Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Jasper County, Iowa

Early Land Records

Book II - Grantor

Hamlin, James - DEEDED TO - Norris, James D.
SW 14 of the SE ¼ of Section 31 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W of the 5th p. m.
Signed: James Hamlin, Eliza Jane Hamlin
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 236;   Filed: 27 Apr 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Hammer, E. Estate - DEEDED TO - Hammer, Henry
E ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 8 in Township 80 of Range 18 W of the 5th P M
Signed: Seth Hammer, Rachel Hammer, Executors of the Estate of Elisha Hammer
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 49;   Filed: 19 Jun 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Hammer, E. Estate - DEEDED TO - Hammer, Henry
Commencing at the SW corner of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 18 in Township 80 of Range 18 of the 5 P M, running E 20 3/4 poles, thence N 28 3/4 poles, thence W 28 3/4 poles, thence S to the beginning
Signed: Seth Hammer, Rachel Hammer, Executors of the Estate of Elisha Hammer
$15.00;   Book 2, Page 51;   Filed: 19 Jun 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Hammer, E. Estate - DEEDED TO - Hammer, Seth
Commencing at the SE corner of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 17 in Township 80 of Range 18 W 5th PM, Running N 40 poles, thence W 40 poles, thence S 40 poles, thence E 40 poles to the place of beginning
Signed: Henry Hammer, Rachel Hammer (Executors of the Estate of Elisha Hammer)
$20.00;   Book 2, Page 5;   Filed: 01 Apr 1851

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Hammer, Elisha - DEEDED TO - Kennedy, Leonard L. D.
NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 34 in Township 80 North of the 5th Principal Meridian
Signed: Elisha Hammer
$51.00;   Book 2, Page 29;   Filed: 28 Apr 1851

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Hammer, Henry - DEEDED TO - Hammer, Seth
The undivided ½ of the E ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 8 in Township 80 of Range 18 West of the 5th PM
Signed: Henry Hammer, Hannah Hammer
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 7;   Filed: 01 Apr 1851

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Hammer, Jesse - DEEDED TO - Trotter, Monroe
E ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 20 in Township 79 N of Range 18 W
Signed: Jesse Hammer, Margaret W. Hammer
$525.00;   Book 2, Page 342;   Filed: 27 Oct 1852

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Hammock, John B. - DEEDED TO - Moffitt, Stephen
SE ¼ of the SW ¼ and the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 19 and the W ½ of the NE ¼ and the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 30 and the E ½ of the NW ¼ and W ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 31 in Township 80 N of Range 19 containing 360 acres more or less
Signed: John B. Hammock, Sarah Hammock (Her X Mark)
$1,350.00;   Book 2, Page 355;   Filed: 13 Nov 1852

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Hammock, John B. - DEEDED TO - Turk, Anthony
E ½ of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ and the N ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 29 and the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 30 in Township 79 N of Range 18 W containing 240 acres more or less
Signed: John B. Hammock, Sarah Hammock (Her X Mark)
$1,500.00;   Book 2, Page 328;   Filed: 09 Oct 1852

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Herring, Jacob - DEEDED TO - Scovill, Bennett
S ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 17 in Township 79 of Range 18 W containing 80 acres more or less
Signed: Jacob Herring (His X Mark), Mary Herring (Her X Mark)
$280.00;   Book 2, Page 367;   Filed: 27 Dec 1852

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Herring, Lewis - DEEDED TO - Alloway, John
NE ½ of the N ¼ of the NE ¼ containing 20 acres of Section 8 in Township 79 Range 18 W
Signed: Lewis Herring, Susanah Herring
$25.00;   Book 2, Page 177;   Filed: 07 Feb 1852

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Herring, Lewis - DEEDED TO - Hixon, John
SE ¼ of the SW ¼ and the E ½ of the SW of the SW ¼ of Section 5 and the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ and the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ and the W ½ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 8 in Township 79 N of Range 18 W
Signed: Lewis Herring, Susanah Herring
$700.00;   Book 2, Page 227;   Filed: 15 Apr 1852

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Higby, Able J. - DEEDED TO - Allen, Zedock M.
Town of Newton Lot 1 in Block 21
Signed: Able J. Higby, Emily Higby
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 395;   Filed: 22 Jan 1853

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Hines, John - DEEDED TO - Prine, Joseph F.
Lots 6 & 11 quarter of Section 4 in Township 78 N of Range 19 containing 80 acres
Signed: John Hines, Elizabeth Hines (Her X Mark)
$75.00;   Book 2, Page 396;   Filed: 25 Oct 1852

