Wellsburg, Ia.
W. T. Neessen, Owner
Earl Neessen, Manager
W. T. Neessen, Owner
Earl Neessen, Manager
Long Distance and Local Lines
Sundays and Holidays: 9 a.m.
to 10 a.m.; 12 to 1 p.m.; 5 to 6
p.m. Weekdays: 7 a.m. to 10
p.m. Night service for doctors
and emergency calls only.
On week days service will be
given day and night subject to the
following rules:
A fee of five cents for each ex-
change used will be charged all
non-subscribers. Where the party
does not call at Central, but uses
a subscriber's phone, the fee will be
charged to the subscriber, to be
collected at the end of the month.
Always ring by number and ring
off when through talking, if con-
nected through central.
we cannot get the party called for.
We will ring your call twice, if they
don't answer then it is reasonable
to presume that they are not in
hearing of their phone or else they
would answer.
A fee of ten cents will be char-
ged for calls between 10 p.m. and
6 a.m. EXCEPT when giving bur-
glar or fire alarms or when calling
for doctors. A ring from one phone
to another on local party lines con-
stitute a call and is subject to the
charge. Do not construe this as
an effort on our part to add to our
revenue, but rather to discourage the
use of the line for general purposes
at a time when they should be used
for emergency calls only. Our equip-
ment for night service is of the best
and if the presidents of the
rural companies will see that no
ringing is done on their respective
lines during that period, there need
be no cause for complaint from the
subsriber of the services rendered.
Telephone rentals are due and
payable on the first of each month,
except those due from rural lines,
which will be due on the first day
of July and January, said fee being
payable by the line and not by the
individual members of such line.
Do not cross one line with an-
other line. It spoils the use of
both lines.
Telephone Directory | |
------------------- | |
A | |
B | |
Bank, Farmers & Merchants | 13 |
Bank, Wellsburg Savings | 17 |
Baker Geo. | 43 |
Beecroft T. T., Bakery | 44 |
Beving & Flessner | 221 |
Beving D. J., Residence | 321 |
Bowles E. A., Elevator | 3 |
C | |
City Hall | 13 |
Classen Dick | 24 |
Conradi Chas. | 290 |
D | |
Depot | 28 |
Doyen J. C. | 19 |
Dudden H. | 45 |
E | |
Eells O. B. | 7 |
F | |
Freerksen A., Livery | 241 |
Freerksen A., Residence | 341 |
G | |
Geerdes A. G. | 48 |
Geerdes J. | 32 |
Geerdes H. A. | 14 |
Greenfield H. F. | 1 |
Goldblatt Sam | 230 |
Goldblatt L. | 330 |
H | |
Herald Office | 86 |
Heddens Dr. C. H., Residence | 10 |
Heddens Dr. C. H., Office | 25 |
Hayenga, Miss Dena | 16 |
J | |
Jaspers Mrs. Jacob Sr. | 42 |
K | |
Koolman H. B., Store | 11 |
Koolman H. B., Residence | 22 |
L | |
Lindaman & Son | 231 |
Lindaman Ben | 331 |
Lindaman Geo. | 431 |
Lutterman Mrs. | 2 |
Lutterman C. J. | 20 |
Lutz Frank | 38 |
M | |
Martin F. C., Store | 209 |
Martin F. C., Residence | 309 |
Meyer Andrew | 46 |
Mommer Henry | 8 |
N | |
Neessen W. T., Store | 18 |
Neessen W. T., Residence | 223 |
