this county; he was licensed minister of the M. E. Church in 1858, and in early history of the county he was Justice of the Peace and member of the Board of County Commissioners. In politics, he as originally a Whig; on the decline of that party, he became a Republican, with which party he acted while he thought it was for the best interest of the country. He is now a firm supporter of the Greenback party. He owns about 700 acres of land, and is engaged in stock raising to a large extent.

TOOL, John M.
Monroe; born in Washington Co., Va. in 1832; in 1836, his parents moved to Illinois; thence to Jefferson Co., this State, in 1841, where they remained two years; at the end of that time, they moved to this county, our subject moving with them. He married Miss Jane E. PAUL in Mahaska Co., this State; she was a native of Indiana. They have had five children, three of whom are living. Mr. TOOL as ordained minister of the M. E. Church by the M. E. Conference in Des Moines in 1874.

TOWNSEND, Harry; Blacksmith; Monroe.

Grocer; Monroe; born in Switzerland in 1836; came to this country in 1857; lived in Bureau Co., Illinois three years; while there, engaged in stock dealing. In 1860 he came to this county and engaged in farming until 1872, which year he entered into his present business. He married Miss Mary LIEB in this county in 1867. She as born in Lancaster Co., Penn. in 1843. They have four children - Charley, Oscar, Fred and Samuel. Mr. TYLER is a member of the I. O. O. F. Is Democratic in politics. Mrs. TYLER's father, B. F. LIEB, a a native of Pennsylvania. He married Ann SMITH; they moved to Ohio in 1845; thence to this county in 1853; she died in 1869; he died in 1873; they are buried at Vandalia, this county; there were three of their sons in the war of the rebellion - Daniel W., who served in Co. E, 14th Regt. Iowa Vol. three years; as in a number of severe battles, and was honorably discharged; Adam SMITH, was Captain of Co. I, 5th Minn. Regt.; he was also Captain of an Iowa Co.; he served four years with distinction, and was honorably discharged; William Harry, ho enlisted in Co. E, 14th Regt. Iowa Vol.; he was in a number of severe engagements, among them being the battles of Shiloh and Fort Donelson; he was honorably discharged.

VICKERS, C.; Clerk; Monroe.

Dealer in general produce; Monroe; as born in Belmont Co., Ohio in 1832. At the breaking-out of the war of the rebellion, he enlisted in Co. B, 18th Ohio Volunteer Infantry to serve three months. At the expiration of that time, he again enlisted, this time in Co. F, 39th Ohio Volunteer Infantry; he served four years and two months; was honorably discharged in July 1865. After his discharge from the service, he returned to Ohio, remaining until 1869, in which year he came to Mahaska Co., this State, where he remained four years, at the end of which time he moved to this city. He married Miss A. WILDEY in Belmont Co., Ohio. They have two children - Chalkey and Norah. During the time Mr. VICKERS was in the service, he was in a number of battles, the principal ones being the siege of Corinth, Shiloh, Savannah and Goldsboro.

VAN BARREN, D.; Baker; Monroe.

VAST, J.; Laborer; P. O. Monroe.

VAUGHAN, L.; Farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Monroe.

VAUGHAN, W.; Farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Monroe.

VINEYARD & KEELER; Farmers; Sec. 33; P. O. Monroe.

WALDRUP, I. N.; Laborer; Monroe.

WALKER, P. T.; Teamster; Monroe.

WARD, H.; Farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Monroe.

WARD, W.; Farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Monroe.

WARD, Wesley; Farmer; Sec. 1; P. O. Monroe.

WARREN, J.; Farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Monroe.

WATT, E. T., Sr.; Farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Monroe.

WATT, S.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

WEBB, Wm.; Farmer; P. O. Fairmount.

WEBSTER, C.; Laborer; Monroe.

WEBSTER, C. H.; Laborer; Monroe.

WEEKS, Henry; Laborer; Monroe.

WEEKS, Peter; member of the Monroe Elevator Co.; Monroe.

WEEDNER, W. F.; M. D.; Monroe.

WHISLER, Benj.; Farmer; Sec. 4; P. O. Fairmount.

WHITE, Jas.; Cabinet maker; Monroe.

WHITE, John W.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

WHITE, William
Banker; Monroe; was born in Indiana Co., Penn. in 1812. When he was about 3 years of age, his parents moved to Highland Co., Ohio where our subject remained until the year of 1869, when he came to Monroe. He married Miss Mary MILLER in Highland Co., Ohio on the 24th of September, 1833. She was born in Huntingdon Co., Penn. on the 25th of December, 1811. Their children are Matilda Jane, born 24th of July, 1834, died 6th of March, 1873; Adam M., born 4th of June, 1838; Helena (now Mrs. A. CUSTER), born 6th of Aug., 1841; John, born 18th of February, 1845; Mary Ellen (now Mrs. E. D. ALLEN), born 29th of September, 1848; James M., born 5th of September, 1851. Mr. WHITE is Democratic in politics; he has been one of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Monroe since its organization; was Vice President one year.

WHITEHEAD, Wm.; Retired farmer; Monroe.

