Grundy County Institute 1907
122 Teachers At County Institute
Session Began Monday and Will Continue Until Saturday AfternoonExaminations Will Be Held Next Week
The town is given over to the school ma'ams this week. Up to this morning there were 122 teachers enrolled at the county institute which began Monday and which will remain in session until Saturday afternoon. The teachers must have a pull with the weather man for such a charming and corn growing week as we have had since Monday we have not had before this year. If it should prove necessary to have a teacher's institute in order to get good weather the teachers should remain in session until next September. The farmers would be glad to pay them well for their time and give them a raise in salary to boot.
The enrollment is smaller by about thirty this year than it was last. This is because of the new certificate law which does not require so many to write for certificates as before. A large number of the older teachers are missing from the institute this year and a large class that is taking institute work for the first time enrolled Monday.
The boys are a minus quantity. They probably find it more profitable to plow corn just now than to put in their time preparing for a job that pays less than a hired man gets. The girls outnumber the boys by about ten to one.
Prof. Cameron of Kansas City gave a lecture at the opera house last night. This is the only evening session that is on the schedule for the week.
Examinations will be held next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. About 75 teachers are expected to return to write for certificates. This is the first institute in the county at which certificates were written for which will be issued by the state superintendent upon the recommendation of the state examining board. Questions and answers will be forwarded to the state superintendent's office as soon as the examinations are over and teachers may expect returns within a month.
Following is the enrollment to date.
Grundy Center
Edith Watson | Iona Meyers |
Fern Gray | E. N. Sheller |
Harriet Baldwin | Maye E. Buchan |
Elevin E. Gray | Vera Lillibridge |
Ida L. Watkins | Jennie Robins |
Clara L. Paddock | Inda Dodd |
Cora Dilly | Ida M. Wass |
Ruie Goodell | Bertha Severance |
Minnie Davidson | Caroline Haren |
Teresa Pollard | Agnes Gaffey |
Hermanda Koobs | Pearl Gottsch |
Ruth Williamson | Raymond G. Upton |
Mae Thomas | Lida Mutch |
Wanda Buchan | Ora Haan |
Myrtle Robbins | Pearl E. Robbins |
Marvin Humphrey | Clara B. Keiter |
Exene Taft | Edith Wilder |
Clara Morrison | Maggie S. Gray |
Ida Gaffey | W. H. Gilbert |
Savilla Galbraith | Christy Buchan |
Julia Knudson | Inez Petersen |
Clara Albright | Iona Meyers |
Martha Woodmency | Hazel Armstrong |
Edna L. Bawn | Nettie A. Brown |
Lena Trey |
Susie Dunn | Alice Cakerice |
Josephine E. Long |
Henry Busse | H. T. Deters |
Fred Ackerman |
Gleo Dahn | Bertha Jansonius |
Neva Dahn | Edith Timm |
Antoinette M. Scheidermann |
New Hartford
Phebe Van Gelder | Carrie L. Wood |
Lewena Pollock | Anna M. Larsen |
Maude Emery | Addie Emery |
Lola Wolfensperger |
Emma Nichols | Triena H. Riekena |
Hattie Beving |
Steamboat Rock
Louise Potgieter | Helen Neessen |
Ruth Vaughn | Orpha Cooley |
Lena Bulthuis |
Cedar Falls
Georgia Bolton | Josie Norris |
Anna Lund |
Ida M. Copely | Lura B. Chase |
Stona Jensen | Katharine McGraw |
Dora Runft | Anna Hepperle |
Eliza Cooper | Mae Harris |
Estella Slessor | Mary Plaehn |
Lela Taylor | Anna G. McAvoy |
Agnes Gardiner | May Maholm |
Ruth Sherbon | Marie Ausborn |
Edithe Early | Ruby Lighter |
Florence Stover | Marie Babcock |
N. F. Coolege |
Grace Bower | Florence Schwarck |
Nettie Schwarck | Nellie Sweet |
Leila Sweet | E. M. Sheller |
Emma Dinnes |
Bertha Lewis | Louva Boyd |
Mable C. Hunt | Blanche Anderson |
Lucinda Hale | Edith Johnson |
Minnie Sharp |
Carrie A. Shirk, Sanborn, Iowa
Emma B. Kyd, Stout
Helena A. Taylor, Montour
Minnie c. Franken, Holland
Anna Ludemann, Cleves
Fannie B. Sanford, Atlantic
Bertha Cakerice, Marshalltown
Elsie Kliebenstein, Grundy Center
Grace Rait, Reinbeck
Tillie Lutterman, Wellsburg
Ages Gardiner, Reinbeck
Institute Notes
The teachers who came this week to have a warm time are having it. Whether it is the kind of a "warm" that they want is left with themselves.
Several of the teachers brought their trunks with them Monday. This is very unusual especially when the session is for only one week. It rather indicates that they intended entering a dress parade or they were suspicious of the weather.
Several of the boys around town have drawn up a petition asking Supt. Adams to extend the session of the institute another week. They are so slow that it takes them a week to get acquainted and they ought to have a second week in which to have a good time.
From the report of one who claims to know there were eight teachers of this county who donned the matrimonial harness the past year. As there are about 150 teachers in the county it will make but a small example in short division to figure out how long it will take before they will all be married off.
The teachers are about unanimous in the demand that there be a change in the present form which requires a teacher to give her age in years when she applies for a certificate. The change that is wanted is the word "legal" for the number measuring the age. Most people find it embarrassing to be put in a position where they don't want to lie or tell the truth.
A good many of the people with nice lawns and shade trees with low hanging limbs are extending their hospitaility to the visiting teachers. They have moved their settees, swings and rocking chairs that are strong enough for two on the most cozy and secluded spots on their lawns and the labels that the sitting utensils have on them explain their purpose. Some of the labels read as follows: "Have a spark" "There is nobody looking" "The wooers home" etc., etc.
Along with the other good methods that the instructors are recommending some of the practical teachers are disappointed because no new methods are taught them for getting a raise in their salary. These are directed towards the plan of the Voorhies teacher who had her pay doubled and who was given a diamond ring because she knew how to handle a stove poker at the right time and to the teacher in the schools at Woden who last week had his salary advanced $20 a month for taking a 16 year old girl across his knee and giving her the spanking that her mother neglected to give her six years before. A teacher who wants her salary raised should not let an opportunity for a star play pass her by.
The masculine end of the institute faculty have introduced a story telling department. It is in the basement of the high school building. This session is on when the others have closed. The attendance so far has been confined to the instructors. A number of the stories have leaked out and they will be printed in issue when the editor is away on a vacation. No court will grant an injunction prohibiting the stories from going into print, not when they are told by an institute faculty.
--Grundy County Democrat (Grundy Center, Iowa), 20 June 1907, pg 1