1956 Clinton City Directory: Surnames N
Nadelhoffer Dolores C Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h247 4th av N.
Nadelhoffer Gilbert L (Helen) slsmn Missouri Distr h2427 Cleveland
Nadelhoffer Helen Mrs asst mgr Barney's Tavern h2427 Cleveland
Nadelhoffer Paul F (Dolores C) film opr Capitol Theatre h 246 4th av N
Naeve Allan R (Edith J.) lab duPont h318 ½ 8th av S
Naeve Carlyn M (wid Arnold J) clk VA Domiciliary h742 13th av S
Naeve Fred N (Cora) caretkr Seven-Up Bottling h1624 N 2d
Naeve Lloyd R (Ruth C) coating duPont h2023 N 6th
Naeve A (Eleanora B) mtcemn C&NW h503 16th av N
Naeve Orin formn Carstensen Frt Lines r RD 3
Naeve Otto D (Augusta) lab Pillsbury Mills h1520 N 2d
Naeve Warren (Mary E) mach opr duPont h441 2d av S
Naftzger Lois cash Steiner IGA Mkt r 74 Main av
Naftzger Russell D lab Brock Wrecking r Fulton Ill
Naftzger Vernon J (Joan C) carp Donald A Sorensen h1705 8th av S
Nagard Oliver C wldr tndr Collis Co h831 S Bluff blvd
Nakawatase Jimmy emp National Chicken Section Assn r300 5th av S
Namanny DeMerle (wid A C) h244 3d av S
Namanny Josephine C (wid Herman G; The Namanny Shop) h755 5th av S
Namanny Shop The (Mrs Josephine C Namanny) lingerie 225a 5th av S
Napolitano Robt (Marie) feed hse wkr Clinton Corn Processing h2314 Liberty av
Nasal Berta M mach opr Clean Towel Serv h510 4th av N
Naser Carl O h655 8th av S
Nason Hazel W (Jennie B) plmb Brick & Son h443 4th av N
Nason Richd W (Lois H) v-pres-treas Danl Haring Co Inc h510 4th av S
Nason T Wayne (Esther S) see Danl Haring Co Inc h613 Melrose ct
Nassif Marie A Mrs (Pete & Toni's Mkt) r 2331 N 7th
Nassif Peter (Toni) lab Savannah Ordinance h2331 N 7th
Nassif Peter M (Marie A; Pete & Toni's Mkt) r 2331 N 7th
National Federation of Post Office Clerks Local No 725 Robt J Sievers sec 103 4th av S
National Tea Co Bernard I Seagren mgr 314 S 2d
National Travelers Insurance Leo M Petersen agt 217 30th av N
Naughton Ambrose W slitter duPont r RD 3 DeWitt Ia
Naughton Tiburtius T (Grace) driver Carstensen Frt Lines h746 13th av S
Nave Max J (Nave Novelty Machine & Tool Shop) h2624 N 2d
Nave Max J jr driver Van Hook h rear 2618 N 2d
Nave Novelty Machine & Tool Shop (Max J Nave) 2220 McKinley
Nave Robt J (Camellia) mach Iowa Mach Co h1110 9th av S
Navy Mothers Club Selma V Scott comndr 426 5th av S
Near Harry (Lois) rtemn Rapid Thermogas r Fallette Ia
Neary Margt r313 14th av S
Needham Bobby T emp Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Ia
Neeley Howard L (Gladys M) mach Clinton Corn Processing h 624 19th av S
Neeley Johanna D (wid Robt) beauty shop 310 wd av S h do
Neer Elsie H clk W Atlee Burpee Co h 602 S 7th
Neer Madonna teller City Natl Bank r 602 S 7th
Neff Chas M (Ella R) investigator Dept of Labor h801 3d av S
Neff Gilbert R (Thea P) time wkr Clinton Garment h 2212 N 5th
Neff Glenn L (Florence A) formn Clinton Water Wks h333 16th av S
Neff Thos H slitter duPont r RD 2 DeWitt Ia
Neighbor Barber Shop (Frank M Cehovet) 113 Fayette
Neighborhood Tavern (Curtis L and Mrs Vivian L Cronce) 1317 S 3d
Neill Lambert E (Wilm A) slsmn Martin Morris h1801 ½ Pershing blvd
Neill Lambert E jr USN r 1801 1/1 Pershing blvd
Neill Wilma Mrs slswn Martin Morris Co h1801 12 Pershing blvd
Neilsen Aage C h319 2d av S
Neilsen Alice M opr TelCo r 319 2d av S
Neilsen Carl N studt r 226 Liberty av
Neilsen John B tchr Clinton High Sch r 319 2d av S
Neilson Marvin driver RyExp r Preston Ia
Neisslie Lester G (Mary J) brklyr Ole Jorgensen & Sons Constn h1311 S 3d
Nelken Leonard (Lorraine C) MD 201 Ankeny bldg h608 Kenilworth ct
Nellist Edw W driver Climax Engine & Pump Mfg r3240 McKinley
Nelsen Virginia L mach opr Clinton Garment r 619 ½ 9th av S
Nelson Albert C (Bertha S) bartndr Moose Club h1230 ½ Camanche av
Nelson Albert W (Audrey) tailor 246 ½ 5th av S 2d fl h1810 Camanche av
Nelson Alice O supvr Clinton Garment r 788 ½ 12th av S
Nelson Allan W (Ida C) prsmn Dairypak Inc h321 S 9th
Nelson Alvin (Betty M) lab duPont h631 9th av S
Nelson Alvin G (Anna K) lab Clinton Corn Processing h417 4th av N
Nelson Alvin L (Josephine F) supt duPont h1354 Caroline
Nelson Anna E Mrs wire wkr Collis Co h215 20th p;
Nelson Anna K Mrs supvr Clinton Garment h417 4th av N
NELSON AUTO ELECTRIC (Edw N Nelson), Small Engine Sales and Service, Generators, Starters and Magneto Repairing, 1926 14th av S. tel Chapel 2-5936
NELSON Avelo M r1708 Pershing blvd
Nelson Beamer L (Louise L)mgr Coca-Cola Btlg Co of Clinton Ia h2010 Glendale rd
Nelson Bertha H (wid Henry) slswn John D VanAllen & Son h218 ½ 2d av S
Nelson Bertha S Mrs supvr Clinton Garment h1230 ½ Camanche av
Nelson Beulah M Mrs nurse Jane Lamb Mem Hosp h1114 S 7th
Nelson D (Beverly) fct wkr Curtis Co h1913 ½ Camanche av
Nelson Carl F ( Doris M) laby wkr duPont h722 N 13th
Nelson Chas A studt r1354 Caroline
Nelson Clyde L (Virginia) trainmn C&NWRY h619 9th av S
Nelson Corene I ofc sec Curtis Co h335 16th av S
Nelson Dan A (Edna M; Nelson's Cashway Lbr Store) r714 2d av S
Nelson Donald r (Hazel I) elctn hlpr Clinton Corn Processing h2328 Dunham
Nelson Dorothy Mrs recpt Robt J Nelson r 737 7th av S
Nelson Dwayne L (Lila L) slsmn Sanitary Farm Dairied h601 N 13th
Nelson Eddie M bus driver MD&C r 522 S 1st
Nelson E h530 19th av S
Nelson Edna M Mrs clk W Atlee Burpee Co h220 4th av S
Nelson Edna M Mrs with Nelson's Cashway Lbr Store h714 2d av S
Nelson Ed N (Irene B; Nelson Auto Elec) h1926 14th av S
Nelson Edwin C leadmn starch dept Clinton Corn Processing h501 5th av N
Nelson Effie E (wid Wm H) h711 11th av S
Nelson Eldon H (Sally G) swtchmn C&NWRy h 76 ½ Main av
Nelson Elmer F (Annette V) formn Climax Engine & Pump Mfg Co h1238 15th av S
Nelson Emma W (wid Louis H) h1245 8th av S
Nelson Ernest R (Ann E) genl wkr Clinton Corn Processing h214 20th pl
Nelson Emma W (wid Louis H) h1245 8th av S
Nelson Ernest R (Ann E) genl wkr Clinton Corn Processing h214 20th p;
