The north bound evening freight
Saturday evening wrecked down at the water tank. The passenger was a
few minutes behind time and the freight was running at a high rate
of speed in order to make the grades and reach Belknap before the
passenger should overtake it. Just when the train was approaching
the tank the wreck occurred and eight cars out of a train of
fourteen piled into a heap upsetting the tank and mashing in the end
of the engine house. One of the cars was loaded with lime and the
rain which was just coming up together with the water from the tank
caused the lime to set fire to the car and the entire eight cars
burnt up. Quite an amount of goods were saved from the cars before
they were burned, and the engine house was kept from burning by the
fire engine’s being taken down from town. The engine broke loose
from the wrecked cars and pulled through all right and nothing but
the trucks of the caboose went off so that luckly no one was hurt.
There were two cars of lumber, one of lime, three of piling and two
carrying local freight destroyed, together with the tank.
It is thought that the wreck was caused
either by the track’s spreading or by some of the piling dropping
off at one end and crowding the car from the track. The section men
were at work all night and all day Sunday putting the track in
condition for trains to go over it and by Sunday evening every thing
was in readiness.
Rev. Porter will preach at Steuben next Sunday
afternoon at 3:00 p.m.
Remember that we will get you a bicycle at a very low price—Sheaffer
& Son
Remember Joe Painter does painting, glazing, kalsomining, and
paper hanging neatly, quickly and in first class order
Everybody has a better line of mixed pain that us. But we still
sell our Excelsior Brand
The Drug Emporium
E. O. Montgomery does horseshoeing, plow and machine work, buggy
and carriage wood work….compilation of 2 ads.
A. W. Marlette is now doing nothing but a cash business, but his
prices are reduced to a cash basis. You will save money by calling
on him. Owner of a grocery
Shingling, roof repairing and job work done in to ownr country at
reasonable rates. Leave orders at Wilkinson & Sax Bros’ lumber yard
or address W. A. Couden, Bloomfield, Iowa
Subjects at the Universalist church next Sunday, morning,
"Religion the true bond of Union." Evening, "What is the cause and
cure of the present state of unrest?"
T. D. Doke deserves credit for having brought the first "cab" to
the city. It is a nice vehicle to ride out in. Those who have tried
it say it is the finest carriage they every used.
Jacob Angst is having a new hot water heating apparatus put into
his house. It is one of the very latest improvement and is put in by
Mr. Wise of Ottumwa. Jacob is getting quite stylish.
The ladies of the C.W.B. M. and Home Missionary societies of the
Christian church will give an ice cream social next Saturday evening
in the room formerly occupied by "The Racket Store." Every body
Rev. T. Craven, D.D., a missionary twenty-three years in India,
will give an address at the M.E. church, Bloomfield, Sunday May 13,
10;30 a.m. He will also deliver an address at Mt. Zion at 2:30 p.m.
of the same day.
Mrs. Carroll will read at Taylor’s hall Wednesday evening May 16.
Miss Berta Horn, daughter of Peter Horn, of this city, hurt one
of her hands last fall while canning fruit and finally the bone
became effected to such a degree that it became necessary last week,
to have the hand amputated.
Misses Ollie and Alma Rominger entertained friends at their home
Wednesday evening of last week in honor of Miss Helen Andrews, of
Mt. Pleasant. The evening was a very enjoyable one and Miss Andrews
carries with her the best wishes of many new friends in Bloomfield.
On account of the bad weather last Saturday evening a great many
did not attend the Darktown Ministrels entertainment at the school
house. They have decided to repeat it Friday evening May 18.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the Bloomfield postoffice for the week
ending May 5th 1894.
John Davis Cyrus Bradshaw
H Wolfe S C Raper
J L Wilcox Miss Pluma A Sample
Parties calling for the above will please state that they have
been advertised. S. F. McConnell, P.M.
Bound for Arkansas
Friday Mr. Drummons, his brother and two other gentlemen from
Richland passed through the city on their way to Arkansas on a
pleasure and health seeking trip. They are traveling with a team and
are fully prepared to put in a pleasant summer hunting and fishing.
At the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Frank T. conley, of
Norfolk, Nebraska, May 1, 1894, Mr. John c. Wright, of Spencer Iowa
and Miss Allie Fisk, of this city. Mr. Wright is an operator at
Spencer, where he has been for eight years and Miss Fisk is the
youngest daughter of Mrs. Hattie Fisk of this city.