Neessen Henry, Office | 37 |
Neessen Henry, Residence | 49 |
Neessen Ben | 323 |
P | |
Peters D. J., Elevator | 4 |
Peters D. J., New Elevator | 239 |
Peters D. J., Residence | 339 |
Peters Miss Annie | 29 |
Parsonage | 27 |
Post office | 55 |
R | |
Riant & Winters | 6 |
Riekena & Thomas | 205 |
Riekena D. J., Residence | 305 |
Rindels Hilko | 51 |
Riekena J. W. | 47 |
S | |
Stoehr Wm. | 36 |
Schrage Chas. | 87 |
Snittjer Sam | 34 |
Schmitt Henry, Residence | 35 |
T | |
Trussel Dr. C. W. | 52 |
Tjaden Mrs. T. | 50 |
Tjaden Otto | 33 |
Tjaden John | 26 |
Tjaden Meint, Garage | 56 |
U | |
Uran Dr., Residence | 257 |
Uran Dr., Office | 357 |
W | |
Wehmeyer Fred | 40 |
Z | |
Zech Chas. | 12 |
A | |
Akkerman Hye | 7-A |
Akkerman Tom | 1-A |
Ascher Henry | 4-L |
Ascher Aug. Jr. | 1-L |
Asher Aug. Sr. | 2-L |
B | |
Bales J. W. | 8-F |
Baker Henry | 1-S |
Baker L. | 8-S |
Baker Jno. W. | 15-X |
Baker M. G. | 22-X |
Baker Meno G. | 19-X |
Bausman L. L. | 1-B |
Berends H. | 5-W |
Beving Jno. Sr. | 2-A |
Beving Jno. Jr. | 12-A |
Boalman W. | 30 |
Bottema Jake | 14-S |
Bruns Henry | 16-L |
Bunger A. C. | 1-X |
Bunger L. | 13-W |
Bunger M. | 1-R |
Buskohl Menno | 9-O |
C | |
Christians Ed | 2-S |
Claussen Sam | 12-I |
Conradi Henry | 1-Y |
D | |
DeBuhr Harm | 2-R |
DeBuhr Hye | 6-L |
DeNeui Dick | 11-U |
DeNeui J. Sr. | 18-U |
DeNeui Joe Jr. | 9-U |
DeNeui M. | 10-W |
Deeters Hemmo | 2-X |
Deeters Tom | 3-X |
Deikman Siebe | 22-I |
DeVries F. | 1-O |
E | |
Eberline Fred | 2-B |
Eekkoff Boyo | 7-X |
Eekkoff P. A. | 5-S |
Eekkoff P. | 4-X |
Eckkoff Peter H. | 4-S |
Eilers Jno. | 6-J |
Eiten Mrs. H. | 5-X |
Eiten L. | 6-X |
Eiten L. | 6-S |
Engelkes Ben | 2-I |
Ertmond Jno. | 19-U |
Etjen Chas. | 6-Y |
F | |
Fink Jno. | 5-I |
Frisher Fred | 7-U |
Fredicksen Frank | 3-F |
Freerksen Louis | 20-F |
Fritzel Dan | 4-B |
Fritzel Jno. | 3-B |
G | |
Geerdes Albert | 20-M |
Geerdes Geo. A. | 4-M |
Geerdes Hye | 5-U |
Geerdes Geo. J. | 1-M |
Geerdes Hye | 5-M |
Geerdes John | 3-M |
Gersema Geo. | 6-M |
Giesking H. | 11-I |
Groenwolt Henry | 3-Y |
H | |
Harms Geo. | 4-I |
Harms G. W. | 3-S |
Harms Ibe Jr. | 3-I |
Harms Jno. | 6-I |
Harms Harm | 7-L |
Harms W. G. | 1-S |
Harrenstein Claus | 9-B |
Harrenstein Ben | 8-I |
Harrenstein H. Sr. | 7-I |
Harrenstein Herman | 21-O |
Harrenstein Omke | 5-B |
Haupt Ubbo | 8-X |
Heinrichs Rev. | 18-I |
Heikens J. J. Sr. | 4-U |
Heikens J. J. Jr. | 16-F |
Hippen Frank | 7-O |
Hoefker Rev. | 21-M |
Hoffa Elmer | 6-F |
Hook Ben | 2-H |
Hook Fred | 3-H |
Hook Henry | 6-B |
Hook Rudolf | 11-B |
Huisman Dick | 5-A |
Huisman Jerry | 3-A |
Huisman Jno. | 4-A |
Heikens J. J. Sr. | 7-M |
J | |
Jacobus Hemmen | 7-B |
Jannsen Andrew | 15-F |
Jannsen Andrew | 15-S |
Jannsen J. B. | 8-M |
Jannsen Ausbrand | 9-M |
Jaspers Ben | 4-R |
Jaspers Harm | 4-H |
Jaspers Sam | 5-H |
Jurgens Geo. | 15-U |
K | |
Kennedy L. W. | 5-F |
Knock W. E. | 10-R |
Knock Henry | 8-L |
Koch Wm. Jr. | 15-I |
Koch Wm. Sr. | 10-I |
Kruse Helmer | 3-L |
Kruse Ike | 6-R |
Kuper Harm | 3-U |
