Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Jasper County, Iowa

Early Land Records

Book II - Grantee

Parker, Samuel K. - DEEDED FROM - Barnard, John M.
SE ¼ of Section 5 in Township 79 N and Range 20 W of the 5th principal meridian containing 160 acres more or less
Signed: John Barnard
$235.00;   Book 2, Page 190;   Filed: 17 Feb 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Parks, Ephraim - DEEDED FROM - Davis, Alexander
NE corner of Lot 7 thence W to the Center of the N Skunk River thence down the main channel of said river until it intersects the E line of 10 and Lot 7 to the place of beginning containing 20 acres more or less all in Section 3 in Township 78 N of Range 17 W in the district of lands subject to sale in Iowa City, Iowa
Signed: Alexander Davis, Mary Davis (Her X Mark)
$25.00;   Book 2, Page 326;   Filed: 08 Oct 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Parks, Hiram - DEEDED FROM - Parks, Harland
SE ¼ of the NE ¼ and the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 21 and the W ½ of the SW ¼ ¼* of Section 22 in Township 80 N of Range 21 W estimated to contain 160 acres more or less
Signed: Harland Parks
$1,000.00;   Book 2, Page 451;   Filed: 28 Mar 1853
*Transcriber's Note: ¼ ¼ is how it is recorded.

[ Return to Index ]
Parks, Hiram - DEEDED FROM - Parks, Harlin
SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 17 in Township 80 N of Range 21 W of the Principal Meridian containing 40 acres
Signed: Harlin Parks
$300.00;   Book 2, Page 449;   Filed: 28 Mar 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Parks, Simpson - DEEDED FROM - Davis, Alexander
SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 35 in Township 79 N of Range 17 W containing 40 acres
Signed: Alexander Davis, Mercy Davis
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 379;   Filed: 08 Jan 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Pearson, Thomas - DEEDED FROM - Huey, Thomas
E ½ of the SW ¼ and the SW of the SE ¼ of Section 18 and the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 19 in Township 80 of Range 19 containing 160 acres more or less
Signed: Thomas Huey (His X Mark), Vesti Huey (Her X Mark)
$250.00;   Book 2, Page 158;   Filed: 20 Jan 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Pearson, Thomas - DEEDED FROM - Rickman, Jesse
Town of Newton, Lot 1 in Block 18
Signed: Jesse Rickman, Nancy Rickman
$15.00;   Book 2, Page 160;   Filed: 22 Jan 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Pearson, Thomas - DEEDED FROM - Rickman, Jesse
Town of Newton, Lot 1 in Block 18
Signed: Jesse Rickman, Nancy Rickman
$15.00;   Book 2, Page 160;   Filed: 22 Jan 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Pearson, Thomas - DEEDED FROM - Sparks, John R.
Town of Newton, Lot 4 in 19 and Out Lot 15
Signed: John R. Sparks, Elizabeth Sparks
$400.00;   Book 2, Page 161;; ;   Filed: 24 Jan 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Pfaender, William - DEEDED FROM - Peifer, Adam
E ½ of the SW ¼ and the W ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 10 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W in the district of land subject to private entry at Iowa City, Iowa containing 160 acres Military Land warrant 11.16
Signed: Adam Peifer
$110.00;   Book 2, Page 260;   Filed: 27 May 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Poulson, Jehu - DEEDED FROM - Brown, Daniel
SW ¼ of the NE ¼ and the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 26 in Township 80 N of Range 21 W
Signed: Daniel Brown, Mary Brown (Her X Mark)
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 307;   Filed: 02 Sep 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Prine, John T. - DEEDED FROM - Parish, Zachariah
SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 30 and the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 31 in Township 78 N of Range 18 W
Signed: Z. Parish, Elizabeth Parish (Her X Mark)
$70.00;   Book 2, Page 339;   Filed: 25 Oct 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Prine, Joseph F. - DEEDED FROM - Hines, John
Lots 6 & 11 quarter of Section 4 in Township 78 N of Range 19 containing 80 acres
Signed: John Hines, Elizabeth Hines (Her X Mark)
$75.00;   Book 2, Page 396;   Filed: 25 Oct 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Prine, Joseph F. - DEEDED FROM - Rea, Daniel
NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 32 in Township 79 N of Range 19 W containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: Daniel Rea, Lucinda Rea (Her X Mark)
$40.00;   Book 2, Page 345;   Filed:25 Oct 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Prouty, Anson - DEEDED FROM - Sparks, John R.
