
Description of Conrad

The City of Conrad is located in the southwestern corner of Clay Township, Grundy County, Iowa, about one-half mile north of the southern line of Grundy County. It is located on the C. & N. W. railroad (Tama and Northern branch), about fifteen miles southwest of Grundy Center and about fifteen miles northeast of Marshalltown. Conrad is located in the center of one of the richest farming communities in the State of Iowa, the farmers being a thrifty and progressive class, and the majority of them owning and farming their own farms and living in elegant homes.

The population of Conrad, according to the official 1910 census, is 547 and Conrad has the distinction of being the only town in Grundy County that has increased in population during the past ten years.

The people of Conrad are well taken care of in regard to their religious needs, the M. E. and Presbyterian congregations both having modern churches of their own and large congregations.

The Conrad High School was built in 1897 at a cost of $12,000 and the results obtained in the school in Conrad are of a par with any town of the same population in the country.

The following lines of business are represented in Conrad: A strictly first-class hotel; livery; live weekly newspaper; two banks; two auto garages; two general stores; two drug stores; two hardware stores; one meat market; two restaurants; two blacksmith shops; two barber shops; two elevators; two lumber dealers; one millinery store; one furniture and one undertaker; two implement dealers; feed store; harness dealer; up-to-date feed stable; three physicians; one veterinary; one dentist; lawyer; two jewelry stores; real estate and insurance dealer; auto livery; horse sales stables, three stock buyers; contractor and builder of churches; wheelwright, etc.

By the above list of business represented in this town one can readily see that Conrad must be in the country, and one of the best places in the country for a home or place of business.

--Atlas of Grundy County, Iowa, 1911