Wheatland Gazette - 1897

(Wheatland Gazette 28 April 1897)



Wheatland Wants a Beet Sugar Factory, a Canning factory, or Factories of a Similar Nature.  Such Enterprises Would be Warmly Welcomed. 

A Northwestern Iowa Editor Visits Our City and County and Writes of Their Advantages, and of Our Most Enterprising Citizens. 

Written by Geo. T. Williams. 


            Before starting out on this brief review of Wheatland and Clinton county the writer desires to state that it is not his intention, nor is it expected, that he is to go into all the details of the early settlement of the town and county, as space forbids.  This article is only intended as a plain, uncolored pen picture of Wheatland, touching briefly upon the advantages of the country surrounding, the schools and churches and Wheatland’s business men as they are today. 


Situated, as it is in almost the very center of God’s own country, is adapted more particularly to the pursuits followed by the agriculturist and the stock raiser. Season after season her soil has yielded most abundantly on the husbandmen’s toil, and her granaries and cribs have never been found empty.  Not only has the agriculturist been rewarded for his labor, but the fruit man, and stock raiser have reaped a rich harvest as each year has rolled by, and in consequence the banker, the merchant, the mechanic, the professional man and the laborer have thereby been benefited.  As a county wherein cereals are successfully produced, Clinton has no peer.  Her corn crop is always safe and sure, her wheat, oats, rye and tame grasses cannot be excelled, and with an abundance of timber for fuel and her healthy climate, it can certainly be called the paradise of the farmer and a good country for any class of people who are endowed with sufficient hustle and enterprise to wake up between the time the sun rises in the morning and its setting in the evening, or in other words, to come in when it rains. 


Is surrounded by the richest and most fertile section of Clinton county.  On every side of this little city of 700 people are evidences of its being populated by a steady and thrifty class of farmers.  Large and well proportioned farm houses, commodious buildings for the shelter of stock and implements are in evidence, and in the town itself are handsome home, occupied by law abiding and progressive people, and of its substantiality, the writer would only ask that the skeptical reader pay it a visit. 


The fountain head, the main spring of all national greatness, we find here in all its glory.  Wheatland has a fine two story brick school building, erected at a cost of $7,000 with four departments, and the schools this year under the principalship of Prof. J. J. Moser, are in excellent condition.  The officers of the school board are J. W. Hover, president and H. C. Ficke, secretary.  Wheatland certainly as good reason to feel a landable pride in her public schools and may those receiving instruction there fully appreciate the benefit it confers on them and occupy themselves diligently to the acquirements of a useful knowledge in the days of their youth, and in the days of their manhood apply that knowledge to the discharge of their various duties to their God, their country, their neighbors and themselves, so that in their old age they may enjoy the happy reflections consequent on a well spent life and die in the hope of a glorious immortality. 


            Next in order comes the various religious denominations which we find established here for the spiritual good of this happy family.  We use the word family as applied to city advisedly.  As the members of a household are banded together by the ties of kindred love and affections, so the citizens of a town are but members of a large family, banded together by similarities of mutual interest and sympathy.  As one member of the human family cannot be injured without the rest suffering, so a member of a family or town cannot be affected without a reflex action on all others.  All interests center in one grand local point, the general welfare.  Wheatland seems inspired with the same ambition spiritually as in educational matters.  We find here the German Reform and the Presbyterian churches, and they both have a large following. 


This feature of any town will always be found a safe and reliable standard by which to judge the men who constitute the business element of the town and surrounding country.  Banded together with solemn and irrevocable ties for the absolute purpose of friendship, morality and brotherly love, sympathy, counsel and support, in which is contention of who can best work for the public good.  The Knights of Pythias, A. F. & A. M., A. O. I. W., M. W. of A., and I. O. G. T., all have strong local lodges and are in a healthy financial condition. 


