April, May, June 1910 Wheatland Gazette

April 6th -MISSING

April 13th

Mrs. W. A. Johnson, died Monday at her home at Welton, nee Brightie Hazen, buried Calamus, Friday (obit card)

Christian Puetsch-April 12th-Spring Rock Two-Single-37

Mrs. Ehlers, Clinton, funeral yesterday

Miss Katie Tebbe, home near toronto, died yesterday, age 23 years

Frank Knocke, Wheatland & Alma Sorensen, Lyons, April 6th at Davenport, daughter of Chris, son of George

April 20th

Katie Isabelle Tebbe (obit card)

Christian Frederick Puetsch (obit card)

May 4th

Mrs Fritz Metz, Plankinton, S. D. word received Monday-to be buried in Calamus

W. H. Hicks (obit card)

May 11th

------Dodenhoff, funwral Sunday at Massillon

Mrs. H. J. Flick, funeral Tuesday at Dixon

May 18th

-----Dennis P’Connor, DeWitt-re fair

Wm. L. Nickels, today at Davenport

George Ross, Savanna, Ill & Mrs. Rose Parr, Lowden married Monday- live in Savanna (Clinton Herald)

May 25th

Mrs. Tinnefeldt, funeral st Smithtown

Adolph Detlef Herrig (obit card)

Wm. Ludwig Nickels (obit card)

June 1st

Frederick F. Riedesel (obit card)

Miss May Ringson, Clinton, died Saturday

June 8th

Mrs. W,. Struck nee Juhny, funeral here, Monday (obit card)

Nicholas Soenksen (obit card)

June 15th

Ed Rahn & Hattie Smallfield, both of Davenport, married in Clinton yesterday

June 22nd

Mrs. Elizabeth Kahl (obit card)

June 29th

Dora Tebbe, of Wheatland, daughter of Wm & Frederick Wm. Schunter of Grand Mound, married 22 June at Clinton, son of C. J.

Arlyn Millie Davie & Dr. Edward Wm. Bittner of Wheatland, July 22nd at Lisbon-home of her parents, F. W. Davie




At the Schuetzen Park, Wheatland 
Sunday, June 26th, 1910


March-by Active and Ladies
Horizontal Bars-by Active
Indian Clubs-by the Ladies
Parallel Bars-by the Active
Dumb Bell-by the Ladies
Three Vaulting Horses-By Active
Wand Drill-by the Ladies-Tumbling-by the Active 


Dun Bell Drill-by Active & Ladies
Pyramid-by the Active
March Drill-by Ladies and Active
Electric Clubs-by the Ladies 

Dance music will be furnished by a fine orchestra of 10 pieces.

Fifty Years Ago. 

            The following clippings is the property of Mrs. Wiley and she loaned it to us.  It is an account of the strenuous days when Iowa was in her infancy.  Jun 22, 1910

            “The excitement of the people of Cedar caused by the nest of horse thieves in this county is now beyond all bounds.  On Sunday night last a posse of 30 or 40 got on the track of Alonzo Gleason and pursued him in the direction of Tipton.  The posse were out all night in search of him in the bushes three miles south of Tipton but did not find him.  On Saturday the posse fell in with Peter Conklin near Yankee Run.  He was on horseback and endeavored to escape by flight, but was shot down and instantly killed.  On Monday night a horse was stolen from the stable of David Wright, three miles south of Tipton; and on Wednesday night one from Mr. Ford.  Both of the above are supposed to have been taken by Alonzo Gleason and his confederates.  At the meeting in Big Rock order and good feeling prevailed but there was a determination to rid the country of this band of felons, and then return to their peaceful occupations.  The meeting was composed of the oldest and most respectable men in the county.

Still Later—Great Excitement!—Word was brought to Tipton this morning that Gleason and three others were in the woods three miles south of town.  Immediately large numbers of men started in pursuit, and at noon returned with Gleason, Ed Soper, and Van Ausdel in custody.  They were in charge of the sheriff who headed the posse.  When the posse entered town they were headed by the martial band of music and was composed of about 200 men all armed to the teeth.  The prisoners were in the center of the hosquare of footmen, who acted as their guard.  Behind them followed a long train of horsemen, and then a train of wagons all filled with men.  Another large posse have left in pursuit of  others concerned in stealing horses.  Great excitement existed and the town is filling with hundreds of armed men.

Friday morning—Last night about one o’clock a move numbering several hundred went to the Court House where the prisoners were placed under a strong guard, and took Gleason and Soper, and then left for the country.  Sheriff Birley and the guard made a desperate resistance, but it was useless against such numbers.  Gleason and Soper are probably hung.  We have just taken a view of the courthouse room where the prisoners were placed.  The door is broken open.  The stove, tables and other furniture is broken and thrown around, giving evidence of a hard struggle between the Sheriffs guard and the mob.

P.S.—Word has just reached us that Gleason and Soper are hung.  

Cedar, July 13, 1857    

Mr. Spicer:

As there are many reports going the rounds in regard to the actions of the regulators of the Yankee Run and vicinity, I send this communication that the facts of the case may be known.  After Gleason and Soper were taken out of the courthouse, they were taken to a grove on Yankee Run.  After the people had collected to the number of some three hundred, there was a jury of twelve men selected, giving the prisoners the privilege of objecting to any of the jurors.  They expressed themselves satisfied with the jury.  After an examination of tow or three hours the prisoners being separated during the examination, and after a consultation of the jury for a few minutes, they returned a verdict of guilty of horse stealing, after which the prisoners publicly confessed the same.  They then gave to the company the names of thirty or forty who belonged to the gang of horse thieves and counterfeiters, after which they were taken to convenient limb and suspended; and thus closed the scene for the 3rd day of July, 1857.  This is a plain and honest statement of the facts by and eye witness.—[Stanwood Herald]