Teachers' Institute 1920
Splendid Teachers' Institute Held Here Last Week
The Dispatch is indebted to its school correspondent for this spendid write-up of the Inspirational Institute held in Grundy Center last Monday and Tuesday.The teachers institute of this year held last Monday and Tuesday was an excellent one. The teachers had two full days of interesting talks, speeches, and special work. All the talks were very inspiring, and on the whole, the institute was a great success. There were about one hundred and seventy-five teachers enrolled. These teachers came from all parts of Grundy county. The teachers were not the only ones who attended the meetings; the normal training students were extended invitations by Superintendent Earl. They took advantage and were there at nearly all the meetings.
There were many very good speakers at the Institute. Mr. Palmer, Superintendent of the Blind School at Vinton, gave two inspiring speeches on education.
Prof. Fullerton talked to the teachers on the subject of music in the grades.
Prof. Fordyce, of the University of Nebraska, gave two lectures on education. He had a special meeting with the Grundy Center teachers Tuesday, and the subject of supervised study was taken up.
Miss Dansdill of Des Moines, had charge of the health crusade of Iowa. She was at the Institute Tuesday and gave a talk on the Health Crusade. This movement was taken up in the grades of the Grundy school several years ago. It will be taken up again this year. Iowa has the honor of standing first, in teaching health in the school of the United States.
Mr. Moeller, county superintendent of Black Hawk county, gave a general talk on the subject of consolidation.
Monday evening the Baptist Ladies Aid served the teachers a dinner. The price was seventy-five cents a plate, so of course, the dinner was a very good one.
The menu:
Jellied Veal Escalloped Potatoes
Creamed Peas
Rolls Cranberry Jelly
Cottage Cheese
Pumpkin Pie Whipped Cream
They had another menu, too; instead of something to eat it was a toast program.
Toast Master--Co. Supt. D. R. Earl
"Soup"--H. E. Moeller
"Meat"--Dr. Chas. Fordyce
"Condiments"--C. F. Banghart
"Salad"--F. E. Palmer
"Dessert"--C. A. Fullerton
The following teachers and those training for the teaching profession were enrolled during the Institute:
Morrison--Gladys Wabel, Grace A. Stout, Fred Law.
Beaman--Gracia Peasley, F. LaVede Bremer, Ina K. Wood, Josie Hoover, Chas. A. Tenny, Lucile Cole, Ruth Bruene.
Reinbeck--Mrs. Edith Slessor, Minerva Cooper, Irma Hemphill, Clara B. Fogg, Gladys Ross, Agnes Gardiner, Eleanor Hansen, Jennie Miller, Vesta L. Perkins, Edna Pearl Wolber, Ages Dew, Anna Hepperle, Jeanette Sloss, N. S. Miller, Myra C. Jensen
Conrad--Ethel Johnson, Marie Lovejoy, Mildred Swain, Helen Taylor, Eva Lovejoy, Irma Stansberry, Josephine Dunton, Mary Chryst, Harriett Stoops, I. F. Heald, Ione E. Noble, Naomi Albright.
Stout--Eita Russman, D. W. Austin
Grundy Center--Mabel McBroom, Mayme Schultz, Lena White, Bess White, Mrs. B. M. Jenkins, Sue Dodd, Zelma Rule, Grace Enlow, Thelma Morrison, Helen Roche, Winson Crary, Lois Adams, Maggie Gray, Millie Graham, Omer Robinson, Ruth Davis, Almeda Davis, P. Palmer Mahan, C. F. Banghart, Mr. Cowan
Dike--Genevieve Bendorf, Mabelle J. Roberts, Lucile England, C. A. Morris, Mrs. C. A. Morris, Mae Cochrane, Joseph Taylor, Agnes Christensen, Stella Knipe
Wellsburg--A. Von Tersch, Mrs. Neil R. Ashby, Grace Johns Riekena, Ingrid M. Holleschan
Christian Reformed College--Jennie Jagersma, Jennie Schoolmesster, Tena Bajema, Rachel Van Der Molen, Harriett Vanhuizen, Jennie Campaam
Stena Jensen, Dike; Marguerite Keiter, Grundy Center; Julia Knudson, Grundy Center; Tena McGraw, Dike
Fairfield--Esther Morgensen, Martha Dew, Jessie Juhl, Elizabeth Deadrick, Laura Millet
Palermo--Irene Conradi, Ruby Johnson, Ruth Fisher, Matilda Wulf, Helen Lauterbach, Beulah Taylor, Vernice Kell, Irene Harris
German--Katie Toomsen, Mrs. Anderson, Tarana Schlampp, Alma Bizer, Ella Riekens, Anne Schoeneman, Lydia Kruse
Melrose--Merle Ayres, Daisy Brothers, Ina Crecelius, Ruth Hudson, Hazel Price, Mabel Weberg, Nellie Kinney, Laura Wheeler
Shiloh--Elizabeth Lonergan, Lillian Bode, Regina Hook, Margaret Cullen, Lucile Applegate
Felix--Adella Morton, Olive Nordquist, Hazel Draper
Washington--Elizabeth Dickson, Mrs. Edith Wiese, Grace Ford, Harriet Taylor, Wava Mertz
Colfax--Hannah Smit, Helen Huyck, Mayme Flanagan, Esther Drake, Mary Converse, Callie M. Johnson, Eleanor Hagan, Lela Parker, Grace Lutterman
Lincoln--Hulda Miller, Mabel Mordhorst, Lois Taylor, Mrs. Schulta, Elizabeth O'Connor
Clay--Estelle Dickson, Anna Neilson, Anna Bein
Pleasant Valley--Lulu Ackerman, Emma Harken, Maye Sapp, Lydia Arnold
Grant--Margarette McGuire, Nellie Murphy, Jeanette Kurvink, Iva Miller
Black Hawk--Ada Miller, Bernice Unrau, Grace Campbell, Frances Campbell, Dorothy Rickert, Augusta Wilmes, Kathryn O'Connor, Gertrude Elliott
Grant, Tama county--Anna Albert, Alice Doebler
Beaver--Doris I. Krueger, Earl Oglime, Dora Henning, Ethel Ellinger, Kathryn McGraw, Winifred Elledge, Florence Gallagher
--Grundy County Dispatch (Grundy Center, Iowa), 3 November 1920, pg 6