            No town of equal population in Iowa can boast of being in better financial condition than Wheatland.  It is out of debt and has money in the treasury, and its warrants are at par.  The present official staff is composed of the following citizens and they are among the leading and representative business men of the town:  Mayor, Dr. T. D. Gamble; Recorder, A. M. Hall; Treasurer, Edward Siegmund;  Councilmen, J. G. Sherer, J. E. Klahn, Hermann Grill, George Riedesel, Ferd Horstmann and John Kansmeier.  The city has a splendid system of water works costing about $6,000, and a well equipped volunteer fire department of twenty-five active members with Otto Siegmund as chief, E. Lohmann, secretary, and Edw, Guenther, treasurer. 


Holds its meeting on their grounds each month for seven months of each year, beginning with April and ending with October.  Their first important meeting for this year will occur May 2nd, and shooters from all over the state are expected.  The officers of this society are:  John Martens, president; Hans Ballhorn, secretary and Henry Werner, treasurer. 


            In this special issue of the Gazette we should certainly mention the excellent shipping facilities the town now has, for it is one of the chief and most important features of any town or city no matter how large or small it may be.  The Chicago and North-Western is the leading road of the city, and with its double track affords the very best of passenger and freight service to the markets of Chicago.  The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad also furnishes excellent shipping facilities, making connections with its main east and west lines at Oxford Junction, a few miles north. 


            Among the noble industries and true enterprises in Wheatland we find the newspaper.  Every week two weekly newspapers are issued and sent broadcast from Wheatland, advocating her interests and noting her prosperity as regular as the bell calls the sinners to church.  Of course some of the sinners don’t heed the call, likewise the sinners are unmindful of the press and its usefulness. 


In which this review is published, is an 8 column folio, edited and published by F. W. Buxton, and able and competent printer as well as editor, he having been engaged in the newspaper business ofr about eighteen years.  The office is well equipped for doing all kinds of first-class job work, and we are glad to note that its columns are patronized by all the live business men of the town.  The paper is deserving of the patronage of every business man, and would prove a paying investment to a number who are not now represented in its columns.  Editor Buxton enjoys the reputation of getting out the neatest and newsiest country weekly in the county, and he should have the hearty support and co-operation of the people of the community. 


Is a 7 column folio, and it the pioneer paper of the city. It is edited by A. W. Gault, and owned by  A. J. Gault, the latter being a veteran in the newspaper business and the author of “Twenty Years Ago.”  The office is a well equipped country newspaper plant and is enjoying a very fair patronage. 


            Wheatland wants a beet sugar factory, a canning factory, or any enterprise of a factory nature which will give steady employment to labor, and by addressing the editor of this paper full information will be supplied. 


            As no town is complete without a good hotel, nor does any one business add so much to the good or bad name as a hotel, therefore we speak of the hotel facilities at this time, for in the line of hotels, Wheatland can feel a just pride.  Yes, Wheatland has a splendid hotel, known as the 


A large two story brick erected in 1893 at a cost of about $ 5, 000, with stone basement, and is owned and conducted by J. S. Carpenter, who came to this city five years ago from Kentucky and who, for fifteen years, was a traveling salesman, and therefore knows how to conducted a hotel to suit that class of patrons.  The City Hotel has twenty good rooms including a parlor, with piano, and a dining room that will seat fifty guests.  The rooms are well lighted and heated and everything in and about the house presents an attractive and pleasing appearance and special care is taken as regards its sanitary condition.  The dining room service in this hotel is another feature worthy of special notice, as the waiters are very accommodating and obliging and take great pride and care in filling all orders given them. Then the tables are supplied with every delicacy the market affords and we will venture the assertion, and feel confident that every person who has stopped at the City Hotel will back us up in it, that there is not a better table set in any $2 a day hotel in the state that can be found at any of the three meals served in this hotel.  We know this is a very broad statement to make, but know it is true, not from hearsay but from actual experience and as the old saying is, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof,” and we certainly know whereof we speak.  Mr. Carpenter is a genial and whole souled gentleman and his friends and acquaintances are very numerous.  To those of you, fellow travelers, who have not stopped at this hotel we would say, try it, and we will guarantee that it will become your future headquarters whenever you visit this city. 