Nelson Eunice E serv asst Te;Co r1819 Roosevelt
Nelson Geo H (Pearl A) casting duPont h2405 N 10th
Nelson Grant A (Alice G) slsmn Wholesale Distributing h100 N 11th
Nelson Grant J USA r100 N 11th
Nelson Hans F (Lucille M) h226 4th av N
Nelson Harold C casting duPont r Grand Mound Iowa
Nelson Harold E (Margt M) slitter duPont h300 14th av S
Nelson Harold N (Helen E) emp Clinton Corn Processing h253 19th pl
Nelson Harold N jr roll carrier duPont r253 19th pl
Nelson Harold W (Buelah M) chief Fire Dept h1114 S 7th
Nelson Harry E jr (charlotte P) asst traffic mgr Pillsbury Mills h247 17th pl
Nelson Harry L (June A) h rear 354 23d pl
Nelson Irene cash Eagle United Super Mkts r1921 14th av S
Nelson Jasper farmer h1736 2d av S
Nelson John E (Joan) lab duPont h904 ½ 11th av S
Nelson John J lab Jones Vault & Block r 1819 Roosevelt
Nelson L Audrey smstrs Al W Nelson r 1810 Camanche av
Nelson LeRoy H (Evelyn R) shipping duPont h920 N 11th
Nelson Lloyd A (Elva L) slsmn Paasje Shops h230 N 6th
Nelson Lloyd R (Loretta R) mtcemn duPont h1812 N 6th
Nelson Louise L Mrs bkpr coca-Cola Btlg Co of Clinton Iowa h2010 Glendale rd
Nelson Marie E (wid chris J) h230 4th av S
Nelson Martha J (wid Charlie) siswn S S Kresge Co h545 2d av S
Nelson Martha M Mrs h337 4th av S
Nelson Marvin fcty Curtis Co r 2342 Dunham
Nelson Marvin D (Alice) pntr Halle Painter & Decorator h835 ½ 11th av S
Nelson Mary E (wid Harvey B) h1708 Pershing blvd
Nelson Matie E (wid Nels M) h747 5th av S
Nelson Maybelle D Mrs h426 6th av S
Nelson Milo G studt r 100 N 11th
Nelson Morse W (Beverly) clk Genl W h 245 8th av N
Nelson Nancy K studt r 714 2d av S
Nelson Nels C h517 5th av s
Nelson Ole C (Edna M) h220 4th av S
Nelson Pauline J (wid Larry E) sec Bd of Educ h611 7th av S
Nelson Peter (Dora) h2711 N 2d
Nelson Peter A (Clara G) brklyr Ole Jorgensen & Sons Constn r 220 1st av apt 2
Nelson Peter N (Amelia) h1434 13th av S
Nelson Raymond M (Dorothy) sls dept Collis Co h1000 11th av S
Nelson Reid H ( Marian P) formn Collis Co h738 12th av S
Nelson Richd F r111 S 3d
Nelson Richd W plant Elmwood Dairy r 253 19th pl
Nelson Robt E (Gennett L) driver Herman Hensen h2922 Pershing
NELSON ROBT J (Dorothy P) Urologist, 210 Tucker Bldg 519 S 3d, Tel Chapel 2-0818, h 736 7th av S, Tel Chapel 2-7141
Nelson Robt M (Dorothy S) slsmn Clinton Papter Co h 810 N 11th
Nelson Sadie E (wid Frank) hlpr Our Lady of angels h1819 Roosevelt
NelsonVigo A (Ann J) h2719 N 4th
Nelson Wm J (Mary N) research chem Clinton Corn Processing h417 Ruth pl
NELSON's cashway lumber store(Dan A Nelson), "Good Lumber," Millwork, Harware, Fencing and Paint, hwy 30 cor 14th, Box 433, Office Tel Chapel 3-2735, Res Tel Chapel 2-6175
Nertensen L N trainmn C&NWRy
Nesbitt Emma M Mrs fcty Curtis Co h627 7th av S
Hesbitt Kenneth H (Emma M) mach opr Collis Co h627 7th av S
Ness JoAnn studt r 933 14th av s
Ness Merle C (Edna V) formn Boyce Monument & Wilbert Vault Co h933 14th av S
