Wartburg Students

Letter, Wartburg College

The first photo is of the last graduating class, faculty and other staff personnel at the Clinton Wartburg in 1935. There are 130 people in the entire photo.  I had to split the photo into two parts.  In the first part are people - from row 1: 1-27, row 2: 46-74, row 3: 95-125.  In the second part are people - from row 1: 23-45, row 2: 68 (1/2 of 67) - 94, row 3: 115-130.

Wartburg graduating class 1935   Wartburg graduating class 1935

No. First Row No. Second Row No. Third Row
1 Doris Tyler 46 Julius Winterfeld "Windy" 95 Harold Domsalla
2 Jeanette Rust 47 Samuel Weganast 96 Albert Domsalla
3 Erma Berzlaff 48 Gerhard Hein "Gus" 97 Robert Barhite
4 Minnie Geffers 49 Martin Luseberg "Lena" 98 Victor Ackroyd
5 Mildred Barber 50 Cristie Boysen "Tubby" 99 Hilaire LePrevost
6 Ruth Gehrecke 51 Ronald Carlsen 100 Harvey Burger
7 Louella May 52 Ernest Strebling "Nookie" 101 Roland Wiederanders
8 Velma Ross 53 Homer Kuetle 102 Robert Kresin
9 Ruth Grumstrup 54 John Ackermann "Acky" 103 Thomas Dolan
10 Miltilda Park 55 William Kleen 104 Harold Borup
11 Grace Yessler 56 Clarence Eller 105 Harry Kaack
12 Rebecca Harms 57 Paul Kenyon "Campbell" 106 Elmer Kretschnar
13 Esther Imm 58 Herbert Jech "Joker" 107 William Bartels
14 Irma Taeuber 59 Raymond Meyer 108 Howard Borup
15 Ruth Fritz 60 Frederick Wurster 109 Willard Bull
16 Evelyn Bauer 61 Theo. Sager "Tex" 110 Stanley Harding
17 Ruth Thompson 62 David MacDonald "Tony" 111 Herman Burde
18 Muriel Johnson 63 Alfred Engelbrecht "Shorts" 112 Charles Speer
19 Esther Alsan 64 George Weiss "Woof-Warf" 113 Erwin Giss
20 Dorothy Dunn 65 John Pictsch 114 John Conlon
21 Ruth Gafpelt 66 Clifton Waytek 115 Allan Wussaw
22 Matilda Dickey 67 Theaphil Holm 116 Joseph Kamphuis
23 Augusta Tafping 68 Gilbert Ehlers 117 Vernon Waldorf
24 Ruth Fuehr 69 Edwin Beal 118 Ed. Mitchell
25 Margaret Fritschel 70 Eugene Carroll "Jiggs" 119 Werner Bischoff
26 Mrs. Freda Fritz 71 Herman Schmidt "Smitty" 120 Bruno Wm. Schachtenhaufen
27 Hulda Fritzemeier 72 Otto Staehling 121 Arnold Karsten
28 Eleanor Wiederanders 73 Paul Piatters 122 ?
29 Gladys Fuehr 74 Clarence Gess "Junie" 123 Erhard Schalkhauser "Rusty"
30 Faustine Wilder 75 Howard Flagel 124 ?
31 Nadine McKinley 76 Claude Hagge "Pete" 125 Roland Boysen
32 Jean Lollich 77 Leonard Ketelsen 126 Rialto Rosel
33 Dorothy Van Sickle 78 Ben Petersen 127 ?
34 Elsie Nagle 79 Charles Lehto 128 John Haferman
35 Prof. A. Aardal 80 Earl Cottral "Pete" 129 Marvin Schroeder
36 Prof. Catterman 81 Herbert Enser "Bud" 130 Alan Carey
37 Prof. E. Hertel 82 Adolph Gafpelt "Palto"    
38 Prof. Gerhard Ottersberg 83 Gerhard Matzner "Brains"    
39 Prof. Bernhard Holm 84 Edmund Baumgarten "Sleepy"    
40 Prof. Frederick Schoenbohm 85 Alfred George Mardorf    
41 Prof. Karl Kionka 86 Lawrence Peacock    
42 Prof. Alf. Swensen 87 Harry Rappath    
43 Prof. William Meyer 88 Arthur Schaap    
44 Prof. Otto Dieter 89 Charles Pelton    
45 Rev. Magney 90 Edward Hunt    
    91 Henry Kaab    
    92 Erwin Graschans    
    93 August Engelbrecht "Augie"    
    94 Alfred Wittmann "Fad"    

Last Wartburg Graduating Class 1935

Clinton's Last Wartburg Graduating Class: May 31, 1935

FRONT ROW: Gustave Schnaidt, Walter Rossbach, Howard Flagel, Herbert Enser, Martin Janssen, John Conlon, John Pietsch, Herman Schmitt, George Weiss, Hilaire LePrevost.
SECOND ROW: seated on chairs; Miss Margaret Fritschel, Prof. Bernard Holm, Prof. Gerhard Ottersberg, Prof. Cottermann, Prof. Carl Kionka, Prof. Albert Aardal, Dr. John Fritschel, President Otto Proehl, Dr. Wm. Rodemann, Dean G. Neumann, Miss Fritzmeir, Prof. Topping, Alf Swensen, Mrs. Frieda Fritz

Wartburg Football team 1935

Wartburg College football team of 1935

THIRD ROW: Prof. Frederick Schoenbohm, Coach W. Hertel, Hugo Haberaecker, Homer Kuethe, Milberta Flessner, Evelyn Bauer, Ramona Fisher, Rebecca Harms, Erma Burzlaff, Doris Tyler, Dorothy Sander, Gladys Fuehr, Jane Bowers, Eleanor Wiederaenders, Irma Taeuber, Elsie Nagel, Nadine McKinley, Lothar Baudler, Harvey Burger, Prof. Gerhard Nagel "Spike", Prof. Otto Dieters
BACK ROW: Prof. Wm. Meyer, Paul Kenyon, Albert Tietz, Merritt Bomhoff, John Ackermann, Wm. Klein, Bruno Schlachtenhaufen, