Henry County, IAGenWeb


Town 73 North, Range 7, West


Historical and Statistical.


Jefferson Township is a fine body of land laying in the north-west corner of the County, and amongst its first settlers were found Hiram Howard, Henry Payne Roberts, R. M. Pickle, T. Masher, Harrison Mathew, Daniel Turney, and many others.  Mr. Roberts, and R. M. Pickle, laid out the village of Marshall on the eastern boundaries of Skunk River timber, in 1852, and it is now a smart little village, several good stores, a steam Grist Mill, a Machine Shop, &c.  Are among the things of public interest there.  It is a fine Township of land, and has an abundance of timber for its own use.

Section 6 Section 5 Section 4 Section 3 Section 2 Section 1
J Coppig C Roth Henry Davis Sr W Williams A Sayles Jas Leeper
T Merrill HH Choee ME Clifton J Winger J Schlarbawn EC Noble
J Kenley D Iker J Coy E Parent Jas Leeper C Baker
BM McC DA Kittle B Williams M Clifton JB Real JW Warren
A Mc K HD W Williams P Tsi hauntz J Carter JE Schrock
W Riley AR Scott HH Cohee D Wislon Oliver Jessup P Davidson
M McClintic M McClintic M McClintic ES Noble JJ Brooks AC Martin
T Strickland HH Cohee Wm Plunkett M Mathews
D Wheeler C Roth T Tucker
Jacob Shively
AR Scott
H Neff
Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Section 11 Section 12
N McClintic E Pangburn Village of Marshall B Bailey C Winger J Jessup
M Kurtz A Black H Davis Jr DB Warren Jos Winger A Walker
WP M Land David Davis Jno Wyse N Roth H Millhone
Jno Kurtz D Lute J Allen C Winger J Schlegel AC Martin
FS D Hayse T Tucker N Rich Oliver Jessup Wm A Jessup
M Meeker WD Moore MM Cook H Mathews D & JMM Martin Jno Barr
E Pangburn VW DD Sarah Walker J Rich Jno Zing
WJ Haynes LD Wiggins C Roth TB Walker JM Nickel Heirs
RA C Moore C Wyse J Conrad B Martin
M LR Moore
JW Cole
A Nott
A Haynes
Section 18 Section 17 Section 16 Section 15 Section 14 Section 13
Shawnee Creek Farm Wm Leeper JB J Conrad JM Nickel Heirs John L Ross
Jno Price M Conrad AW N Rich Thos Nickell A Johnson
N JW HM JMN Ino Harlan A Adams
MP B Martin Mrs B CPW Wm Flowers E Burrows
H Howard PS H Darneel JR John L Ross Bereman Est
TN DE HS GR Gilles JJ Stansbury Jacob Moore
DT JC HSP Sarah Walker D Johnson
JMMB H Davis BS WMB J Roberts
D Price D Davis ECC M Mallum F Roberts
Jos Zehr Amos Henthorn MJ Rogers H Mathews W Elgar
J Payne HL HMP Jacob Moore
A Haynes A Leeper C Roth
AH DB Warren DW
L Mrs B
NS WP Shelton
DA B Bailey
JP J Nichols
JF Stone O Jessup
B Bailey
Bereman Est
AA Bane
Section 19 Section 20 Section 21 Section 22 Section 23 Section 24
Jno Roach B MJ Rogers JW Cole JJ Stansbury John L Ross
PS Cole EO WP Shelton Jno Montgomery Jno Montgomery Jno Rider
JW Cole Y JW Cole W Roberts S Wheeler Geo Conover
I Cahail WM Clark JJS CH Payne S Freeman CA Border
S Walker R R Allen M Mallum F Alter RS Cole
J Burgess G JE Frank Jacob Moore JR Everts JW Cole
S Brown Est GI Jeffrey TN
FI Jeffrey Z TH
GI Jeffrey JM Wm Flowers
S JLR S Freeman
B Gerrick Sen Allers
JJ Stansberry IB Ross
M Conrad CAB
J Zing
W York
Jno Montgomery
Section 30 Section 29 Section 28 Section 27 Section 26 Section 25
HH Pickel OC JJ Stansberry Daniel Turney D Turney AL Sater
Jacob Moore JAL JW Cole CC Turney CC Turney T Birchall
J Kaufman HO RS Cole JR Everts Evan Evans Jno Dill
Jacob Moore FO C Begler Jno Fogle E White JB Black
Chas Roach TL JAB Evan Evans JH Campbell JS
Chas Roach HB E White JW Keith HS Payne
M Conrad WF HN Payne M Mead
L Protzer W Ross AH
WAJ SF A Hartzler
Jos Gerrick RM H Merrett
JWM M LM Everts
P Gerrick Jr TM
W Brown JNB
E Ross UMN
C Begler BB
C Begler
J Zing
C Very
C Beakler
JH Campbell
Section 31 Section 32 Section 33 Section 34 Section 35 Section 36
Merimack Mills S Manning Jos Ross P Black Hiram Howard LM Everts
Mary Achenbach FM J Morrison E White S Hulme EW Payne
G Try S McKensey FM Waitman JA Leeper AC Morrison GH Howard
Sarah M Durddwilar H Weatherwax E Ernst P Morrison Emanuel Ernst S Gerrick
WJ & Rogers G Ross P Moorison MM J Gunden
LA Leviec JH Ross S Hahn E Evens CC Stucki
A Nick HN Payne J Dill Jno Hite
D Norton JHC AL Sater H Howard
E Scott CP D RM Goldsmith
JW Manning JW Keith M E Ernst
R Campbell Jas McCormick GW Wilson
E McK LM Everts J Morrison
Wm Flegal P Moorison SH
MW Jos Morrison J Hite
J Smith SG
Smith Heirs
M Smith
IW Kephart


Principal Products & How Stocked. Representative Views
Bushels Wheat 30,919              No. Acres
Bushels Corn 185,057 Popular Grove, Residence of Jacob Moore 230
Bushels Oats 22,700 Williams' Creek Farm, Residence of E. C. Noble 400
Tons Hay 2,055 Shawnee Creek Farm, Residence of John Price 160
No. Horned Cattle 2,030 Residence of J. J. Stansbury 320
No. Horses 874 Merrimac Mills
No. Sheep 3,211 (W. J. and J. S. Rogers, Proprietors)
No. Hogs 3,076
No. Dogs 192
No. Acres in Cultivation 11,957
Total Population 1,556
Value of Produce



Source:  Combination Atlas Map of Henry County, Iowa; Publisher, Thompson & Everts, 

1870 http://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/cdm/ref/collection/atlases/id/9695 

Transcribed & formatted by Conni McDaniel Hall, July 2014

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