Nester Harry S (Florence) h632 12th av S
Neubauer Carl F (Eliz K) genl mgr Clinton Garment Co h524 Kenilworth ct
Neubauer Clifford H (Alice M) ofc mgr Clinton Water Wks h416 6th av N
Neubauer Ed Insurance Agency (Edwin P Neubauer) 1524 S Bluff blvd
Neubauer Edw C (Florence A) personnel mgr Collis Co h9b Oakhurst Apts
Neubauer Edwin P (Ed Neubauer Ins Agcy) r1524 S Bluff blvd
Neubauer Emma M (wid Carl F) h1524 S Bluff blvd
NEUBAUER FRED W (Genevieve M), Plant Manager Climax Engine & Pump Mfg co, 1812 S 4th, Tel Chapel 2-2502, h 1626 8th av S, Tel Chapel 2-1489
Neubauer Henry (Elsie) prs opr Central Steel h408 7th av S
Neuhauser Mary A r914 ½ S 4th
Neumann Arth E ( Bertha M) carp Clinton Engineering Co h1801 Camanche av
Neumann Barbara J studt r1801 Camanche av
Neumann Betty L clk Collis r610 N 3d
Neumann Ellis S asmblr Climax Engine & Pump Mfg r RD 1 Fulton Ill
Neumann Hazel M Mrs tmstudy opr Clinton Garment r849 4th av S
Neumann John A ( Emma M) h720 Isabella ct
Neumann John a jr lab r720 Isabella ct
Neuman Mabel G (wid Wm C) h610 N 3d
Neuman Patricia A Mrs ofc clk Sanitary Farm Dairies r626 ½ 12th av S
Neumann Robt E (Patricia) electn C&NWRy h626 ½ 12th av S
Neumann Russell D lab duPont r1801 Camanche av
Neumann Verna E Mrs pub asst wkr County Social Welfare Dept r Camanche Iowa
Neumann Warren J (Hazel M) coating duPont h1908 S Circle dr
Newbanks Chas D (Eleanor) laby supt Agrico Inc (Fulton Ill) h2468 S 14th
Newbern O Earl (Marjorie V) sls mgr Curtis Co h1041 College
Newberry Camilla L Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h1536 27th av S
Newberry Henry R (Camilla L) process wkr Clinton Corn Processing h1536 27th av S
Newcomers Club Mary J Peters pres meets YWCA
Newell Noel T (Wanda L) loan consultant Eclipse Lbr h2411 ½ Camanche av
Newendyke Frank mach opr Foley & Paulson Constn
Newendyke Winfred M guard duPont r 822 11th av S
Newkirk Harry E (Jessie M) wtchmn Collis Co r Low Moor Iowa
Newton John M (Irene E) dir-tech sls serv dept Clinton Corn Processing h610 14th av N
New-Way Specialties (Clinton Duracleaners) 1823 13th av S
Niblo-Helen tchr Washington Jr Hi Sch h rear 410 3d av S
Nichelason Wm punch opr Allied Structural Steel r136 N 4th
Nicholas Chas J (Dorothy I) mach opr Pillsbury Mills h518 18th av S
Nicholas Dorothy I Mrs credit mgr Spiegel Inc h518 18th av
Nichols Alma H slswn Lyons Drug r1914 N 2d
Nichols Anna (wid Jas E) r435 4th av N
Nichols Chas (Margt) coremkr Ia Mach Wks & Fdry h3111 Gardield
Nichols D Richd (Marie) stmftr Clinton Corn Processing h1423 ½ Pershing blvd
Nichols Dean H (Helen G) ctr duPont h1230 Camanche av
Nichols Edw L r221 Lee's ct
Nichols Frank gdnr r632 8th av S
Nichols Gardie E (wid Mark E) h412 6th av S
Nichols Gerald D (Irene B; Modern Plmb & Pump Co) h 704 ½ S 2d
Nichols Gertrude M clk Clinton Awning r1900 ½ N Main
Nichols Harold J trnmn C&NW h435 4th av N
Nichols Harold J jr (Thelma E) casting opr duPont h563 2d av S