Farmer; Sec. 32; P. O. Monroe; born in Lawrence Co., Ind. in 1830. Came to Marion Co., this State, in 1851, in which county he married Rosa A. WOODY; she was also born in Lawrence Co., Ind. They moved to this county in 1864. They have three children - John (who married Harriet TAYLOR), Robert and Mary. Mr. WHITTED owns 170 acres of land. Previous to 1861, he was a Democrat, since that time he has been Independent in politics, voting for the man he thinks will serve the interests of the country best. His father, Joseph, was a native of North Carolina; they moved to Indiana in 1819; thence to Marion Co., this State in 1851, in which county he died on July 20, 1860, aged 71 years, 2 months, 10 days; his wife Mary died Oct. 27, 1865, aged 77 years, 10 months, 7 days.

WHITTED, Joseph; Laborer; Monroe.

WHITTED, R. W.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

Attorney and counselor at law; Monroe. Mr. Williams was born in Henry Co., Kentucky in 1840. He remained in Kentucky until 1855; he then moved with his parents to Davis Co., Kan., where he remained until the Spring of 1861, when he went to Pike Co. Illinois and enlisted in Co. G, 8th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was enrolled on the 25th of July, 1861; was promoted Second Lieutenant in December 1863; First Lieutenant in March 1864; and Major in May 1865; was honorably discharged on the 22d of May, 1866. During the time he was in service he was in many severe engagements, the principal ones being the battles of Fort Donelson, at which place he was wounded three times, Jackson, Miss., Champion Hills, siege of Vicksburg, and a series of battles around that place. After his discharge, he went to Leavenworth, Kan., remaining until the Winter of 1875, when he moved to Washington, this State, where he finished his law studies and was admitted to the Iowa bar. He moved to this town in November 1877, and engaged in the practice of his profession. He married Miss A. G. GLASGOW in Washington Co., this State, in 1865. She was born in Ohio.

WILSEY, A.; Druggist; Monroe.

WILSON, E.; Farmer; Sec. 27; P. O. Monroe.

WILSON, R.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

WITMER, George; Farmer; Sec. 17; P. O. Monroe.

WOOD, A.; Farmer; Sec. 26; P. O. Monroe.

WOOD, Eli; Farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Monroe.

Farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Monroe; born in Lawrence Co., Ind. in 1826; came to Dallas Co., this State, in 1849; thence to this county in the Fall of the same year. He married Miss Anna E. SEAY in this county Dec. 26, 1852; she was born in Virginia May 24, 1828; moved to this county with her parents in 1849. They have had nine children - Mary Ellen (now Mrs. H. DAY), born Nov. 26, 1853; James W., March 24, 1855; John H., Dec. 22, 1856, died June 4, 1871; Rebecca J., Sept. 22, 1858; William S., born in 1860, died May 11, 1861; Oscar N., Feb. 5, 1862; Lydia Maria, Nov. 12, 1863, died Aug. 28, 1864; Eliza Viola, June 14, 1865; George M., June 19, 1867. Mr. WOODY owns 240 acres of land. Has held various local offices; the principal ones being Justice of the Peace and School Treasurer. Himself and family are members of the Regular Baptist Church; he is a firm supporter of the Greenback party.

WOODY, Ezra; Farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Monroe.

WOODY, F.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

WOODY, Jas. A.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

WOODY, J.; Farmer; Sec. 35; P. O. Monroe.

WOODY, J. H.; Farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Monroe.

WOODY, J. T.; Farmer; Sec. 36; P. O. Monroe.

WOODY, Levi T.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

WOODY, W. H.; Coal miner; P. O. Monroe.

WOODY, W. H.; Farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Monroe.

WORTH, C. E.; Farmer; Sec. 33; P. O. Monroe.

WORTH, D. B.; Farmer; P. O. Monroe.

WORTH Bros.,
(Henry WORTH, T. N. WORTH); Dealers in hardware and agricultural implements of the very best makes and quality, and at the lowest cash prices, west side of the square, Monroe. They keep a full stock of iron, steel, stoves, table and pocket cutlery, pumps, bells of all sizes, etc., etc.; they keep the best goods in the market, and will sell for as little money as any store in Central Iowa. They employ a first-class tinner, and defy competition in that line. Henry WORTH was born in Marion Co., this State, in 1849. He married Miss Mary J. YOCUM in this county in 1871; she was born in Illinois. They have two children - Elton and Zora. He engaged in his present business in January 1876. T. N. WORTH was born in this county in 1851.

Farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Monroe; born in Greene Co., Ky. in 1829. He removed with his parents to Morgan Co., Illinois, where he married Miss Eliza E. HOLT. She was a native of Virginia. They moved to Jefferson Co., this State, in 1843 where they remained until February of the next year. They then moved to Marion Co.; thence to this county in April 1846. They have six children living - Clarinda (she married A. SCHENCK), Samuel (he married Miss Anna YOCUM), Charles C. (he married Miss Margaret WILSON), Joseph H. (he married Miss Mary J. YOCUM), Nathan T., Sarah Ann (she married O. BRUCE). Mr. WORTH owns 209 acres of land. Himself and wife are members of the Regular Baptist Church. He has held various local offices.

Farmer; Sec. 18; P. O. Monroe; born in Tompkins Co., N. Y. in 1829; when 7 years of age, he removed with his parents to Knox Co., Ohio, where he married Miss M. D. CLEGHORN; she was born in Scotland. They moved to this county in 1872; have two children - Elizabeth A. and Joseph S. Mr. WRIGHT owns a well-improved farm of 260 acres of land. Is Republican, in politics; himself and family are members of the M. E. Church.

Partially transcribed by Joan Achille. Copyright © 1998 by Joan Achille.
Completed in 2002 by Shelley Arri