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Estherville City Directory
Emmet County IAGenWeb

Compliments of The Estherville Democrat
October 1904

1904 Estherville City Directory Index: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,  I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Name Occupation Address
Page, A & wife conductor 1223 East Lincoln
Palmer, B N & wife Ida carpenter west side, West Emery
Palmer, C   west side, West Emery
Palmer, C F & wife rural mail carrier 708 North 4th
Palmer, Leon student 307 North 2nd
Palmer, P E & wife   715 North 12th
Palmer, Wm T & wife Lottie upholsterer 307 North 2nd
Parks, E R & wife Carrie laborer 821 North 9th
Parriott, M & wife retired 106 North 13th
Parsons, Fred stenographer 721 East Maple
Partridge, G E & wife Jessie carpenter 820 South 10th
Patterson, C A & wife   315 South 6th
Patterson, G E attorney 721 East Maple
Pauley, W L trainmaster, Rock Island Ry 308 North 6th
Pearsall, J R & wife Addie barber 715 North 10th
Pearson, Dr. A W & wife Grace physician 927 East Des Moines
Peas, Ingraham electrician 921 E Des Moines
Pederson, Lars O & wife Hannah butcher 1st Ave North, west side
Peitz, Adolph & wife blacksmith South 15th
Peitz, Lousi & wife Hattie well driller 515 North 9th
Penn, Mrs. A J widow 921½ East Howard
Perry, A H & wife carpenter 821 South 11th
Persons, C E & wife Minnie real estate 502 East Lincoln, office
1002 East Maple, residence
Persor, Jack   409 East Des Moines
Peters, Frank & wife laborer 914 East Lincoln
Petersen, Hans & wife prop. Emmet House 827 North 8th
Petersen, Jens & wife prop. Emmet House  
Petersen, Walba   827 North 8th
Peterson, A B & wife Isabell photographer 2nd Ave North
Peterson, A O & wife Abbie county treasurer 400 North 7th
Peterson, Adolph laborer South 14th
Peterson, Andrew & wife retired South 14th
Peterson, August   507 East Des Moines
Peterson, Ben & wife Sophia mason 701 South 7th
Peterson, Bros props Emmet House  
Peterson, C E & wife   721 North 8th
Peterson, Chas shoemaker 507 East Des Moines
Peterson, Chas H merchant 520 South 8th
Peterson, Clem N merchant 520 South 8th
Peterson, Conrad laborer 701 South 7th
Peterson, E   220 South 9th
Peterson, Earl student 400 North 7th
Peterson, Ellen pastry cook Orleans Hotel
Peterson, Frank   520 South 8th
Peterson, G T & wife civil engineer 721 South 9th
Peterson, Henry M teacher 1202 East Maple
Peterson, Hulda   507 East Des Moines
Peterson, L & sons store 702 East Lincoln
Peterson, Laurence & wife Gertrude merchant 702 East Lincoln, store
520 South 8th, residence
Peterson, Louise (Mrs.) carpet weaver 507 East Des Moines
Peterson, Mary domestic Emmet House
Peterson, Ole & wife May retired 1202 East Maple
Phelan, Ella clerk 515 South 8th
Phelan, N & wife yard foreman 515 South 8th
Phelan, Wm fireman 515 South 8th
Phillips, D C painter and paper hanger 302 South 13th
Phillips, W A & wife Bessie   1223 East Howard
Pingrey, A A & wife retired 1002 North 8th
Pingrey, Jennie teacher 1002 North 8th
Pingrey, Maria Z county school supt. 1002 North 8th
Piper, E & wife car inspector M & St. L East Lawn
Pitcher, Arthur real estate office, 500½ East Lincoln
1327 East Lincoln, residence
Pitcher, Eva teacher 1327 East Lincoln
Plummer, Agnes (Mrs)   733 South 9th
Poland, Carrol G laborer 1229 East Maple
Poland, Nettie (Mrs)   1229 East Maple
Post, Wm C & wife Louise engineer 220 2nd Ave North
Potter, P W & wife fireman 715 North 5th
Prentice, Geo & wife Fannie tile factory 913 North 7th
Pullen, Charles laborer North 6th
Pullen, Edric laborer 802 North 11th
Pullen, Geo E. & wife Mary teamster North 6th
Pullen, Jane (Mrs.) nurse 802 North 11th
Pullen, Lennis student 802 North 11th
Pullen, Mable  stenographer 1002 North 6th
Pullen, Rosella teacher North 6th
Pullen, Thos & wife Carrie clerk 916 North 6th
Pullen, W J & wife Hellen sheriff, Emmet county 1002 North 6th
Purcer, James retired 1002 North 6th
Purcer, John night foreman, Rock Island Ry 409 East Des Moines

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