Town of Newton, Lot 1 in Block 20
Signed: John R. Sparks, Elizabeth Sparks
$110.00;   Book 2, Page 95;; ;   Filed: 29 Aug 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Prouty, Anson T. - DEEDED FROM - Dooly, Silas
E ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 21 and the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 29 in Township 79 N of Range 18 W
Signed: Silas Dooly, Maria Dooly
$400.00;   Book 2, Page 220;   Filed: 08 Apr 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Prouty, Anson T. - DEEDED FROM - Prouty, Asher
SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 6 in Township 79 of Range 18 W and the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11 and 60 acres off the S part parallel with the Section Line of the SE ¼ of Section 2 in Township 79 of Range 19 W
Signed: Asher Prouty
$200.00;   Book 2, Page 185;   Filed: 16 Feb 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Prouty, Ash - DEEDED FROM - Reno, Morgan
E ½ of the NW ¼ and the E ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 18 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W containing according to government survey 160 acres
Signed: Morgan Reno, Margaret A. Reno
$165.00;   Book 2, Page 109;   Filed: 23 Aug 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Prouty, Elias - DEEDED FROM - Prouty, Ash
SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 18 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W, containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: Ash Prunty
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 81;   Filed: 18 Aug 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Prouty, Elias - DEEDED FROM - Ray, Abner & Wife
SW ¼ of the NW and N ½ of the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 17 also 60 acres on the N ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 18, said 60 acres running E & W across said ¼ Section 18 all in Township 78 N of Range21 W of the 5th P. M., all making 120 acres
Signed: Abner Ray, Mary Ann Ray (Her X Mark)
$175.00;   Book 2, Page 79;   Filed:18 Aug 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Prouty, Elias - DEEDED FROM - Ray, Abner & Wife
SW ¼ of the NW and N ½ of the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 17 also 60 acres on the N ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 18, said 60 acres running E & W across said ¼ Section 18 all in Township 78 N of Range21 W of the 5th P. M., all making 120 acres
Signed: Abner Ray, Mary Ann Ray (Her X Mark)
$175.00;   Book 2, Page 79;   Filed: 18 Aug 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Prunty, Ash - DEEDED FROM - Booker, Jacob
SW ¼ of Section 8 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W containing 160 acres also the W fractional ¼ of the NW fractional q/4 of Section 19 in Township 78 Range 71* W of the 5th P M containing 56 62/100 acres more or less according to Government Survey
Signed: Jacob Booker, Mariah J. Booker
$500.00;   Book 2, Page 381;   Filed: 19 Jan 1853
*Transcribers note: 71 is written.

[ Return to Index ]
Prunty, Asher - DEEDED FROM - Black, Charles
SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 18 in Township 78 N of Range 21 containing 26 and ½ acres more or less
Signed: Charles Black, Martha Black
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 134;   Filed: 22 Dec 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Reis, Thomas - DEEDED FROM - Baker, Shelby
10 acres off the N side of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 22 in Township 79 N of Range 19 W
Signed: Shelby Baker, Elizabeth Baker (Her X Mark)
$1,850.00;   Book 2, Page 279;   Filed: 19 Jun 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Rickman, Jesse - DEEDED FROM - Jasper County
Town of Newton, Lot 1 in Block 29
$14.00;   Book 2, Page 151;   Filed: 07 Jan 1852

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Riffle, Stephen - DEEDED FROM - Mays, Terry
N ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 22 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W containing 80 acres more or less
Signed: Terry Mays
$ ?;   Book 2, Page 258;   Filed: 25 May 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Robbins, Uriah - DEEDED FROM - Gifford, Manly
SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 25 of Township 80 N of Range 19 W
Signed: Manly Gifford, Sarah Gifford (Her X Mark)
$76.50;   Book 2, Page 31;   Filed: 03 May 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Robbins, Uriah - DEEDED FROM - Mosier, Daniel
SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 26 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W being 40 acres more or less
Signed: Daniel Mosier, Jemima Jane Mosier
$25.00;   Book 2, Page 33;   Filed: 03 May 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Robbins, Uriah - DEEDED FROM - Sheppard, David D. & Jane Sheppard
30 acres on the N part of the SW ¼ of Section 22 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W
Signed: David D. Sheppard, Jane Sheppard (Her X Mark)
$25.00;   Book 2, Page 87;; ;   Filed: 19 May 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Robins, Lonoch - DEEDED FROM - Alloway, John D.
SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 5 an the N ½ of the NW 40 of Section 8 containing 20 acres and the N ½ of the NE 40 of Section 7 containing 20 acres all laying in Township 79 N of Range 18 W
Signed: John Alloway, Mary Alloway (Her X Mark)
$220.00;   Book 2, Page 336;   Filed: 21 Oct 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Rodgers, Henry - DEEDED FROM - McDaniel, Samuel
Town of Newton, Out Lot 24
Signed: Samuel McDaniel, Martha C. McDaniel
$60.00;   Book 2, Page 27;   Filed: 26 Apr 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Rodgers, Henry - DEEDED FROM - Wallace, George W.
Town of Newton, Lots 1 & 8 in Block 15
Signed: George W. Wallace, Eliza Ann Wallace
$350.00;   Book 2, Page 230;   Filed: 17 Apr 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Rodgers, Henry - DEEDED FROM - White, Miles
SW ¼ of Section 26 in Township 80 N of Range 20 W containing 160 acres according to the United States Survey
Signed: Miles White
$200.00;   Book 2, Page 460;   Filed: 19 Apr 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Rodgers, Henry - DEEDED FROM - White, Miles
NE ¼ of Section 35 in Township 80 N of Range 20 W containing 160 acres according to the United States Survey
Signed: Miles White
$200.00;   Book 2, Page 459;   Filed: 19 Apr 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Rodgers, William - DEEDED FROM - Rodgers, Henry
Town of Newton, Out Lot 24
Signed: Henry Rodgers
$60.00;   Book 2, Page 103;   Filed: 09 Sep 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Rodgers, William - DEEDED FROM - Rodgers, John
NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 2 in Township 79 N of Range 20 W
Signed: John Rodgers, Jane Rodgers (Her X Mark)
$2,000.00;   Book 2, Page 246;   Filed: 19 Mar 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Rodgers, William - DEEDED FROM - Vowell, Anderson
NW fractional ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 2 in Township 79 of Range 20 W
Signed: Anderson Vowell, Margaret Vowell
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 322;   Filed: 24 Sep 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Rodgers, William & Henry - DEEDED FROM - Adamson, Thomas J.
Town of Newton, 25 feet in width with the lines of the town plot off of the W side of Lot 1 in Block 20
Signed: Thomas J. Adamson, Elizabeth Adamson
$30.00;   Book 2, Page 107;   Filed: 13 Sep 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Rodgers, William & Henry - DEEDED FROM - County Judge
Town of Newton, Lot 6 in Block 17
Signed: Jesse Rickman, County Judge
$20.00;   Book 2, Page 182;   Filed: 14 Feb 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Rus, Thomas - DEEDED FROM - Baker, Shelby
30 acres of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 22 in Township 79 Range 19 W that said tract commencing at the SE corner of said forty thence running N 60 Rods thence W 80 Rods thence S 60 Rods thence E 80 Rods containing 30 acres more or less
Signed: Shelby Baker, Elizabeth Baker (Her X Mark)
$40.00;   Book 2, Page 356;   Filed: 04 Dec 1852

[ Return to Index ]
School Dist. 1 Fairview Twp - DEEDED FROM - Tool, Adam M.
132 feet E and W and 120 N and S E of Block 1 Lot 8 after leaving 30 feet of the town of Tool's Point
Signed: Adam M. Tool, Susan H. Tool
$10.00;   Book 2, Page 289;   Filed: 06 Jul 1852

[ Return to Index ]
School Dist. 21, DM Township - DEEDED FROM - Brown, John W.