Nichols John R (Gertrude M)wchmn Curtis Co h1900 ½ N 2d
Nichols Judd G (Leitha A) h617 1st av
Nichols Melvin J (Cath A) production dept Collis Co h818 S 6th
Nichols Nellie M (wid Bert O)salad wn Chuck's Sandwich Shop h1729 ½ N 2d
Nichols Sadie E (wid Wm C) h1914 N 2d
Nicholson Chas R (Anna M) decorator L O Connor h815 10th av S
Nicholson Clifford (Vera C) electn Home Elec & Appliance h1104 Persing blvd
Nick's Shoe Repair (Nick Toncich) 922 N 2d
Nickelsen Eutoka H (wid John A) piano tchr 434 6th av S h do
Nickelsen Eutoka J studt r434 6th av S
Nickelsen Herbert C (Jean E) asst personel dir Clinton Corn Processing h205 ½ 12th av N
Nickelsen John H (Hilda s) real est 434 6th av S r do
Nickelsen Thora H (wid Herbert E) sten Credit Bur of Clinton h307 S 6th
Nickles Helen F lab R C Bennett Box Co r McCausland Iowa
Nicola Wallace E (Gertrude S; Nicola's American Petroleum) h245 4th av S
Nicola's American Petroleum (Wallace E Nicola) gas sta 401 S 3d
Nicolaysen Chas R r910 N 3d
Nicolaysen Donald R USAF r517 N 5th
Nicolaysen Henry (Rikke B) h916 N 3d
Nicolaysen Johannes (Caroline K) millwright Clinton Corn Processing h757 11th av S
Nicolaysen Robt D lab duPont r517 N 5th
Nicolaysen Robt H (Viola D) carrier PO h517 N 5th
Nicolaysen Violet E (wid Chas W) h910 N 3d
Niebuhr Edith C (wid Emil P) h331 5th av N
Niebuhr Eug F (Helen E) 2d asst city eng h321 5th av N
Niebuhr Herman G (Bernice M) mason Ringland Johnson h3026 Cleveland
Niebuhr John W studt r3026 Cleveland
Niebuhr Robt G (JoAnn L) coating duPont h118 N 5th
Niebuhr Ruth M exam VA Domiciliary r 331 5th av N
Nieland Francis A (Verba L) USA r113 Camanche Av
Nieland Helen G mach opr Clinton Garment h126 ½ Fayette
Nielsen Albert jan Clinton Garment r1532 Camanche av
Nielsen Alice M opr TelCo r319 2d av S
Nielsen Alvin emp Clinton Corn Processing r Low Moor Iowa
Nielsin Anne M bkpr Clinton Mfg h507 3rd av N
Nielsen Beverly J tchr Lincoln Sch r405 N 4th
Nielsen Chris M (Minnie P) lab Clinton corn Processing h2226 Liberty av
Nielsen Coral L Mrs Cafeteria wkr duPont h1229 Roosevelt
Nielsen donald E chem duPont r Low Moor Iowa
Nielsen Donald (Verna) emp duPont h408 1st av
Nielsen Duane A (Jacqueline M) sergeant Police Dept h1400 S 10th
Nielsen Earl F (Betty J) asst dir feed grain procurement Pillsury Mills h1224 N 3d
Nielsen Eilert C Rev (Edna S) pastor St. Stephens Luth Ch h504 Circle dr N
Nielsen Ejner (Alice A) spinner opr Clinton Corn Processing h1707 N 2d
Nielsen Erik T (Ellen L) guard duPont h629 3d av S
Nielsen Eug L (Patricia P) electn hlpr Clinton h1927 15th av S
Nielsen Frieda E (wid Julius) smstr John D VanAllen & Son h1023 ½ N 2d
Nielsen Gerald R (Edna M) mach C&NW h2139 Liberty av
Nielsen Grace L Mrs aide VA Domiciliary h2605 N 3d
Nielsen Gusta T (wid Martin C) r507 3d av N
Nielsen Jens H (Marjorie L) slsmn Peter Pan Bakeries h729 5th av S
Nielsen John (Eliz) casting opr duPont h304 N 3d
Nielsen John B tchr Clinton Sr HS r 319 2d av S
