
Description of Morrison

Morrison is a thriving little town located on the C., R. I. & P. railroad (Cedar Rapids and Sioux Falls branch). It is located about four miles west of Reinbeck and five miles east of Grundy Center.

The population according to the 1910 census is 200. Morrison is in the center of a very rich farming community and therefore has a line of up-to-date business houses as follows: Bank, Lumber and Grain Dealers; Grain elevator; two general stores; first-class restaurant; livery; barber shop; two pool rooms; meat market, etc.

The Presbyterian church in this town is a strong organization and have worship in a home of their own.

The public school of Morrison is known far and near as one of the best schools in any town of the same population as Morrison. While the building is not of the best, yet the results obtained in Morrison schools are a source of great gratification to the citizens of this town. A new $6,000 modern school building is to be built this summer. Twelve grades are taken care of and have compared favorably with any schools in the county.

The citizens of Morrison are very law abiding and hospitable and this town is certainly a model place for a home or place of business.

--Atlas of Grundy County, Iowa, 1911