            There is no feature that more fully indicates the business and commercial importance of a city or town than its banking institutions.  The bank, to a vast extent, is the main artery that supplies the life current to all business enterprises, and it is as indispensable to business life and commercial actions as the blood channels are ti animal vitality and existence.  In fact the bank is the business barometer of the town in which it is located.  Wheatland, estimated by such a standard, makes and unusually strong showing, and as an institution which stand in the front ranks of the banking interests of Clinton county, we are pleased to refer to 


Who do a general and conservative banking business, and which firm was established as a bank in 1886.  It is a private bank with capital stock sufficient to supply the demand.  H. Guenther, the cashier, and practically manager, has been a valued citizen of this city since 1877.  He has a good home in the city, and ia ably assisted in the bank by his brother Edward.  No word from our pen can better portray the standing the bank has in the community than does the business it enjoys.  It makes all forms of collections, short time loans, and pays five per cent interest on time deposits, and has money to loan on first mortgage farm security at a very low rate of interest.  They own and occupy a fine brick building, and among its equipments is a commodious fireproof, brick vault within which we noticed an all steel Corliss safe, with automatic time lock, thus rendering all monies and valuables placed in their care, absolutely safe from the encroachment of fire or thieves.  It’s short, this is a solid and reliable monied institution, fully entitled to all unlimited public confidence and is a hearty patronage, both of which we are pleased to note it enjoys to the fullest extent. 


            The ancient Lutins declined beef thus; “Bos bosis,” etc; but thought the good people of Rome may have been authority on poetry and art and they could not have had such business houses as Wheatland possess for with a meat market like that is owned by Siegmund Bros, they would never have declined beef.  Seriously speaking, this meat market, as everyone in Wheatland knows, is headquarters for meats of all kinds from the juicy steak down to the richly flavored sausage.  On the meat block and counter you can always find the best of that staple article of food.  Whether you wish a good fry for breakfast or a substantial roast for dinner; whether you are setting the table for Mr. And Mrs. Younghusband or filling “till they groan” the long tables of a hotel dining room, you can feel perfectly confident of getting the best meat at rock-bottom prices, by trading with this firm.  The boys have a fine brick building, 20x60, and it is kept in a neat and clean condition.  Ed Siegmund is the present city treasurer, while Otto is chief of the fire department.  These gentlemen are both obliging and accommodating and their shop presents a clean and attractive appearance at all times. 


            Does Wheatland ever need a good word spoken in her behalf and spoken emphatically and ably?  Does any movement tending towards the up-building and advancement of the city require a supporter and a staunch one?  Do the solons of Athens ever hold serious consultations and desire advice that may be followed as one can follow that which comes from a rich store of experience?  When such occasions arise no one is called upon sooner or given a more respectful attention that A. Lohmann, a gentleman and thorough business man.

            Mr. Lohmann was born in Germany  but came to America with his parents when six years old and located on the farm.  In 1856 he came to this county and for eleven years was engaged in farming, but having the misfortune of losing his right hand in a threshing machine, he cane to this city in 1865 and entered the employ of M. L. Rogers & Co., as a clerk.  In 1873 he engaged in business for himself by establishing a general store and has been successfully engaged in that line of business ever since.  Although his stock was limited to a few hundred dollars at first, he has, by frugality, Indus----and perseverance built up a business that estimated from a conservative standpoint in voice several thousand dollars, and in short, it is the leading and largest mercantile establishment in the city.  The building in which Mr. Lohmann now carries on his business is a pride and credit to the city being a large brick, 50x85, built pressly for the purpose in which it is used, and cost about $3,000.  On the left hand side as you enter, the 40 feet is a handsome display of dry goods and this department is followed by boots and shoes of all sizes ,and by different manufacture.  In the rear the space is occupied by hats and caps, and down through the center is queensware and glassware is to be found.  On the right side groceries of a fresh and clean variety can be found and following the staple goods ready made clothing that is strictly in evidence.  Country produce always finds a ready market in this establishment and the best brand of flour—the Madelia Best a specialty—can always be obtained.  Mr. Lohmann and his salesmen are always pleasant and courteous, and their motto of this store has always been “honorable treatment and good goods at comparatively low prices. 