Nielsen Karl A (Cora L) coating duPont h1229 Roosevelt
Nielsen Kenneth L h2417 N 3d
Nielsen Kenneth L (Lavoy) charter duPont r2417 N 3d
Nielsen Kenneth L (Ruth L) appr Collis Co r Camanche Iowa
Nielsen Lynn W (Marjorie M) slitter duPont h308 N 3d
Nielsen Marie M Mrs kitchen wkr VA Domiciliary h rear 2511 N 4th
Nielsen Marjorie M bkpr Shull's r 306 N 3d
Nielsen Martin M (Ann; Clinton Pure Butter Co) h1216 8th av S
Nielsen Marvel I (wid Andreas) bkpr Clinton Corn Processing h634 1st av
Nielsen Marvin P (Eliz C) mach C&NW h515 3d av S
Nielsen Mary B ofc wkr Clinton corn Processing h1702 S Bluff
Nielsen Muriel S sch supt r405 N 4th
Nielsen Nels C emp VA Domiciliary
Nielsen Noble H (Grace A) h23-3 ½ Pershing blvd
Nielsen Nola M USAF r 2605 N 3d
Nielsen Penelope R sec Mayer & Halbach r1301 14th av S
Nielsen Peter C (Darlene) slitter duPont h1305 9th av s
Nielsen Ralph (Marie J) farm hlpr h508 1st av
Nielsen Richd C (Leona L) coating duPont h2314 Barker
Nielsen Richd C (Jean A) electn C&NW h131 ½ N 5th
Nielsen Robt (Alice M) uphol Kelly Chair co h1501 S 20th
Nielsen Robt F (Beulah S) formn duPont h1301 14th av S
Nielsen Ruth L Mrs wire wkr Collis Co r Camanche Iowa
Nielsen Thos E studt r1501 S 20th
Nielsen wm r 1106 Camanche av
Nielsen Wm H jr (Vivian L) driver Wardrobe Clns h2352 N 7th
Nielson Helvig P (Emma A; Nielson Wldg Shop) h143 ½ 7th av S
Nielson John (Annie N) h707 Park pl
Nielson Marie (wid Niels) r629 ½ 3d av S
Nielson Peter C (Eliz H) carmn C&NW h744 2d av S
Nielson Welding Shop (Helvig P Nielson) 143 7th av S
Nienkark Jas A emp Clinton Corn Processing r RD 2 Savanna Ill
Nier Wayne R (Mary A) mech Curtis Co h225 N 6th
Niesslie Wm F r 400 16th av S
Niesslie Wm L swtchman CB&Q h400 16th av S
Niles Keith M (Ella M) refinery wkr Clinton Corn Processing h2388 Chancy
Niles Lloyd emp Turner Iron & Mtl Co h1903 N 9th
Niles Robt W (Ethel R) loader Clinton Corn Processing h1919 Glendale rd
Nims Allen L (Marilyn M.) lab Clinton Corn Processing h1530 N 2d
Nims Harold S (Betty M) slitter duPont h1128 Camanche av
Nissely Wm lab r325 4th av s
Nissley Clara F (wid Clyde E) bndry hlp clinton Bk Bndry h645 4th av S
Nissen Alf J (Bernetta M) supvr City Natl Bank h307 N 5th
Nissen Anna M (wid Hans E) h835 13th av S
Nissen Chris G (Ellen; Niesen Gro Store) h448 ½ 4th av N
Nissen Chris N (Jacqueline R; Nissen's Taxi Serv) h rear 2502 Camanche av
Nissen Christine L (wid Nick) hlpr Allen's Tea Rm r1013 Roosevelt
Nissen Edw N lab Clinton Corn Processing r433 ½ 11th av S
Nissen Ernest G (Evelyn M) lab duPont h616 13th av N
Nissen Ferdinand N (Adela S) h3302 Cleveland
Nissen Grocery Store (Chris G Nissen) 448 4th av N
Nissen Helen D Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h329 13th av S
Nissen Ingwer (Mary V) pan opr Clinton Corn Processing h433 ½ 11th av S
Nissen Jacqueline R Mrs disp Nissen's Taxi Serv r rear 2502 Camanche av
Nissen Jennie G (wid Fred L) h731 6th av S
Nissen Julius N (Elsie C) lab VA h2622 Roosevelt
