Heritage Farm Recipients
In 2006, the 30th anniversary of the Century Farm program, the Heritage Farm program was begun.
Must have at least 40 acres of the original holding of Iowa Farmland.
Consecutive ownership within the same family for 150 years or more by the end of year applying
Present owner must be related to a person who owned the land 150 years ago
The recipients are recognized during the Iowa State Fair.
Last Name | First Name | Farm Address | Farm City | Origin | Award Year |
Bakker | Glen & Rachel | 18432 B Avenue | Steamboat Rock | 1868 | 2018 |
De Neui | Donald D. & Carolyn M., Iona M. & Alan Yoder | 11580 - 170th Street | Wellsburg | 1866 | 2016 |
Dreesman | Larry & Joyce | 185th St. on the North; B Ave. on | Wellsburg | 1868 | 2018 |
Hoffa | Earnest & Helen / Hill n dell Hoffa Family Trust | 15705 - 250th Street | Grundy Center | 1867 | 2018 |
Meester | Donald J. & Mary Lou Meester | L Avenue | Holland | 1868 | 2018 |
Meester | Donald J. & Mary Lou Meester | 150th St. & K Ave. | Holland | 1868 | 2018 |
Meester | Pamela Jo & Jay D. Meester | 15586 L Avenue | Holland | 1868 | 2018 |
Miller | Malcolm & Hank Miller, Jim Miller, Jen Feldpausch, Brian Feldpausch, Susie Menke, Grant Menke, Maemie Miller, Hattie Miller & Cassie Miller | 32421 K Avenue | Beaman | 1867 | 2017 |
Riekena | Harlyn & Karen, Andrea Johnson, Sarah Heikens, Kathy Riekena, Harlyn Riekena Trust | 18000 B Ave | Steamboat Rock | 1865 | 2015 |
Severance | James J., Jerrud Severance | 22321 N. Avenue | Grundy Center | 1855 | 2016 |
Sheller | Keith & Dorothy | 23480 E Avenue | Eldora | 1866 | 2017 |
Welter | Tricia Johnson & David Welter | 13725 X Avenue | Cedar Falls | 1868 | 2018 |
Wheelock Family Trust | Calvin & Florence, Gerald Wheelock, Russel Wheelock & Bonnie Wheelock Harmon | 18243 - 320th Street | Conrad | 1867 | 2017 |
Recipients 2019
Last Name | First Name | Farm Address | Farm City | Origin | Award Year |
Huisman | Norman D. | 15104 - 230th Street | Grundy Center | 1868 | 2019 |
Meester | Michael | 19676 - 160th Street | Holland | 1868 | 2019 |
Murphy | Joseph C. & Adelheid S. | 200th Street & V Avenue | Reinbeck | 1867 | 2019 |
--Source: Iowa Department of Agriculture