The genial Nasby of the city, He has been a resident of the county for 30 years, and received his appointment as postmaster about three years ago.  The business of the office has steadily increased during time he has had charge and it now is about 215 lock and call boxes.  Mr. Beckmann’s daughter, Miss Ernestine if the efficient deputy and is a very popular young lady. 


Was born in Germany and came to Clinton county fifteen years ago.  He is a thorough and practical harness maker, having learned the trade in the old country, and has built up his reputation and patronage second with no other harness maker in the county outside the city of Clinton 


We would not do justice to the community in thus making public record of the names of live progressive and enterprising citizens of Wheatland, were we to omit from this edition one whose history is inseparably linked with that of the city whose growth and onward progress has been contemporaneous with that of the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this paragraph.  Who of our citizens, old and young, do not know, respect and esteem, Dr.Thos. D. Gamble, the genial and popular mayor of the city.  Dr. Gamble was born in Delaware, but resided during the early years of his life in Alleghany City, Pa., and came west in 1854, locating in LeClaire, Scott county, Iowa, where he studied medicine with his brother, Dr. J. Gamble, until 1858, when he moved to Clinton county and is therefore one of the early settlers of the Hawkeye state.  The doctor is a graduate of the St. Louis Medical college and has been practicing medicine for 38 years, although in recent years he has confined himself to strictly office work.  Dr. Gamble owns and conducts the Union Drug Store, the leading establishment of that character in the city, and has a fine brick building, 25x70 in size and it contains the largest stock of drugs and sundries in the west of Clinton county.  This store has elegant fixtures, prescriptions cases, etc, and on the shelves may be seen many useful and necessary articles that man must have in this world. In the first place as we enter there is a brightness about the place that puts us in a good humor at one.  We notice a clean floor with a chair here and there for their patrons to rest while making purchases and there you can look about and see a line of stationery and toilet articles that will make your eyes snap.  The line of stationery includes paper for all business from the largest tablets of commerce to dainty scented note paper in all the latest shades, also ink, pens, school supplies and paper weights, toilet articles in the most beautiful cases conceivable, and the cut glass bottles filled with the latest odors and of the latest manufactures, all kinds of toilet waters, pomades, paints, brushes for the teeth, hair, clothes and flesh.  They carry a full line of patent medicines, wall paper, oils, mixed paints, cigars and is one of the most popular and agreeable young men of the city.

            Dr. Gamble is a member of the county, state and United States medical associations and has a large and well selected medical library.  He has been mayor of the city for eight years, and during his entire residence in Wheatland, his hand, word and pocketbook have contributed very materially toward the advancement and improvement of the town. 


            This is the firm which takes the lead in the farm implement business, and is a firm so well established and so long a part of Wheatland that it is as well known to those residing within a circle of forty miles, as the town itself.  For over thirty years this implement house has been a part of Wheatland.  Established by the Petersen Bros., the business was built upon a firm foundation and grew with a steady growth. Some twenty years ago Mr. H. A. Ficke, and his correct and honest business methods caused the business to assume proportions that placed it way in advance of all others of its kind in this vicinity.  For several years the firm name was H. A. Ficke & Sons- a son, Mr. H. C. Ficke, taking control of the business.  Being perfectly familiar with the methods of his father, and also having an extending a large patronage, he had no difficulty to not only keeping the business up to its former standard, but succeeded in still further extending it.  On January 1, 1897, Mr. H. M. Ficke, was admitted to the firm, since which time the name of the firm has been H. A. Ficke & Sons.  These brothers have shown themselves to be a strong business combination and are fast making new friends among those who desire only the best and most reliable implements and vehicles. The member of this firm are qualified not only to sell machinery, but to take it into the field and put it into operation, thus insuring satisfaction to the purchaser.  Some idea of their business may be conveyed by stating that their main building is 36x125, and 40 feet of this is two story.  Also a carriage department adjoining, which is 20x40, and a show platform space 20x20.  The main building is always filled from floor to roof with machinery, as they carry a full stock continuously, also pumps, pipe, windmills, tanks, etc.  A large room is filled with extra parts and repairs, consequently their patrons lose but little time when an accident occurs to a machine. The carriage department always contains a line of the most desireable vehicles of the highest grade.  This firm buys machinery in carload lots and for cash, and are consequently able to meet successfully the prices of their competitors.  As may be seen by a perusal of their large advertisement which they carry in this paper, they handle a great variety of superior machinery and are in a position to furnish anything in their line from a leather pump-sucker to a steam threshing outfit.  It is no exaggeration to say that the firm of H. A. Ficke & Sons own and control the largest implement business in Clinton county, and enjoy a patronage which extends far into the adjoining counties. 


