Wheatland Gazette 1908 - Unknown Dates
Wheatland has a new orchestra known as the Symphony orchestra, composed of
Jerry Stockton, Wm. Thomas, Albert and William Wagner. These musicians are all experienced and continued practicing has put them
in shape to render the latest and best dance music in a pleasing manner. They have leased Grill’s hall for July 3rd and 4th,
and will conduct a first-class dance, and are extending cordial invitations to
all their friends to attend on those days.
The new look and ladder truck arrived Friday, and the firemen got out that evening, and warmed up the oil in a trial run. The truck is a daisy and runs easier than the hose cart, and has the oil ladder truck skinned forty ways, Chief Lohmann has picked ten men to make an exhibition run the 3rd and 4th, and they had their first practice run Friday evening, running from the hose house to a point south of the City hotel, laying five lengths of hose, breaking same and attaching to nozzle and hydrant, ready for the water, in just 59 seconds. That was in their first practice, and they believe they can beat that time easily.
One Night Only BLIND BOONE Concert Co.
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 6 The Celebrated Blind Boone And his Colored Concert Co. will appear at the Wheatland opera house on the above date. Don’t fail to hear them. Miss Emma Smith Leading soprano is with Blind Boone this season. Be sure and hear her. Prices 25 and 35c. No extra charge for reserved seats. On sale at Lohmann’s drug store. |