Grundy County Institute 1888
The Normal Institute being held in this city is holding its second week of the session and is having a very proftable and pleasant time. The following is a list of the teachers and pupils in attendance.Grundy Center
Laura Hundley | Celia Noll |
Emma Mertz | Clara Mertz |
Edna William | Lola Gibson |
Anna McLane | Anna Paddock |
Edith Desmaris | Nellie Robson |
Nettie Plumley | Anna Plumley |
Nora Persons | Nettie Gordon |
Eliza M. Frost | Ella D. Quinn |
Birdie Butler | Will McLane |
Eliza McKeen | F. H. Miller |
Floy Felton | Chas. Frost |
Nellie Will | Henry Metzgar |
Zella Shimer | May Kerr |
Carrie Ivans | Winnie Brown |
Chas. Burd | Nellie Reed |
Clara Brown | Emma Brown |
Clara Jewett | Laura Putney |
Sadie McKeen | Anna Miller |
Jessie Roberts | B. O. Stafford |
Nellie Griggs | Hattie Green |
Carrie Marble | Flora Marble |
Hattie Ingols | Laura Co'burn |
Aggie Williams | Ella Harris |
Emma Bowers | Emma Sibert |
Theresa Murphy | Ella Brown |
May Maholm | Alma Gibson |
Lena DeWolf | Alice Sweetzer |
Stella Kingsbury | May Cumming |
H. L. Robinson | A. J. Cambell |
Louisa Meissner | Maggie Flynn |
G. C. Money | Lucretia Mas |
Kate Miller |
Sylvia Hauser | Jennie Elliott |
Ettie Milles | Emma Wyatt |
Lottie Wallace | May Clifford |
Kate Clifford | Eva Pitcher |
Ella Little |
Steamboat Rock
Alda Albright | Fannie Rockwell |
Anna J. Wilcox | Hattie Rockwell |
Eva Wilcox | Alice Rockwell |
Lillie Miller | Katie Moore |
Walter Ashton |
L. H. Heetland | Cora Blatt |
Anna Whaylen | Zella Whaylen |
Ella Younker | Jessie Pingrey |
Lydia Krider | Florence Mack |
Ila Langdon | Pearl Graves |
Blanch Munn | Carrie Reichart |
Rosa Frazey | Awilda Reichart |
Nellie Smith | Delia Laird |
Cedar Falls
Edith Rarick | Jacob Belz |
Ella Robinson | Beatrice Evers |
Chas. Keetine | May E. Quinn |
Maggie Quinn |
M. Louisa Crarey | Eva G. Brown |
Minnie Sisson |
New Hartford
Emma Sperry | Nellie Dority |
Susie Ensign | Polly Cane |
Maggie Tierney |
Della Eggers, Abbot
Frederick Ubben, Alden
Jennie Degnan, Hudson
Phoebe Meyers, Liscomb
--Grundy County Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 1 August 1888, pg 5