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How, George W. - DEEDED TO - Shealer, Daniel
E ½ of the SW ¼ and the W ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 34 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W
Signed: George W. How
$294.00;   Book 2, Page 456;   Filed: 06 Apr 1853

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Howe, George W. - DEEDED TO - Davis, Charles M.
E ½ of the NW fractional ¼ and the W ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 7 in Township 79 N of Range 18 W
Signed: George W. Howe
$250.00;   Book 2, Page 287;   Filed: 30 Jun 1852

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Howe, George W. - DEEDED TO - Hall, Mary Ann
SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 33 in Township 78 N of Range 20 W of the 5th P. M. containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: George W. Howe
$60.00;   Book 2, Page 83;   Filed: 18 Aug 1851

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Howe, George W. - DEEDED TO - Harcourt, Daniel
S ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 27 and the E ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 34 in Township 78 Range 19 W of the 5th Principal Meridian
Signed: George W. Howe
$280.00;   Book 2, Page 430;   Filed: 10 Mar 1853

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Howe, George W. - DEEDED TO - Sims, Squire S.
E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ and the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 11 in Township 79 N of Range20 W
Signed: George W. Howe
$232.00;   Book 2, Page 119;   Filed: 19 Nov 1851

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Howell, William - DEEDED TO - Howell, George
SE ¼ of the SW ¼ and the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 8 in Township 81 N of Range 20 W
Signed: William Howell (His X Mark), Margaret Howell (Her X Mark)
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 55;   Filed: 24 Jun 1851

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Huey, Thomas - DEEDED TO - Pearson, Thomas
E ½ of the SW ¼ and the SW of the SE ¼ of Section 18 and the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 19 in Township 80 of Range 19 containing 160 acres more or less
Signed: Thomas Huey (His X Mark), Vesti Huey (Her X Mark)
$250.00;   Book 2, Page 158;   Filed: 20 Jan 1852

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Hugther, George - DEEDED TO - Norris, James D.
SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 22 in Township 78 of Range 21 W P.M., containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: George Hugther, Elizabeth Hugther (Her X Mark)
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 77;   Filed: 08 Aug 1851

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Insley, Andrew - DEEDED TO - Mitchell, Thomas
NE ¼ of the SE ¼ and the N ½ of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ and the S ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 1 in Township79 N of Range 21 W of the 5th P. M.
Signed: Andrew Insley
$300.00;   Book 2, Page 302;   Filed: 26 Aug 1852

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Jasper County - DEEDED TO - Crookham, John A. L.
Town of Newton Lots 1, 2, 7 & 8 in Block 5
Signed: Jesse Rickman, County Judge
$34.00;   Book 2, Page 248;   Filed: 24 May 1852

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Jasper County - DEEDED TO - Rickman, Jesse
Town of Newton, Lot 1 in Block 29
$14.00;   Book 2, Page 151;   Filed: 07 Jan 1852

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Jasper County - DEEDED TO - Springer, Andrew N.
Town of Newton Lot 3 in Block 26
Signed: Jesse Rickman, County Judge
$30.00;   Book 2, Page 262;   Filed: 27 May 1852

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Jones, Charles W. - DEEDED TO - Hickman, Samuel
NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 25 in Township 80 N of Range 20 W
Signed: Charles W. Jones, Harriet Jones
$75.00;   Book 2, Page 116;   Filed: 14 Nov 1851

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Kennedy, Jesse R. - DEEDED TO - Lamb, Caleb
25 acres off the W side of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 27 in Township 80 of Range 19 W running with government lines
Signed: Jesse R. Kennedy
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 388;   Filed: 14 Jan 1853

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Kitchen, Clark - DEEDED TO - Buchanan, Samuel
SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 28 in Township 78 N of Range 19 containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: Clark Kitchen, Malinda Kitchen
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 426;   Filed: 08 Mar 1853

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Lamb, Caleb - DEEDED TO - Kennedy, James T.
Town of Newton Lot 6 in Block 8
Signed: Caleb Lamb, Olive Jane Lamb (Her X Mark)
$25.00;   Book 2, Page 389;   Filed: 15 Jan 1853

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Lewallen, Hasting - DEEDED TO - McDaniel, Samuel
NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 8 in Township 79 in Range 18 W
Signed: Hasting Lewallen (His X Mark) Caroling Lewallen (Her X Mark)
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 132;   Filed: 19 Dec 1851

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Mangrum, Spear S. & wife - DEEDED TO - Whitted, William
W ½ of the NW ¼ and the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 34 and the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 33 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W containing 160 acres
Signed: Spear Mangrum, Mary P. Mangrum
$400.00;   Book 2, Page 165;   Filed: 29 Jan 1852

