From the Newspaper June 1894



Freddie Nagle is out from Chicago, the guest of his parents.
Miss Tillie Pipping is home from an extended visit at Rockford, Freeport and Chicago.
A marriage license was issued Saturday to Claus Wulf, 51, and Bertha Moeszinger, 41.
Attorney J. J. McCarthy, of Dubuque, was in town Saturday on business and pleasure.
The Merry War announces the approaching marriage of Chas. East to Miss Addie Sinclaire; Festus Benson to Miss Odie Heffley; Chas. Arlen to Miss Annie Godskessen.
Hon. D. S. Berry, of Savanna, whom the Republicans of his district have again nominated for the state legislature, was a caller in Clinton Saturday on his way to Morrison to spend Sunday with relatives.
Mrs. Price, mother of Ald. Thos. Price, is quite ill at her home on First avenue.  A day or two ago while adjusting a window shade she fell from a step ladder, her body striking a chair in such manner as to rupture a blood vessel.  She was reported as resting easier Saturday, but her condition is considered quite serious.