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Biographical and Historical Record
The Lewis Publishing Company
Official Register

Go to 1887 History Inde

Go to 1877 Biographies Index

BELOW are given the names and years of service of the incumbents of the several county offices from the organization of Greene County in 1854 to the close of 1886. Before the adoption of the present Constitution of Iowa, the county officers were chosen either in April or August, and took their positions immediately after election. Since January 1, 1858, the terms of office begin on January 1 following each election.


William Phillips, 1854-'55; Robert M. Rippey, 1856-'57; Norman S. Daniels, 1857-'60; George S. Walton, 1860-'61; Isaac D. Crumley. 1861-'62; Robert M. Rippey, 1862; Dan Mills, 1862-'63; Albert Stone, 1864; Dan Mills, 1864-'65; Abijah Anderson, 1866-'67; Harvey Potter, 1868-'69. Office abolished and duties divided between circuit court and auditor.


Robert M. Rippey, 1854-'56; Allen J. Currence, 1856-'59; Mason Linn, 1859-'60; R. Van Horn, 1860-'63; William C. Oungst, 1864; J. C. Lovejoy, 1865. Office abolished.


Norman S. Daniels, 1855-'56; Joseph A. Stickney, 1856-'57; O. R. Jones, 1857. Office abolished.


Hiram Brock, 1854; Benjamin F. Robinson, l854-'55; Benjamin F. Stokes, 1856; V. S. Babb, 1856-'57; George W. Cochran, 1857-60; Willis Wright, 1861; John M. Culley, 1861-'62; S. G. Crumley, 1863-'64; I. D. Howard, 1865-'72; James F. Anderson, 1873-'78; Daniel W. Henderson, 1879-'84; James A. Henderson, 1885.


James H. Phillips, 1855-'56; S. G. Crumley, l856-'59; J. M. Cline, 1860-'63; James Stanford, 1864. Offices then separated.


James Stanford, 1865-67; G. S. Toliver, 1868-'71; Samuel Jay, 1872-'77: A. S. Gilliland, 1878-'83; J. W. Fitz, 1884.


T. G. Stiles, 1865-'68; John II. Clark, 18(39-'72; J. W. Fitz, 1873-'76; J. C. Toliver, 1877-'80; A. M. Head, 1881-'82; Z. A. Church, 1882; Thomas C. Bigger, 1883-'86.


Marshal B. McDuffie, 1870-'73; George G. Lawrence, 1874-'77; Andrew Watts, 1878-'83; Henry W. Kellogg, 1884.


Isaac D. Crumley, 1854-'56; Elisha McCoy, 1856; George S. Walton, 1856-'57; Isaac D. Crumley, 1858-'61; James Stanford, 1862-'63; John Betebenner, 1864-'67; Clinton DeWitt, 1868-'71; Andrew Watts, 1872-'75; John Ayers, 1876-'77; Thomas Fowler, 1878-'81; George E. Eagleson, 1882.


Albert J. Hoisington, 1856-'57. Office abolished.


Jackson Orr, 1858-'59; George S. Walton, 1860-'61; David Mallory, 1862-'63; W. S. McBride, 1864-'65; J. C. Lovejoy, 1866; A. W. Russell, 1867; H. C. Rippey, 1867; Marshall B. McDuffie, 1868-'69; I. L. Kephart, 1870-'71; A. R. Mills, 1872-'73; J. W. Huntington, 1874-'75; David Heagle, 1876-'77; H. A. Turrill, 1878-'85; Mary E. Turrill, 1886.


Allen J. Currence, 1855-'56; John Cooney, 1856-'57; Robert M. Rippey, 1858-'62; C. W. Barr, 1862-'63; John Cooney, 1864; G. S. Toliver, 1864-'67; James L. Perry, 1868-'69; Jacob M. Toliver, 1870; M. E. Hall, 1870-'73; N. P. Stilson, 1874-'77; L. D. Toliver, 1878; Joseph D. Nichols, 1878-'80; Joseph W. Whipple, 1880-'85; H. W. Bean, 1886.


John Barr, 1855-'61; J. J. Anderson, 1862-'63; 0. J. White, 1864; Silas Wright, 1864-'65; James Thornton, 1866-'69; D. J. Bowman, 1870; O. S. Underbill, 1870-'71; S. B. Cooper, 1872-'73; I. J. McDuffie, 1874-'75; William Allinson, 1876-'77; S. B. Cooper, 1878-'79; J. C. Lovejoy, 1880-'81; H. O. Beatty, 1882; John Inbody, 1882-'83; D. J. Bowman, 1884.


