Table of Contents to the 1929 Directory

McCoy's Clinton City Directory 1929

Containing an Alphabetically Arranged Lost of Business Firms and Private Citizens; a Street Directory' Street and Avenue Guide; Miscellaneous Directory; City and County Officers; Terms of Court; Churches; Colleges; Public and Private Schools; Banks; Railroads, Secret and Benevolent Societies and Numerical Telephone Directory, Tec., Etc. And a complete Classified Business Directory “The buyers Guide” Price $12.00 Copyright, 1928, by McCoy Directory Co.

Publisher's note

The information in this book is gathered as far as possible by actual canvass, and is compiled in a way to ensure maximum accuracy. While the Publishers will in no way be held responsible for any errors that may occur, they will bee glad to have any inaccuracies brought to their attention, so that they may be corrected in succeeding editions. McCoy Directory Co., Compilers.

General Index

Abbreviations 57
Advertisements, Index to 3
Alphabetical List of Names 57
Business Directory 313
Cemeteries 16
Churches 16
City Government 13
County Government 16
Courts 15
Educational 14
Hospitals 16
Introductory 5
Libraries 15
Miscellaneous 13
Numerical Telephone Directory 381
Police 13
Police Department 13
Public Schools and Teachers 14
Secret Societies 17
Sectarian Schools 15
Street Directory 141

Index to Advertisements

Abstract & Title Guaranty Co 26
Acme Service Co 28
American Engineering Co 50
Arlen Bros Co 35
Armstrong C E & Sons, 42
B & C Chevrolet Co 28
Bather Andrew Co. 40
Bather J R Co, 40
Battery Headquarters Co, 28
Becker Seed Co 51
Behr H F C 53
Block W. G Co 36
Bough P. J. 50
Brandt Auto Co 29
Bright spot Transfer Co 53
Brown's College of Commerce 34
Carlsen's Paint & Wall Paper Store 50
Carstensen Trnsfer & Storage, 52
Clinton Nash Co 29
Clinton National Bank 31
Clinton Paper Co 50
Clinton Thrift Co 47
Clinton & Illinois Bridge Co
Comstock & Wogensen, 29
Cramer F Roe
Curtis Bros & Co 49
Daehler Motor Co 29
Depue & Anderews 36
Eclipse Lumber 48
Excelsior Laundry 46
First National Bank of Lyons 33
Gabriel Lumber & Fuel Co 47
General Auto Co 30
Godskesen Hdwe Co 42
Hansen A w Co 46
Heil Furniture Co 41
Heldt & Timmerman 26
Henningsen O H 42
Hill Olin E. 39
Hubbart L M 36
Hudson-Essex Sales Co 30
Illinois-Iowa Roofing Co 51
Interstate Power Co 40
Iowa Machine wks & Fndry 49
Iowa Motors Co, Inc 30
Iowa Roofing Co 51
Iowa State Sav Bank 33
Jeffries J Q & Co 44
Jorgensen & Mortensen 37
Joyce Lumber Ci 49
King's Tire & Service Co 27
Lyons Lumber Co 48
McEleney Auto co 30
McKinley & Hummelgaard 41
McPherson & Conners 31
Merchant National Bank 34
Metzger & Cavanaugh 52
Oak Grove Dairy 37
Ough Geo H 38
Paddock & Dieckmann Co 44
Pape F N. 52
Penney J C Co 39
Peoples Trust & Saving Bank 32
Porter Tire & Battery Co 52
Prieskorn Edw 
Pritchard J G 52
Proost's Shops 31
Root A C Agency 46
Sander Marvin E Agency 45
Shadduck Funeral Home 54
Smith Geo T 37
Smith & Higgins 45
Stukas & Sons 43
Thomas Oakes Co 35
Towle & Hypes Co 38
Tucker Furniture & Carpet Co 41
Van Allen & Son 39
Volckman Furniture & Carpet Co 42
West End Garage 27
Woodbury E N Co 51
Zimmer Bus & Co 54