1 Square acre in the center of a small elm grove on the N side and joining up to the State Road running from Palla in Madison Co. to Ft. Des Moines in Polk Co., and on the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 25 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W of the 5th P M
Signed: John W. Brown
$10.00;   Book 2, Page 59;   Filed: 07 Jul 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Scovill, Bennett - DEEDED FROM - Herring, Jacob
S ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 17 in Township 79 of Range 18 W containing 80 acres more or less
Signed: Jacob Herring (His X Mark), Mary Herring (Her X Mark)
$280.00;   Book 2, Page 367;   Filed: 27 Dec 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Shaffer, George W. - DEEDED FROM - Shaffer, Joseph
W ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 28 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W containing 80 acres
Signed: Joseph Shaffer, Nancy Shaffer
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 359;; ;   Filed: 10 Dec 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Shealer, Daniel - DEEDED FROM - How, George W.
E ½ of the SW ¼ and the W ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 34 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W
Signed: George W. How
$294.00;   Book 2, Page 456;   Filed: 06 Apr 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Shealer, Daniel - DEEDED FROM - Robbins, Uriah
SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 25 in Township 78 Range 19 W 40 acres more or less
Signed: Uriah Robbins, Sarah G. Robbins
$200.00;   Book 2, Page 453;   Filed: 06 Apr 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Shelledy, Stephen - DEEDED FROM - Baldwin Estate
E ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 30 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W
Signed: Manly Gifford, Adm. Estate of John Baldw(in)
$97.00;   Book 2, Page 447;   Filed: 24 Mar 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Shipp, Albert - DEEDED FROM - Shipp, John
W ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 35 in Township 80 N of Range 21 W in the District of Land Subject to Sale at Iowa City, Iowa
Signed: John Shipp, Elizabeth Shipp
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 85;; ;   Filed: 18 Aug 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Shissler, Isaac - DEEDED FROM - English, Thomas
E ½ of the E ¼ of Section 25 in Township 80 N of Range 21 W
Signed: Thomas English, Mary Jane English (Her X Mark)
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 405;   Filed: 16 Feb 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Shissler, Isaac - DEEDED FROM - Meeker, Zennis
SE ¼ of the NE of Section 31 in Township 80 Range 20 W containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: Zennis Meeker
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 404;   Filed: 16 Feb 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Sims, Squire S. - DEEDED FROM - Howe, George W.
E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ and the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 11 in Township 79 N of Range20 W
Signed: George W. Howe
$232.00;   Book 2, Page 119;   Filed: 19 Nov 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Sims, Squire S. - DEEDED FROM - Sims, Lawson D.
SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 2 in Township 79 Range 20 W of the 5th Principal Meridian in the District of Land subject to sale at Iowa City, Iowa, containing 40 acres.
Signed: Lawson D. Sims, Anna Sims (Her X Mark)
$200.00;   Book 2, Page 69;; ;   Filed: 19 Jul 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Skiff, Harvey J. - DEEDED FROM - Coe, Alvin & Wife
NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 34 in Township 80 N of Range 19 W in the district of lands subject to sale at Iowa City, Iowa, containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: Alvin Coe, Elizabeth Coe (Her X Mark)
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 291  Filled 08 Jul 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Skiff, Harvey J. - DEEDED FROM - Shipley, Ezekiel
Town of Newton, Out Lot 19
Signed: Ezekiel Shipley, Hannah Shipley
$90.00;   Book 2, Page 170;; ;   Filed: 04 Feb 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Skiff, Harvey J. - DEEDED FROM - Shipley, Ezekiel
NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 32 in Township 80 N of Range 19 W containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: Ezekiel Shipley, Hannah Shipley
$200.00;   Book 2, Page 366;; ;   Filed: 29 Dec 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Skiff, Harvey J. - DEEDED FROM - Sparks, John R.
NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 24 in Township 80 N of Range 20 W
Signed: John R. Sparks, Elizabeth Sparks
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 300;; ;   Filed: 20 Jul 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Skiff, William R. - DEEDED FROM - Pearson, James
SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 20 in Township 80 N of Range 19 W
Signed: James Pearson, Francis Pearson (Her X Mark)
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 239;   Filed: 13 May 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Slaughter, James - DEEDED FROM - Minson, William
80 acres off the E side of the NW fractional ¼ of Section 6 in Township 79 Range 20 W
Signed: William Minson
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 407;   Filed: 23 Feb 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Sparks, John R. - DEEDED FROM - Allen, William D.
S ½ of the NE ¼ and the S ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 12 in Township 79 N of Range 19
Signed: William D. Allen
$550.00;   Book 2, Page 334;   Filed: 19 Oct 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Sparks, John R. - DEEDED FROM - Campbell, William B.
NE ¼ of the NW ¼ in Section 10 and the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ in Section 9 in Township 78 N of Range 17 W containing 80 acres more or less
Signed: William Campbell, Emeline C. Campbell
$200.00;   Book 2, Page 337;   Filed: 19 Oct 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Sparks, Trulove - DEEDED FROM - Pilgrim, Thomas
E ½ of the SW ¼ and the W ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 35 in Township 79 N of Range 17 W in the District of Land Subject to private entry at Iowa City, Iowa, containing 160 acres
Signed: Thomas Pilgrim, Drusilla Pilgrim
$200.00;   Book 2, Page 123;   Filed: 01 Dec 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Springer, Andrew N. - DEEDED FROM - Jasper County
Town of Newton Lot 3 in Block 26
Signed: Jesse Rickman, County Judge
$30.00;   Book 2, Page 262;   Filed: 27 May 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Springer, Jobe W. - DEEDED FROM - Springer, William M & wife
Town of Newton, Lot 3 in Block 21
Signed: William M. Springer, Sarah Springer (Her X Mark)
$35.00;   Book 2, Page 202;; ;   Filed: 06 Mar 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Storn, Marcus - DEEDED FROM - Edwards, Milton M.
NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 15 and the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 10 in Township 80 Range 21 W
Signed: Milton M. Edwards, Ann Edwards (Her X Mark)
$350.00;   Book 2, Page 440;   Filed: 18 Mar 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Strain, Thomas - DEEDED FROM - Booker, Jacob
S ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 17 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W of the 5th Principal Meridian containing 880 acres
Signed: Jacob Booker, Maria Jane Booker
$500.00;   Book 2, Page 221;   Filed: 09 Apr 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Sturman, Benjamin - DEEDED FROM - Richey, William
SE ¼ of the SW ¼ and SE ¼ of the SE ¼ in Section 19 in Township 80 N of Range 20 West also N part of the N½ of the NW ¼ and the NE ¼ of Section 30, commencing at the NW corner of Section 30 running thence S 56 rods, thence E 244 rods and 10 links thence N 56 rods to the Section line, all above containing 164 acres more or less
Signed: William Richey, Eliza Richey
$759.00;   Book 2, Page 1;   Filed: 19 Apr 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Thompson, James - DEEDED FROM - Thompson, Thomas
NW ¼ of the SE of Section 13 in Township 78 N of Range 17 W containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: Thomas Thompson
$300.00;   Book 2, Page 99;   Filed: 04 Sep 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Thompson, Thomas - DEEDED FROM - Pearson, Thomas
Town of Newton, Lot 1 in Block 18
Signed: Thomas Pearson, Rhoda Pearson
$30.00;   Book 2, Page 226;   Filed: 14 Apr 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Tice, Madison - DEEDED FROM - McCulum, Alexander
The undivided ½ of the N ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 36 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W of the 5th Principal Meridian
Signed: Alexander McCulum, Amanda McCulum
$500.00;   Book 2, Page 35;   Filed: 07 May 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Tice, Madison - DEEDED FROM - Tice, Jacob
The undivided interest of the N ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 36 in Township 78 N of Range 21 W of the 5th P. M.
Signed: Jacob Tice (His X Mark) Jane Tice (Her X Mark)
$100.00;   Book 2, Page 213;   Filed: 23 Mar 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Tidrich, Robert L. - DEEDED FROM - Parker, Samuel K.