Nissen Larry serv sta atndt Seven States Oil Co r2502 Camanche
Nissen Louise C bkpr W Atlee Burpee C h1027 Pershing blvd
Nissen Marvin I (Shirley A) mach opr duPont h1121 Keith ct
Nissen Matt C (Rozella P) fcty wkr Clinton Corn Processing h921 11th av Snissen N Peter (Myrtle R) h321 11th av N
Nissen Ole (Helen D) h329 13th av S
Nissen Ralph R (Eleanor M) carp Leonard A Poole h444 6th av N
Nissen Richd A (Jean F) clk Brinkman & Pessman h80 30th av N
Nissen Shirley A Mrs ofc sec Louis J Holm h1121 Keith ct
Nissen Thos R (Joan) mtce duPont h433 11th av S
Nissens Taxi Service (Chris N Nissen) rear 2502 Camanche
Nitschke Lee (Mary) servmn Montgomery Elev Co h815 S 6th
Nivens Harvey F (Kath A) riveter clinton Bridge h1518 Camanche av
Nivens Jas E (Anna H) mach opr Allied Sructural Steel h812 5th av N
Nixon Arth E (Edna M) plater Collis co h430 15th av S
Nixon Donald D mtce duPont r614 19th av S
Nixon Ellas L r614 19th av s
Nixon Ervin F (Virginia M) car chkr Curtis Co h655 18th av S
Nixon Gwendolyn Mrs nurse St. Joseph Mercy Hosp h1707 13th av S
Nixon Hazel P Mrs wire wkr Collis Co h112 22d pl
Nixon John K (Jean I) mtce duPont h217 13th av S
Nixon Juleen A clk Pillsbury Mills r655 18th av S
Nixon Julia B r614 19th av S
Nixon Kenneth E (Alberta M; Square-Deal Roofing & Siding Co) h101 2d av S
Nixon Leonard J slsmn McKinley & Hummerlgaard r614 19th av S
Nixon Raymond E (Marjorie M) carp 1217 Camanche av h do
Nixon Robt E (Gwendolyn) lab Pillsbury Mills h1707 13th av S
Nixon Robt V (Hazel P) lab Clinton Corn Processing h222 14th av S
Noble B E (Kath) mgr Ford Hopkins Drug Store h1050 14th av S
Noble Glenn v (Helen L) roaster Clinton Corn Processing h222 14th av S
Noble Helen L Mrs emp Swofts h222 14th av S
Noel Lucien (Alice M) mach opr Clinton Corn Processing h 629 7th av S
Noest Eugenie (wid Jos) r739 15th av S
Noffke Alf B (Lucille O) pntr hlpr C&NW r1422 Camanche
Noffke Lucile O Mrs time wkr Clinton Garment h1422 Camanche
Nolan Chas F (Nora E) lab R C Bennett Box Co h507 18th av S
Nolan Frank O (Maude) mtce Bowling Alley h2430 Dunham
NOLAN THOMAS P (Catherine M), Chief Acountant Climax Engine & Pump Mfg Co, 1812 S 4th, Tel Chapel 2-2502, 606 Melrose ct, Tel Chapel 201681
Noon Elaine waiter Allen's Tea Rm r945 6th av N
Noon Eldon W (Mima R) ofc wkr duPont r945 6th av N
Noonan Agnes M tchr Jefferson Sch h212 ½ 3d av S
Noonan Donald M appr Clinton Herald r237 19th pl
Noonan Frank W (Harriet B) bkpr McPherson Mtrs h729 4th av S
Noonan Helen L clk Clinton Tob Candy & Sup h55 ½ Main av
Noonan Michl J (Florence A) pkr Collis Co h237 19th pl
Noordt Harold driver Carstensen Trans & stge r802 15th av S
Norbur Ferne E slswn John D VanAllen's h228 3d av A
Norbur sidney A (Bernice L) aud for County & State h229 3d av S
Norburg Victor A (Hazel H) park mtcemn Bd of Park Comnrs h435 3d av N
Norbury Don v-pres-genl mgr Manning Norbury Chevrolet Cadillac r 116 6th av S
