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Estherville City Directory
Emmet County IAGenWeb

Compliments of The Estherville Democrat
October 1904

1904 Estherville City Directory Index: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,  I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Name Occupation Address
Gallagher, George & wife Mary tailor shop 417 E Lincoln
120 East Maple, residence
Galloway, W P & wife Isabel dentist, office Coon Blk 304 West Des Moines
Galloway, Vera student 304 West Des Moines
Galvin, J F & wife Lillian laborer 714 South 8th
Gano, J T mason Coon Block
Garrity, M W druggist 107 North 6th
Garton, C H & wife H clerk supt's office, C.R. I. & P. 611 South 9th
Gates, Ardell   111 South 8th
Gates, D A & wife A F carpenter East Lawn
Gates, O & wife dairyman 111 South 8th
Gaylord, A E & wife Ella merchant 502 North 6th
Gaylord, Roxy   502 North 6th
Gaylord & Ross hardware 107 South 6th
Gerberich, M C musician 502 North 7th
Gerberich, P A & wife A M traveling salesman 502 North 7th
Gifford, John & wife M night watch 601½ East Des Moines
Gifford, W G brakeman 601½ East Des Moines
Gilbertson, Anna seamstress 1008 East Howard
Gilbertson, Clara domestic 1008 East Howard
Gilbertson, G H tinner 1008 East Howard
Gilbertson, Joseph student  
Gilbertson, Mary (Mrs)   1008 East Howard
Gilchrist, B M conductor European Hotel
Gill, C L druggist 107 North 6th
Gillet, Mrs. D widow 815 East Lincoln
Gilmore, Ina M domestic 414 North 4th
Ginn, Rev. W & wife pastor, Methodist church 308 South 8th
Godfrey, F L & wife Mary foreman roundhouse 414 South 9th
Godfrey, H L & wife Maud   721 East Maple
Goff, John D retired 721 East Maple
Goggins, Maggie (Miss) cook European Hotel
Golla, John & wife boilermaker 502 East Emery
Goodge, Fred & wife L T blacksmith 511 South 7th
Goodge, John S & wife Sarah teamster 839 South 11th
Gorton, M A (Miss)   317 North 7th
Graaf, Etta (Miss) music teacher 821 East Main
Graaf, F H & wife Hattie bakery 105 South 6th
103 North 8th, residence
Graaf, Henry G & wife retired 821 East Main
Graaf, Herman G & wife merchant 620 South 9th
Grace, M M  auctioneer 217 South 6th
Gransberry, Leslie R blacksmith 303 East Walnut
Graves, Howard banker 101 South 6th
708 East Maple, residence
Gray, James & wife Mary   302 East Howard
Gray, Mary   302 East Howard
Gray, Milford   302 East Howard
Gray, Torkil   302 East Howard
Great Western Elevator Co   M & St L
Green, A J & wife Eva conductor 415 North 2nd
Green, Edna student 703 North 7th
Green, F M carpenter 703 North 7th
Green, Ray printer 721 East Maple
Green, S (Mrs)   Orleans Hotel
Griffith, E B & wife Fannie brakeman west side
Griffith, J T & wife Stella fireman 803 North 4th
Griffith, John   North 6th
Griswold, F E & wife Pearl buttermaker 208 North 4th
Grobel, E M  stenographer 914 East Main
Groves, M J & wife mayor 105 North 6th
700 South 9th, residence
Gronstahl, C M painter 215 South 5th
Gronstahl, George J painter 215 South 5th
Gronstahl, K & wife Rachael painter 215 South 5th
Gronstahl & Leiren painters 508 East Main
Grubb, K A (Miss) domestic 808 East Maple

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