E fractional ½ of Section 6 in Township 79 N of Range 20 W of the 5th P. M. excepting the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section and the SW ¼ of the Se ¼ of Section 32 in Township 80 N of Range aforesaid
Signed: Samuel K. Parker
$230.00;   Book 2, Page 207;   Filed: 16 Mar 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Tolbert, Isaac - DEEDED FROM - Buffington, Joseph W.
E ½ of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 36 in Township 78 N of Range 18 W of the 5th P. M. containing 20 acres more or less
Signed: Joseph W. Buffington, Pauline Buffington (Her X Mark)
$75.00;   Book 2, Page 424;   Filed: 25 Feb 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Tolbert, Isaac & William - DEEDED FROM - Tolbert, Isaac G.
E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 25 in Township 78 N Range 18 W containing 20 acres
Signed: Isaac G. Tolbert, Nancy Ellen Tolbert (Her X Mark)
$70.00;   Book 2, Page 335;   Filed: 19 Oct 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Tool, James A. - DEEDED FROM - County Commissioners
Town of Newton, Lot 8 in Block 24
Signed: Willis Green, Levi Plummer, James A. Tool
$13.00;   Book 2, Page 65;   Filed: 09 Jul 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Tool, James A. - DEEDED FROM - Tool, Adam M.
Town of Tool's Point, Lot 8 in Block 7
Signed: Adam M. Tool, Susan H. Tool
$10.00;   Book 2, Page 73;   Filed: 28 Jul 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Tool, John M. - DEEDED FROM - Tool, Adam M.
Town of Tool's Point Lot 4 in Block 6 & Lot 5 in Block 7
Signed: Adam M. Tool, Luisa H. Tool
$50.00;   Book 2, Page 454;   Filed: 06 Apr 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Treace, Joshua M. - DEEDED FROM - Mayfield, William T.
NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 11 in Township 78 N of Range 17 W containing 40 acres more or less and the N ½ of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 10 in Township 78 N of Range 17 W containing 20 acres more or less and the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 15 in Township 78 N of Range 17 W containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: William T. Mayfield, Nancy Mayfield
$200.00;   Book 2, Page 141;   Filed: 29 Dec 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Trease, Joshua - DEEDED FROM - Workman, William
SW ¼ of Section 21 in Township 80 N of Range 19 W in the District of Lands Subject to Sale at Iowa City, Iowa containing 160 acres
Signed: William Workman by Samuel Workman, his Attorney in fact
$250.00;   Book 2, Page 376;   Filed: 07 Jan 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Trease, Joshua M. - DEEDED FROM - Sparks, Trulove M.
SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 15 in Township 78 N of Range 17 W in the district of land subject to sale at Iowa City, Iowa, containing 40 acres
Signed: Trulove M. Sparks, (His X Mark), Sarah Sparks (Her X Mark)
$45.00;   Book 2, Page 143;; ;   Filed: 29 Dec 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Trotter, Monroe - DEEDED FROM - Hammer, Jesse
E ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 20 in Township 79 N of Range 18 W
Signed: Jesse Hammer, Margaret W. Hammer
$525.00;   Book 2, Page 342;   Filed: 27 Oct 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Turk, Anthony - DEEDED FROM - Hammock, John B.
E ½ of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ and the N ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 29 and the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 30 in Township 79 N of Range 18 W containing 240 acres more or less
Signed: John B. Hammock, Sarah Hammock (Her X Mark)
$1,500.00;   Book 2, Page 328;   Filed: 09 Oct 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Turner, Charles C. - DEEDED FROM - Byington, LeGrange
W ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 34 in Township 80 of Range 21 W
Signed: LeGrange Byington, Mary Byington
$110.00;   Book 2, Page 357;   Filed: 10 Dec 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Turner, Charles C. - DEEDED FROM - Wiggins, Johnathan
Commencing at the NW corner of the SW of the SE ¼ of Section 19 in Township 80 Range 20 W and run S 25 Rods thence E 37 Rods to the top of the E bank of Indian Creek thence N degrees to the N line of the above described ¼ thence W to the place of beginning so as to include an area of 4 acres
Signed: Johnathan Wiggins
$850.00;   Book 2, Page 243;   Filed: 03 May 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Tutor, John E. - DEEDED FROM - Brown, Jacob C.