Nord Emil W (Emma) fcty wkr Clinton corn Processing h903 11th av S
Hord N Oscar (Alma H) h356 21st pl
Nordman Peter J (leona V) h406 ½ 6th av S
Norem christina h2821 ½ Garfield
Norem Christina h2821 ½ Garfield
Norem Christyna G mach opr Clinton Garment r 2399 14th
Norem Douglas A (Patricia) jan TelCo r 1002 S 4th
Nor-Ma-Lou Beauty Salon (Barbara Vogel) 216 Main av
Norman Ardith R time wkr Clinton Garment r Fulton Ill
Norman Arth L laby wkr duPont r Fulton Ill
Norman Delmar J USAF r428 12th av S
Norman Edwin A bgemn C&NW r428 12th av S
Norman Eunice Mrs nurses aide Jane Lamb Mem Hosp r Fulton Ill
Norman Gerald L mtce duPont r1608 S 6th
Norman Jacob (Bertha A) h428 12th av S
Norman Kenneth A USAF r428 12th av S
Norman LaVonne J time wkr Clinton Garment r Fulton Ill
Norman Llewellyn G (Maxine) whse mgr Clinton Mfg r Fulton Ill
Norman Peter H carmn C&NW r Fulton Ill
Norment Maxine e (wid John) ofc sec Clinton Corn Processing h Breezy Point apts
Norris Ethel chkr Johannes Clns
Norris Robt B (Mildred A) dentist 311 Tucker bldg h733 5th av S
Norris Wilber J (Ethel M) mail msngr PO h707 Locust
Norskov Alf N (Eleanor) condr C&NWRy h1012 15th av S
Norskov Clarence M (Emily) mach C&NWRy h336 22nd pl
Norskov Eleanor M Mrs clk Penneys r1012 15th av S
North Adele A studt r1007 Main av
North Alma C Mrs h1007 Main av
NORTH AMERICAN STEEL CO, Albert M Cloud Jr Mgr, Hwy 67, 7 mo SW of Clinton, PO Box 750, Clinton Iowa, Tel Alpine 9-8324
North American Van Lines Inc John F Meade agt 141 7th av S
North John R (Cleo J; A & B Excavation Co) h384 21st pl
Northrop Wm L. (Ida H) h2212 ½ Garfield
NORTHWESTERN Bell TELEPHONE CO, Keith L Cook Mgr, C G Benner Wire Chief, Annabelle Clark Chief Opr, 520 S 2d, Tel Chapel 2-9901
NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Clair V Grooms CLU, 309 Weston Bldg 523 S 2d, Tel Chapel 2-2545, Robert G Tolman, 506 15th av N, Tel Chapel 2-0449
Norton Edw J h322 14th av S
Norton H Jas r322 14th av S
Norton Howard F chem duPont h540 ½ 6th av S
Norton Mary E (wid Hervey) notary pub 2324 Garfield h do
Notman Florence v-pres W H Young & Co r New York NY
NOTMAN JOHN H (Gertrud W), Genl Mgr Clinton Herald, 221 7th av S, Tel Chapel 2-7101, h1A Oakhurst, Tel Chapel 2-4088
Novak Dorothy emp Lafayette Hotel r 212 ½ 2d av S
Novak Roger D pkr Dairypak Inc r437 11th av S
Nowlan Peter lab Ringland Johnson Constn r416 7th av S
Nuebert Eug L lab r2410 Liberty av
Nunn Paul S (Thelma) slsmn Swift h726 5th av S
Nunnally Della altwn Gerwigs r217 ½ 7th av S
Nunnally Newton S h700 ½ S 2d
Nutrilite Food supplement Jas W Leigh distr health food 766 14th av S
Nu Way Cleaners (Oliver Taeschner) 128 6th av S
Nye Edw L (Mabel M) rep Motor Club of Iowa h805 S 4th
Nye Mabel M Mrs sec-treas Ladies Auxiliary to Brotherhood of Railroad Trainman h805 S 4th
Nyquist Alma S (wid Oscar) h1827 S 6th
Nyquist Earl G (Alma) wtchmn Curtis h515 16t av S
Nyquist Kenneth E (Eva M) carp Clinton Corn Processing h555 16th av S