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Manley, William - DEEDED TO - Gessler, Emel
NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 9 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W of the 5th Principal Meridian containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: William Manley
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 263;   Filed: 27 May 1852

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Mathews, Richard - DEEDED TO - Mathews, William R.
W ½ of the NE ¼ and the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 9 and the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 3 all in Township 78 N of Range 17 W containing 160 acres
Signed: Richard Mathews, Amanda J. Mathews
$300.00;   Book 2, Page 324;   Filed: 08 Oct 1852

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Mayfield, William T. - DEEDED TO - Treace, Joshua M.
NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 11 in Township 78 N of Range 17 W containing 40 acres more or less and the N ½ of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 10 in Township 78 N of Range 17 W containing 20 acres more or less and the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 15 in Township 78 N of Range 17 W containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: William T. Mayfield, Nancy Mayfield
$200.00;   Book 2, Page 141;   Filed: 29 Dec 1851

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Mays, Terry - DEEDED TO - Norris, James D.
½ of the SW ¼ of Section 14 in Township 78 N of Range 21 and the E ½ of NE ¼ of Section 22 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W
Signed: Terry Mays, Mary M. Mays E.
$850.00;   Book 2, Page 235;   Filed: 27 Apr 1852

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Mays, Terry - DEEDED TO - Riffle, Stephen
N ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 22 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W containing 80 acres more or less
Signed: Terry Mays
$ ?;   Book 2, Page 258;   Filed: 25 May 1852

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McCulum, Alexander - DEEDED TO - Tice, Madison
The undivided ½ of the N ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 36 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W of the 5th Principal Meridian
Signed: Alexander McCulum, Amanda McCulum
$500.00;   Book 2, Page 35;   Filed: 07 May 1851

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McDaniel, Samuel - DEEDED TO - Alloway, John
Commencing 80 Rods S of the center, thence 88 rods N of Section 8 in Township 79 N of Range 18 W and run N to the NE corner of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of the same Section, thence S 10 01/54? E 52 Rods and 50 Links, thence S 70 and E 60 64 Rods and 97 Links to the place of beginning containing 26 acres more or less
Signed: Samuel McDaniel, Martha C. McDaniel
$105.00;   Book 2, Page 178;   Filed: 07 Feb 1852

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McDaniel, Samuel - DEEDED TO - Herren, Jacob
Commencing 15 chains N of the ½ quarter stake on the S of Section 8 and run W parallel with the government lines 40 chains, thence N 45 chains, thence E 25 chains, thence S 13 Chains 50 Links thence S to E 16 chains & 97 links, thence S to the place of beginning, containing 154 acres more or less, all of which is in Section 8 in Township 79 of Range 18 W
Signed: Samuel McDaniel, Martha C. McDaniel
$800.00;   Book 2, Page 129;   Filed: 18 Dec 1851

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McDaniel, Samuel - DEEDED TO - Herring, Lewis
NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 8 in Township 79 N of Range 18 W
Signed: Samuel McDaniel, Martha C. McDaniel
$242.00;   Book 2, Page 154;   Filed: 17 Jan 1852

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McDaniel, Samuel - DEEDED TO - Rodgers, Henry
Town of Newton, Out Lot 24
Signed: Samuel McDaniel, Martha C. McDaniel
$60.00;   Book 2, Page 27;   Filed: 26 Apr 1851

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McKeever, Reuben - DEEDED TO - Edwards, Milton M.
SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 10 in Township 80 Range 21 W
Signed: Reuben McKeever (His X Mark), Elizabeth McKeever
$60.00;   Book 2, Page 278;   Filed: 15 Jun 1852

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Meeker, Zennis - DEEDED TO - Shissler, Isaac
SE ¼ of the NE of Section 31 in Township 80 Range 20 W containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: Zennis Meeker
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 404;   Filed: 16 Feb 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Mills, Walter T. - DEEDED TO - Blake, Henry
Town of Newton Lot 7 in Block 21
Signed: Walter T. Mills, Ester Ann Mills
$28.00;   Book 2, Page 321;   Filed: 21 Sep 1852

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Minson, William - DEEDED TO - Slaughter, James
80 acres off the E side of the NW fractional ¼ of Section 6 in Township 79 Range 20 W
Signed: William Minson
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 407;   Filed: 23 Feb 1853