L | |
Lindeman B. B. | 13-O |
Lindeman H. B. | 12-O |
Lindeman Henry | 10-A |
Lindeman Jake | 11-O |
Lindeman Wm. | 14-A |
Loger Jno. | 11-W |
Loots Albert | 12-R |
Loots Geo. | 1-H |
Loots Jno. | 9-H |
Lupkes Meint | 9-R |
Luppen Hemmo | 20-X |
Luitjens Jno. | 6-A |
Lutterman Geo. | 18-H |
Lutterman Harm | 1-F |
Lutterman Henry | 8-H |
Lutterman Jno. | 7-H |
M | |
Maas Harry | 5-L |
Maas Jno. | 23-R |
Meester Henry | 9-Y |
Meester Jacob | 4-Y |
Meester Joe | 10-Y |
Meester Jno. | 2-Y |
Meester Thomas | 5-Y |
Meinders Jno. | 2-J |
Meints Jno. | 7-Y |
Meints Louis | 12-M |
Mennenga Jno. | 9-X |
Mennenga Ubbo | 10-M |
Meyer A. W. | 22-M |
Meyer Harm | 7-R |
Meyer Milf | 11-H |
Meyer Peter | 3-R |
Meyer W. A. | 11-M |
Meyer Siebe H. | 19-M |
Miller Chris | 9-L |
Miller Dick | 10-L |
Miller Heiko | 2-U |
Molendorp Helmer | 11-A |
Murra Andrew | 8-U |
N | |
Nederhoff Chas. H. | 12-H |
Nederhoff C. O. | 12-X |
Nederhoff E. H. | 14-U |
Nederhoff H. O. | 10-X |
Nederhoff J. O. | 21-X |
Nederhoff O. | 11-X |
Neessen Chris | 15-O |
Neessen Jno. | 10-B |
Neessen Tom | 9-I |
Neessen W. A. | 8-R |
Newell Frank | 10-R |
Newell Joe | 9-F |
Nichols Mrs. Chas. | 18-F |
O | |
O'Kones Harm | 13-H |
O'Kones Jno. | 14-H |
Olthoff Henry | 20-I |
Olthoff Henry | 20-L |
Olthoff Mrs. Jno. | 6-H |
Overstreet Arthur | 11-F |
P | |
Paterni Jno. | 15-H |
Peters Claus | 16-O |
Peters Harm | 13-L |
Peters John | 14-L |
Peters Jno. | 8-Y |
Primus Ben | 13-M |
Primus Henry | 14-F |
R | |
Rah Jno. | 14-M |
Rieken Dick | 17-O |
Rieken Jake | 10-O |
Rieken Jno. | 18-O |
Riekena B. W. Sr. | 22-U |
Riekena E. J. | 17-M |
Riekena E. W. | 15-M |
Riekena G. B. | 10-U |
Riekena Joe B. | 20-U |
Riekena P. B. | 18-M |
Riekena W. B. | 12-U |
Riekena Treno | 15-W |
Riekena W. W. | 16-M |
Ross Martin | 6-U |
Ross R. | 2-M |
Ross W. A. | 13-U |
Ross Wm. | 13-X |
Ross Evert | 1-U |
Rust Harm | 11-R |
Reiter Harm | 10-H |
Rust Henry | 16-R |
Ruter Ben | 15-R |
Ruter Claus | 16-X |
Ruter Ike | 6-W |
Ruter John | 17-X |
Ruter P. | 14-X |
Rindels Jake | 2-O |
Ryesack Henry | 18-A |
S | |
Saunders Wm. Jr. | 7-S |
Saunders Wm. Sr. | 9-S |
Schmidt Chas. | 13-F |
Schafer Henry | 18-X |
Schulte Henry | 18-R |
Sietsema Geo. | 8-B |
Smith J. R. | 13-I |
Snapp Albert | 2-F |
Snittjer Menno | 17-U |
Schoolan Ed | 12-F |
Stoehr Jno. | 17-H |
Stoehr Eggo | 16-H |
Stoehr C. | 5-R |
T | |
Tacks Richard | 8-A |
Terfehn Fred | 13-R |
Terbeck Sam | 14-I |
Thoren Ben | 12-L |
V | |
Vanderwerf C. | 20-O |
VanLoh Jno. | 13-A |
Vantiger Ed. | 14-R |
W | |
Weichers Dick | 10-J |
Williams Jerry | 18-L |
Willts Jno. O. | 10-S |
Wolf Elmer | 7-F |
Wubbens Geo. D. B. | 22-O |
For calls, the letter "S" means
short ring and letter "L" a long
Central 1 long ring. | |
1 SS | 12 SSLS |
2 SSS | 13 LLSS |
3 SSSS | 14 SLS |
4 SSSSS | 15 SSSL |
5 SL | 16 SLSL |
6 LS | 17 LSLS |
7 LLS | 18 SSL |
8 LSS | 19 SSLL |
9 SLL | 20 LSSL |
10 LL | 21 SLSS |
11 LSL | 22 LSSS |
6 short rings will constitue a
general call to which all on the line
will respond.