            Among all the names that find a place in the list of enterprising citizens who have helped to make Wheatland what she is, who have assisted in bringing to her doors all that grace her threshold, none stand higher than that of F. C. Fifield.  With the vim, push and “git-up-and-git-ative-ness” in him to help a city, he is not the man to fail himself, as his splendid success in the hardware business shows.

            Mr. Fifield was born in New York state and raised a farmer boy.  When the war broke out he laid aside the plow and harrow and enlisted in the 11th N. Y. Cavalry and served three years.  Shortly after the war was over he came west and located in Wheatland and is now one of the leading and extensive hardware merchants of the county. He occupies a solid brick store building, 24x85, and it is well filled with both shelf and heavy goods.  The goods they keep are all selected with care and with a view to having nothing but the best articles to sell while the prices charged are evidence of good goods bought by a business man who understands his business.  This is one of the reasons why he treats all who deal there with such courtesy and fair dealing as to merit and receive the praise of his many customers from all part of the county.  He keeps all kinds of shelf and builders hardware, carpenter’s tools, garden tools, etc, and the large room is completely filled.  In addition to all this he has a full line of all the leading cooking and heating stoves making a specialty of the Riverside and Round Oak stores. 


            He has a large and well equipped tin shop and manufactures his own tin ware.  He is a skilled tinner, understands every branch of the tin ware trade and its competent to manufacture anything from a tin whistle to the most useful articles made in tin, copper or brass.  They also have tin roofing, eavespouting, anti-rust tin ware, etc.  Fred Fifield, a son, is the head salesman in the store and is one of Wheatland’s most popular young business men. 


proprietor of the Wheatland livery, feed and sale stable, is a native of Clinton county frim force of circumstances over which he had no control, having been born and raised within its borders.  He became the proprietor of this business about nine years ago.  The barn is 60x80, equipped with six good rigs which he can furnish with or without drivers, at satisfactory rates,  There is also hack line in connection, and all eastern horse buyers make his stabke their headquarters.  Mr. Gerken so thoroughly understands and satisfies the requirements of his patrons that competition in his business has never been successful. 


Has been a resident of Clinton county since 1854 and is one of its oldest blacksmiths.  He served all through the war of the rebellion, enlisting in Co. F, 10th Iowa, and was with Sherman on his famous march to the sea.  Mr. Thompson started a blacksmith shop in Wheatland a third of a century ago, and now has a building 24x30, equipped with splendid machinery-mostly invented and manufactured by himself—and all his work is neatly and thoroughly done.  He has a good home and is a hard working and respected citizen. 


            All human history attests that happiness for man—the hungry sinner—since Eve ate apples, much depends on dinner.  Good meals, and there are non better, may be had at “Harry’s Restaurant,” which is located in a fine room 24x60, in the GAZETTE building.  Not only can good warm meals be obtained there at all hours of the day, but this establishment is headquarters for choice fruits, confectionery, cigars, smoking and chewing tobacco, and all kinds of temperance drinks.  His delicious ice cream will soon be in great demand.  Mr. Fleagle is also correspondent for several daily papers and send some very interesting news items from this community. 


            The subject of this sketch has had fourteen years experience as a jeweler and now has a complete stock as can be found in towns twice the size of Wheatland, and his prices are always to be found in accord with the times.  He has a good room, 14x20, in the first block north of Lohmann’s general store, where he is always pleased to meet his friends and patrons. Mr. Witt makes a specialty of engraving and repairing, and guarantees his work to give satisfaction.  His store and goods must be seen to be appreciated. 


