
Greene County IAGenWeb


Biographical and Historical Record of
Green and Carroll Counties, Iowa.

Published in Chicago, Ill.: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1887

Brown Divider Bar



NOTE: Complete index below. Limited Summary

Adams, W H.254
Addy, J. A. 360
Addy, W. L. 358
Adkins, H. H. 314
Albert. J. H. 443
Allan, William 439
Allen, Mrs. R. A. 433
Allen, Rensselaer 396
Allison, Alfred 258
Allstott, John G. 442
Ames, W. E. 392
Anderson, B. F 323
Anderson, D. B 313
Anderson, D. P 370
Anderson, J. W 288
Anderson, S. B 399
Andrew, George 426
Arch, J. D 450
Armstrong, T. J 297
Atchinsou, George 352
Babb, V. S 303 Barker, A. B 333 Barnes, I. M 315 Barth, W. C 350 Bassett, C. H 347 Beaty,J. F 453 Beebe, Henry 418 Berrien, E. B 447 Berry, J. E 300 Bish, John 374 Bistline, W. H 378 Blake, H, M 338 Blanshan, D. 1 3.50
Bofink, Charles 279
Boggs, L. W 407
Bolin, Benjamin 428
Bontz, J. P 331
Boyden, John 395
Bradley, J. F. M 450
Bradshaw, Frank 344
Breiner, P. B 403
Bucher, Henry 375
Buchrailler, E. S 454
Burk, Archibald 300
Burk, Joshua 348
Burk,Leroy 259
Burke, James 330
Burkholder, C. K 451
Cain, Abram 235 Cain, Edward 374 Cain, Robert 334 Carey, A. H 406 Carlton, E.O liiiter, E. 11 tarter, J. C (ass, F. 1) IhiUls, II. I t'liunh, Z. A Chunliin, Joseph.. . Clark, K. C (.'levelaml, V. L. . . . C'lipi>ert()n, William Cloploii, Isaac ('.icliraii, .losepli I I 395 312 377 2(>8 438 301 29-1 232 31G 413 28G 30.5 (\)naiit, Daviil -^11 ( oniiell, Koberl ='43 Ciiombs, Joseph ''36 Cooper, F. I' ='W Copeland, John 44.) Councilman, S. J .'"8 Cowan, J. T 352 Cralib, .lames 3i'.j Crandall, L. B 319 Crow, W. M 31(i Crowiler, W. G 331 Culley,J. M 271 Curran, J. F 440 Franklin, W..\ 281 Franklin, W. J 294 Free, F. A 354 Free, Samuel 348 Free, S. Q 3C1 French, E. K 363 French, B. P 2.>7 French, G. V 411 Frymier, I. W -i^" J. G. I). John.Davenport Dawson, .1.11 Day, (i. W Derry, J. J ... . . . . . Dickinson, II. W. . Dickinson, William Dillavou, G. C Dillavou, James. . . Dinan, John Do(li,'e, C. >I . .401 ...448 . ..33.J ...311 ...26.5 ...302 ...247 ...2.51 ...240 . . .303 Gallup, J. N Garland, J. U Garrett, \V. K Gayl 393 Stilsou, Rev. Lyman 381 Stockwell, Levi 341 Stream, P. C 414 Stream, W. C 386 Stream, Wilson 388 Stroud, William 400 Suydani, C. H 280 Swartzendruver 435 T. Tallman, J.H .335 Taylor, S. M 364 Terrill, T. M 369 Thomas, J. R 403 Thomas, L. B 391 Thompson, C. AV 438 Thompson, G. AV 430 Thompson, L. S 393 Thompson, AV. A 276 Thornton, James 369 Toliver, Isom 329 Towers, James 344 Turrill, H. A 414 V. Vader, I.N 398 Vader, J. W 383 Vance, T. AV 446 Vest, AV. H 438 AV. AValrad, Horace 321 Walton, Charles 250 AA^ard, E. S 395 Warner, S. E 323 AA'atsou, George 398 Way, C. W 383 Weatherson, G. A 366 Weatherson, J. H 283 Wells, A. C 369 AVessling, Daniel 336 AVest, B. F 306 Westervelt, M. B 243 AVherry,J. P 291 AVhite, O.J 263 Whiteside, Samuel 26(i AViggins, S. AV 349 AVight, Marion 366 Wilkinson, John 384 Will, Christian 385 Williams. J. D 303 AVilliams, M 345 Williamson, J. B. 341 AVilliamson, J. J 421 Wilson, John 348 Wilson, S. E 374 AVilsou, AVilliam 431 Winkelman, Benjamin 375 AVood, Robert 256 Woods, B. G 337 AVoods, C. A 245 Wright, Ervin 371 AVright, G. AV 394 AVyant, G. AV 365 Y. Yates, AVilliam 345 Young, F.W 456 Y'oungman, H. A 449 z. Zavilz, W. I) 380 Zeiller, Hillbuiu 377 Zeller, A ;J34 Zeller, James 398 ZelllioeCer, l?ev. George 333 CONTENTS. Zellhoefer. W. V 320 Zimmeiuiau, Stepbeu 370


Early History459
Official Register459
Political History459
The Civil War459
The Press459
Towns and Villages459
Brown Divider Bar

Index transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass January, 2018 from The Courts and Legal Profession of Iowa, Volume II, by Hon. Chester C. Cole, Historian. Hon. E. C. Ebersale, Editor. Published in Chicago, Ill.: H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., 1907, pp. 1-4.

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