A. R. Mills (chairman), A. W. Hawk and William H. Adams, 1861; A. R. Mills (chairman), E. Rinehart and Willis Wright, 1862; Willis Wright (chairman), E. Rinehart and Isaac Tucker, 1863; Isaac Tucker (chairman), E. A. Orman and H. W. Chambers, 1864; George S. Walton (chairman), E. A. Orman and H. W. Chambers, 1865; George S. Walton (chairman), H. W. Chambers and Joshua Lock, 1866; George S. Walton (chairman), J. C. Lovejoy and H. W. Chambers, 1867; George S. Walton (chairman), H. W. Chambers, Joseph Deemer and Alfred Allison, 1868; I. H. Adams (chairman), H. W. Chambers, Joseph Deemer and M. S. J. Newcomb, 1869; M. S. J. Newcomb (chairman), J. C. Hasker, George M. Elliott and George Dillavou, 1870; William Allinson (chairman), J. C. Lovejoy, C. J. Quinn and C. M. Gilbert, 1871; S. P. Chamberlain (chairman), William Allinson, C. B. Park and C. M. Gilbert, 1872; C. B. Park (chairman), William Allinson and R. E. Witt, 1873; C. B. Park (chairman), R. E. Witt, R. Allen, James Dillavou and D. G. Cromwell, 1874; C. B. Park (chairman), R. E. Witt, R. Allen, James Dillavou and D. G. Cromwell, 1875; C. B. Park (chairman), R. Allen, D. G. Cromwell, W. B. Livingston and H. B. Kees, 1876; C. B. Park (chairman) W. B. Livingston, H. B. Kees, D. B. McCully and Harmon Anderson, 1877; C. B. Park (chairman), W. B. Livingston, H. B. Kees, D. B. McCully and Harmon Anderson, 1878; C. B. Park (chairman), Harmon Anderson, D. B. McCully, W. B. Livingston and I. H. Adams, 1879; C. B. Park (chairman), W. B. Livingston, I. H. Adams, C. P. Hanger and J. H. Peabody, 1880; W. B. Livingston (chairman), I. H. Adams, C. P. Hanger, J. H. Peabody and James Zeller, 1881; W. B. Livingston (chairman), C. P. Hanger, James Zeller, J. H. Peabody and Mahlon Head, 1882; W. B. Livingston (chairman), James Zeller, Mahlon Head, L. Stockwell and B. F. Osborne, 1883; W. B. Livingston (chairman), Mahlon Head, L. Stockwell, B. F. Osborne and H. W. Rawson, 1884; Mahlon Head (chairman), L. Stockwell, B. F. Osborne, H. W. Rawson and John B. Garland, 1885; Mahlon Head (chairman), H. W. Rawson, John B. Garland, L. Stockwell and B. F. Osborne, 1886.


Cornelius Beal, 1858-'59; J. W. Denison, 1860-'61; George S. Walton, 1862-'63; Samuel B. McCall, 1864-'65; Azor R. Mills, 1866-'67; Henry C. Rippey, 1868-'69; G. S. Toliver, 1870-'71; William Maxwell, 1872-'73; James N. Miller, 1874-'75; Orlando H. Manning, 1876-'79; S. T. Hutchinson, 1880-'81; L. F. Danforth, 1882-'83; Albert Head, 1884.


Aaron Brown, 1858-'59; John F. Duncombe, 1860-'61; Edwin B. Potter, 1862-'63; Henry C. Henderson, 1864-'65; Addison Oliver, 1860-'67; Isaac J. Mitchell, 1868-'69; Theodore Hawley, 1870-'71; John J. Russell, 1872-'75; Samuel D. Nichols, 1876-'77; John J. Russell, 1878-'85; John K. Deal, 1886.


Timothy Davis, 1857-'59; William Vandever, 1859-'68; Azahel W. Hubbard, 1863-'69; Charles Pomeroy, 1869-'71; Jackson Orr, 1871-'75; Addison Oliver, 1875-'79; Cyrus C. Carpenter, 1879-'83; A. J. Holmes, 1883.


Previous to 1863 the whole State of Iowa formed but two congressional districts, of which Greene County was in the second. Then the increase of population entitled Iowa to six Representatives, and in the rearrangement Greene County was placed for the next ten years in the Sixth District. Then for another decade there were nine districts, and Greene was one of those placed in the Ninth District. Since 1883 there have been eleven districts, and this county is in the Tenth.

For representation in the two branches of the General Assembly, Greene County has been associated with one or more adjoining counties, no arrangement being permitted to stand more than four years, and usually but two. Since 1883 the county has been entitled to a Representative by itself.

Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass January, 2018 from Biographical and Historical Record of Greene County, Iowa. Published in Chicago, Ill.: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1887, pp. 474-476.

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