            J. W. Hover was born in the Sucker state and came to Clinton county in 1873.  He is now engaged in the farm machinery business under the firm name of L. L. & J. W. Hover and they have one of the largest and most complete stocks of farming utensils to be found in the county.  He has a large implement shed 22x66, which contains a large stock of implements, and they are all of the popular and useful kind.  In this age of machinery no one thing is of more importance to a farmer than a well selected line of implements specially designed for the work which they are to accomplish.  This is one of the points to which Mr. Hover gives particular attention, viz., that of keeping a line of implements suited to the particular wants of this vicinity and not a stock of novelties which are being constantly put upon the markets with no other object in view but to benefit the manufacturer.  If the farmers would always consult practical and experienced men like Mr. Hover when supplying their wants in this line there would be fewer complaints of inefficient farm machinery.  They make a specialty of the Aermotor windmills, wood and iron pumps, Milwaukee harvesting goods in season, Newton wagons, and  the best line of buggies and vehicles to be found in the county.  J. V. Hover, a brother, does a general well drilling business and guarantees all work to give satisfaction.  J. W. Hover has a good home in the city, and also owns other valuable property, among which is a small farm adjoining the city,  He is now serving his second year as president of the school board. 


            Among the genial and wholesouled citizens of Wheatland, none are more popular than Hans Ballhorn, who came to the city in September, 1896, and became “mine host’ in the Wayne Hotel.  He is a native of Germany, good natured, jolly, and at all times happy, and has the knack of putting all with whom he comes in contact in the same spirit.  He has been a resident of Iowa since 1860, and while he has a natural kindly feeling toward the “Fatherland,” he is thoroughly Americanized and loyal to the government under which he has cast his lot.  This hotel over which Hans presides is a large brick building, 50x100, and includes a large hall that will seat 600 people, and it is one of the largest hall in this part of the country.  The hotel will accommodate from 20 to 30 guests and has a large dining hall and liquors, including California wines and Canadian whiskies, and from 85 to 40 brands of cigars, he is ably assisted in conducting the business by his two sons, Henry and Hugo, both of whom are sociable young men.

            Mr. Bullhorn is secretary of the Shooting Society, and does not take a back seat when it comes to using a shotgun or rifle himself.  He is one of the “boys” and takes a pride in aiding financially all matters that will in the least benefit the city and believes in “booming” his home town. 


            A good physician and surgeon is an absolute necessity in every community, as the  health of its people should always be looked after first, and we are sure that Wheatland is to be congratulated in having within her city limits such an eminent and competent practitioner as Dr. Cook, a physician and thorough gentleman, who has been practicing right here in Clinton county for nearly 40 years, and who is known by nearly every man, woman and child in the community. 


A son of Dr. D. S. Cook is also associated in the practice, and is a native of the county by birth.  He received a good common school education after which eh entered the Keokuk medical college and received a diploma some six or seven years ago and has been most successful in his chosen career.  He has an office at his residence on High street and it is one of the finest homes in the city,  The dictor’s library is one of the largest and most complete in eastern Iowa, and on his office tables can be found all the leading and most reliable medical journals, as he believes in progress, and therefore keeps thoroughly posted on all the latest discoveries made by his brethren in the profession.  He make no specialty of any disease, but does a general practice, and it is not only confined to Wheatland and vicinity, but he is often called to neighboring towns to hold consultation with the local physicians and often make drives of from ten to twenty miles into the surrounding country.  Dr. Cook is not only popular in his professional character, but is a social favorite as well, and his home and his family is recognized by all as a place wherein sociability and good cheer can be found at all times.  He is local surgeon for the C. ^ N. W. railway and fills that position with credit.  We are glad to see that Wheatland people appreciate the doctor’s worth, and may he continue to enjoy the good will that he now has, is the earnest wish of the writer and many friends. 


            Wheatland has several regular stock buyers, but notwithstanding this fact. 


Of the neighboring town of Lowden, does some business in this line at Wheatland also.  He has been in the business at Lowden for fifteen years or more, and his fair dealing, liberal prices and just weights have given him a wide reputation.  He makes a specialty of buying feeders in large lots and selling them out in lots to suit.  He also buys fat stock for shipment, paying out hundreds of dollars monthly to the farmers of this vicinity.  This money is spent at home with merchants and Wheatland get a liberal portion.  The enviable reputation that this section of Iowa for affording a good local stock market is largely due to this efficient stock buyer, and in conclusion allow me to say to the farmers that it will pay them to see Mr. Henry before buying feeders or selling their fat stock for he buys or sells in large or small quantities. 