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Moore, Samuel - DEEDED TO - Mendenhall, Paris
NW ¼ of the NE ¼ and the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ and the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ all in Section 14 in Township 78 N of Range 17 W of the 5th Principal Meridian in the district of lands subject to sale at Iowa City, Iowa containing 120 acres
Signed: Samuel Moore, Malinda Moore (Her X Mark)
$750.00;   Book 2, Page 269;   Filed: 03 Jun 1852

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Morrison, Cornelius - DEEDED TO - Morrison, Harriett
E ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 18 in Township 81 N of Range 21 W containing 80 acres more or less
Signed: Cornelius Morrison, Maria Louisa Morrison
$75.00;   Book 2, Page 196;   Filed: 02 Mar 1852

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Mosier, Daniel - DEEDED TO - Mosier, Jemima
NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 26 and the N ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 35 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W in the district of Land Subject to Sale at Iowa City, Iowa containing 160 acres more or less
Signed: Daniel Mosier
$400.00;   Book 2, Page 244;   Filed: 04 May 1852

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Mosier, Daniel - DEEDED TO - Robbins, Uriah
SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 26 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W being 40 acres more or less
Signed: Daniel Mosier, Jemima Jane Mosier
$25.00;   Book 2, Page 33;   Filed: 03 May 1851

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Mosier, Daniel - DEEDED TO - Williams, James M.
E ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 29 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W and the SE ¼ of Section 31, excepting 9 acres off of the N end of the W ½ of said ¼ in Township 78 N of Range 19 W
Signed: Daniel Mosier, Jemima Jane Mosier
$1,000.00;   Book 2, Page 127;   Filed: 15 Dec 1851

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Mosier, Daniel & wife - DEEDED TO - Gray, Rachael, Infant heir of Johnson Gray
W ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 29 in township 78 N of Range 19 W of the 5th Principal Meridian of the Land Subject to Sale at Iowa City, Iowa, containing 80 acres more or less
Signed: Daniel Mosier, Jemima Jane Mosier
$160.00;   Book 2, Page 117;   Filed: 05 Nov 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Nelson, George B. - DEEDED TO - Hewey, Thomas
NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 19 and SW ¼ and the E ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 18 in Township 80 N of Range 19 W of the District of Lands subject to sale at Iowa City, Iowa
Signed: George B. Nelson, Lucinda Nelson
$200.00;   Book 2, Page 11;   Filed: 03 Apr 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Nelson, William - DEEDED TO - Dooley, Curtis
NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 29 in Township 79 N of Range 18 W containing 40 acres
Signed: William Nelson, Margaret J. Nelson
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 183;   Filed: 16 Feb 1852

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Nelson, William - DEEDED TO - Meachum, William R.
SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 29 of Township 79 N of Range 18 W
Signed: William Nelson, Margaret J. Nelson (Her X Mark)
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 372;   Filed: 04 Jan 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Nickols, James - DEEDED TO - Brooks, Evan W.
SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 5 NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 8 and W ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 9 in Township 79 North of Range 17 W of the 5th Principal Meridian in the District of Lands subject to sale at Iowa City, Iowa containing 160 acres
Signed: James Nickols
$500.00;   Book 2, Page 71;   Filed: 19 Jul 1851

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Nolsen, Riley W. - DEEDED TO - Beset, John
N ½ of the NE ¼ and the N ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 28 in Township 81 N of Range 21 W containing 160 acres
Signed: Riley W. Nolsen, Martha J. Nolsen (Her X Mark)
$410.00;   Book 2, Page 432;   Filed: 12 Mar 1853

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Norris, James D. - DEEDED TO - Brown, Nathan
SW ¼ of the SE ¼ and the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ in Section 32 in Township 78 of Range 21 W of the 5th P M, containing 80 acres more or less
Signed: James D. Norris, Mary Norris
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 57;   Filed: 07 Jul 1851

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Norris, James D. - DEEDED TO - Eliott, James H.
SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 15 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W of the 5th P. M. containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: James D. Norris, Mary Norris
$150.00;   Book 2, Page 204;   Filed: 08 Mar 1852

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Nutt, John W. - DEEDED TO - Michaels, Philip
SE ¼ of Section 7 in Township 81 N of Range 21 W of the 5th Principal Meridian in the District of Lands Subject to Sale at Iowa City, Iowa containing 160 acres
Signed: John W. Nutt, Sarah Jane Nutt
$400.00;   Book 2, Page 445;   Filed: 22 Mar 1853

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Osborn, Ambrose & Elizabeth - DEEDED TO - Arnold, Jesse
NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11 in Township 78 Range 17 W containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: Ambrose Osborn, Elizabeth Osborn
$32.00;   Book 2, Page 373;   Filed: 05 Jan 1853

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