Grundy County Veterans Index
This is an index of veteran's that entered service from Grundy County or are buried in Grundy County.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Rabbitt, Charles A.
Rabenberg, Burdette Nolte
Rabenberg, Irwin Carl
Rademaker, Harold George
Ragsdale, Bill (William Thomas)
Ralston, Chester W.
Ralston, Clarence J.
Ralston, Gerald C.
Ralston, James M.
Ralston, John H.
Ralston, Leonard R.
Ralston, Robert E.
Ramsey, Elmer Leroy
Ramsey, Ray Edward
Rand, John
Rand, Mickey J.
Raney, Arthur C.
Raney, Forest
Rank, Richard E.
Rasmus, August
Rasmussen, Clarence
Rasmussen, David Lowell
Rathmann, Elmer H.
Rattray, Owen Thomas
Raum, Charles E.
Ray, Robert R.
Rameyer, Cornelius
Redding, Albert J.
Redding, Arthur W.
Redding, Dennis
Reece, Delmer C.
Reece, Verne A.
Reed, Dean E.
Reed, Grant E.
Reel, Bill G.
Reel, Floyd R.
Reel, Robert G.
Reents, Bernard C.
Reinicke, Marlyn Paul
Reisinger, Kenneth L.
Reisinger, Samuel Y.
Reisz, Leo C.
Resser, Jacob
Reynolds, Arnold W.
Reynolds, Charles W.
Reynolds, Kay J.
Reynolds, Walter W.
Reynolds, Walter W., Jr.
Rhoads, Carl Hillis
Rhoads, Henry
Rhoads, John Richard
Rhoads, Kenneth John
Rhoads, Richard V.
Richmond, Daniel
Richmond, John
Richmond, John Francis
Rickert, James Bruce
Riebkes, Riebke M.
Riekena, Willard W.
Rindels, Eldon Lee
Rindels, Harold B.
Ritchey, James H.
Roberts, George C.
Roberts, Harry R.
Roberts, John C.
Roberts, Vernon William
Robertson, Dean H.
Robertson, John Hugh
Robertson, Samuel E.
Robins, Arthur
Robins, Frank R.
Robins, Lee F.
Robins, Thomas L.
Robinson, Everett Edward
Robinson, Lester Vern Jr.
Rodd, Lyle
Roeder, Roland P. - WWI - Missing In Action/Killed In Action
Rogers, Charles
Rogers, Earl H.
Rolf, Raymond
Rolston, Evelyn Hanisch
Rolston, Robert W.
Rops, Henry
Rose, Joseph Edward
Roskamp, Arend, Rev.
Roskamp, Bertrand, Rev.
Ross, Albert M.
Ross, Claus W.
Ross, Delbert D.
Ross, Donald W.
Ross, Dores J.
Ross, Everett
Ross, Evert E.
Ross, Henry W.
Ross, LuVerne M.
Ross, Richard R.
Ross, Thomas L.
Ross, Willard
Ross, William E.
Ross, William M.
Rottler, Gene W.
Rowlison, Vance V.
Royce, Albert O.
Royce, Wilson D.
Ruka, Lyle W.
Ruppelt, James
Rush, Donald R. "Pat"
Russie, Dale E.
Russie, Robert W.
Rust, Harm A.
Rust, Harm H.
Rust, John M.
Rust, Raymond J.
Ruter, Elmer J.
Ruter, Eugene T.
Ruter, John E.
Ryan, William H.