            Wheatland has it full quota of professional men who stand well at the front and whose services are constantly in demand.  Among them is Dr. E. Tay Tinker, the dentist, whose elegant parlors are located over Lohmann’s general store and are familiar to so many of our readers.  The doctor is a graduate of the Northwestern Dental University of Chicago, and is the only graduate dentist practicing between Mr. Vernon and DeWitt.  Since locating in Wheatland three years ago, he has built up a large practice and on that he deserves. He is skillful in all his work, well posted as to the latest improvements in the science and moreover he is extremely courteous and regardful of the best interests of his patrons.  The matter of careful attention to one’s teeth is a very important one and those who consult Dr. Tinker will find that he will give them first-class service.  The demand for good dentistry is such that his reputation if not confined to Wheatland alone, but is known far and wide. 


            D. H. Reinking was born in Germany and came to the United States and located in Iowa in 1878.  For several years he was engaged in clerking in stores at Clarence, and last fall came to this city and purchased the well established and lucrative business enjoyed by J. E. Klahn.  This general store is located in a fine brick store room, 24x70, one door south of the post office, and the stock consists of dry goods, dress goods and notions on the left hand side, clothing and groceries on the right hand side, and flour, syrups and bulk goods in the rear.  Country produce is taken in exchange for goods and the highest market price paid.  Orders for tailor made goods and a fit guaranteed.  Mr. Beinking has come to stay and by fair and honorable dealing hopes to receive his share of the public patronage. 


            Last but least by any means, we find that well known and highly respected business man, Jesse Kimball, who was born and raised in Clinton some time.  Mr. Kimball is manager of the largest and only exclusive boot and shoe store in the city and is enjoying and excellent patronage.  He makes a specialty of the celebrated.  Douglas and Brown boots and shoes, and has as large and complete a stock of footwear for ladies and children as can be found in the city, and repairing is neatly and promptly executed.  Although Mr. Kimball is one of the youngest business men in the city, nevertheless he can be considered on of it mos successful men, as he has a fine home and a  happy family to help enjoy it, and has some 14 or 15 very desirable building lots. 


Wheatland offers unusual attractions.  The social, religious and educational advantages of a town or city are first inquired after by those looking for a home.  To these questions the answer if of a gratifying nature.  The people are intelligent and refined.  The surrounding country is peopled by an industrious class of citizens and the town enjoys the trade of a very widely extended country and is being greatly benefited by the increased accumulation of agricultural wealth, the result of the increased development of one of the richest and most productive regions in Iowa.

            We desire to thank the many good and public spirited citizens of Wheatland for their judicious support and kindly encouragement in making this special issue of the GAZETTE a success.  The people of whom we have made mention are the ones who have contributed greatly to the upbuilding of this city, and country tributary, and assuredly are the ones who are entitled to respect and patronage from all who have the best interests of the community at heart.  We found other—good citizens and businessmen too—who have the best interest of the community at heart.  We found others—good citizens and businessmen too—who, although favorable to the upbuilding of their city, declined to allow us to write a sketch of themselves or their business.  Many of them advertise in the Wheatland papers and assist generously with any enterprise which tends toward the welfare of the city, and we regret exceedingly that they were too modest to desires a representation in this issue.  We also found a few of that class in the place who properly belong to the antediluvian stage, or the old “mossbacks,” but their names are not mentioned here, as they do not believe in churches, schools, newspapers and should have lived in the 16th century before such institutions were established.  The citizens of the city are energetic and enterprising and are bound to maintain the finest city that true enterprise can make.  They were instrumental in making this city what it is.  Their word, hand and pocketbook have contributed very liberally to her upbuilding and their work is daily seen in the many business blocks, church steeple and school buildings.  In short, figuratively speaking, they have breathed the air of life into Wheatland and were the means of transforming these one vacant fields into the fine city that you now have.