NE ¼ of the NW 1//4 of Section 30 in Township 78 N Range 19 W of the 5th principal meridian containing 40 acres more or less
Signed: Jacob C. Brown, Nancy Brown (Her X Mark)
$80.00;   Book 2, Page 228;   Filed: 16 Apr 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Vowel, Bince - DEEDED FROM - Alloway, Abisha
Town of Newton, Lot 3 in Block 15
Signed: Abisha Alloway (His X Mark), Adaline Alloway (Her X Mark)
$25.00;   Book 2, Page 45;   Filed: 26 May 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Vowel, Bince - DEEDED FROM - Sims, Lawson D.
SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 32 in Township 80 of Range 19 W of the 5th Principal Meridian
Signed: Lawson D. Sims, Anna Sims (Her X Mark)
$40.00;   Book 2, Page 53;; ;   Filed: 23 Jun 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Waldriss, Julian - DEEDED FROM - Tool, Adam M.
Town of Tool's Point Lot 1 in Block 7
Signed: Adam M. Tool, Susan H. Tool
$10.00;   Book 2, Page 240;   Filed: 24 May 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Wallace George W. - DEEDED FROM - Prouty, Anson T.
Town of Newton, Lot 1 & 7 in Block 20
Signed: Anson T. Prouty, Elizabeth Prouty
$125.00;   Book 2, Page 101;   Filed: 09 Sep 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Wallis, George W. - DEEDED FROM - Adamson, Thomas J.
Town of Newton, Lot 1 & 8 in Block 15
Signed: Thomas J. Adamson, Elizabeth Adamson
$350.00;   Book 2, Page 173;   Filed: 07 Feb 1852

[ Return to Index ]
White, Henry W. - DEEDED FROM - Cox, Alexander S.
NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 22 in Township 80 N of Range 18 W
Signed: Alexander Cox
$220.00;   Book 2, Page 206;   Filed: 13 Mar 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Whitted, William - DEEDED FROM - Mangrum, Spear S. & wife
W ½ of the NW ¼ and the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 34 and the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 33 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W containing 160 acres
Signed: Spear Mangrum, Mary P. Mangrum
$400.00;   Book 2, Page 165;   Filed: 29 Jan 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Wiggins, Johnathan - DEEDED FROM - Sterman, Benjamin
Commence at the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 19 in Township 80 Range 20 and run from thence S 25 Rods or 6 rods S of the Mill Seat from thence E 37 Rods to the E bank of Indian Creek from thence N degrees up to the N line of the above described ¼ from thence W to the place of beginning so as to enclose an area of 4 acres
Signed: Benjamin Sterman
$170.00;   Book 2, Page 242;; ;   Filed: 03 May 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Wilburn, William - DEEDED FROM - Workman, William
SW ¼ of Section 21 in Township 80 N of Range 19 W
Signed: Samuel Workman, Louisa Workman
$1,000.00;   Book 2, Page 378;   Filed: 07 Jan 1853

[ Return to Index ]
Williams, James M. - DEEDED FROM - Mosier, Daniel
E ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 29 in Township 78 N of Range 19 W and the SE ¼ of Section 31, excepting 9 acres off of the N end of the W ½ of said ¼ in Township 78 N of Range 19 W
Signed: Daniel Mosier, Jemima Jane Mosier
$1,000.00;   Book 2, Page 127;   Filed: 15 Dec 1851

[ Return to Index ]
Wilson, S. H. - DEEDED FROM - Allen, Thomas J.
W ½ of the SE ¼ and E ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 6 in Township 79 of Range 18
Signed: Thomas J. Allen, Elizabeth W. Allen
$550.00;   Book 2, Page 286;   Filed: 30 Jun 1852

[ Return to Index ]
Wright, Newton - DEEDED FROM - Tool, Adam M.
Town of Tool's Point Lot 3 in Block 4 in addition to the above is Lot 8 in Block 3
Signed: Adam M. Tool, Susan H. Tool
$15.00;   Book 2, Page 414;   Filed: 14 Feb 1853