Who's Who 1917
Who's Who This Week
The Republican Begins a Series of Local Life SketchesWho's Who in Grundy Center?
The Republican will attempt to tell you, also perhaps will reveal a few facts and incidents in the lives of well known men about town, their characteristic habits, pet hobbies, idiosyncrasies, pussycatrastrophies, and numerous other immaterial, and irrelevant bits of life, including a life like photo of some of the men who do things in Grundy Center.

One of these sketches will appear each week for some time and the only way you can find out whose life sketch will appear is to read the Republican. No advance information is available.
--The Grundy Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 19 April 1917, pg 1

Who's Who This Week
This week the Republican shows the likeness of Clerk of the Courts, Harry L. Adams, in its Who's Who department. The story of his life is so well told that all will enjoy learning about his early history, especially that brand new suit of clothes he dedicated the first time he wore it by jumping over an iron hitching post in front of his house and leaving the entire seat of the new pair of pants hanging to the projections of the horse's head which decorated the top of the post.--The Grundy Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 26 April 1917, pg 1

Who's Who This Week
This week the Republican shows the likeness of Philo Laybourn, one of Grundy Center's younger business men. Since he took over the Layborn Auto Co. several years ago, he has done a growing business and if the war does not put a crimp in things generally his record this year will be a hummer. His great hobby is Cadillac cars and he dreams about these at night. Philo has never had a real vacation but since he came home from Des Moines some weeks ago and his baby didn't know him he he has vowed to have a real vacation this year in order to get acquainted with his own family again.--The Grundy Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 3 May 1917, pg 1

Who's Who This Week
Chas. T. RogersIn this issue of the Republican we show the likeness of another well known Grundy citizen, C. T. Rogers, lawyer and abstractor. Mr. Rogers has made Grundy his home for a number of years, is connected with the business, church and social life of the community, and his tall and lengthy likeness will be easily recognized by all.
--The Grundy Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 10 May 1917, pg 1, 8

Who's Who This Week
In this issue we give the likeness of Vernon H. Wilson, cashier of the Grundy County National and the Grundy County Savings Banks. Mr. Wilson has been a Grundy resident around five years but in that time he has become well known and has made many friends who will easily recognize his likeness elsewhere on this page.--The Grundy Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 17 May 1917, pg 1

Who's Who This Week
This week the Republican gives the likeness of Henry C. Schafer, the Jeweler, in our Who's Who? Henry is a Grundy Center boy and learned the jewelry business here. Later he spent several years in large city shops where he acquired a wide experience. Later he purchased a store at Marengo, Iowa, and, when the opening came, he returned to Grundy Center and engaged in business, establishing one of the best stores in this part of Iowa. No further introduction is needed for Henry.--The Grundy Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 24 May 1917, pg 1

Who's Who This Week
This week the Republican gives the likeness of G. F. Schlue, one of Grundy Center's well known clothing and shoe merchants. Mr. Schlue came to Grundy Center six years ago and during that time he has built up a fine store and enjoys a large business.Mr. Schlue is a member of the Commercial Club and takes an active interest in the community affairs. He is a worker when assigned anything to do, so when a hard job rolls around, such as Municipal Christmas Tree, or the like, it's a common expression "Let George Do It."
--The Grundy Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 31 May 1917, pg 1
No Who's Who This Week
Owing to the illness of the Republican's cartoonist, Mr. Hume, who has been making the cartoons which the Republican has been running, we are not able to print a cartoon this week. We hope to have one by next week.--The Grundy Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 7 June 1917, pg 1

Who's Who This Week
This week we resume the Who's Who department and show the likeness of Chas. Reed, who recently took over the Studebaker agency for Grundy Center and vicinity. Mr. Reed is the young man who started the Grundy Center auto bus line which he later sold to J. W. Mason. For some time past he has been connected with the Layborn Auto Co. and will continue to have his sale display room for Studebakers there.Just now Charley is in addition to his Studebaker work, interested quite seriously in banking, what goes in a farm contract, and wondering whether he will be one of those whose names will be drawn for war purposes.
--The Grundy Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 14 June 1917, pg 1

Who's Who This Week
This week we resume the Who's Who department, showing the likeness of C. S. Converse, the man who makes so many likenesses of other people. The "man behind the gun" has been quite a theme in poetry and warfare but the man behind the camera has "shot his thousands" to where the man behind the gun gets one. Mr. Converse has shot many famous Grundyites and they are all living to tell the tale, so far as Mr. Converse has had anything to do with them. A sample of his work was evident recently in the high school annual, Mr. Converse taking all the pictures for the annual save a few special ones and the kodak work.--The Grundy Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 28 June 1917, pg 1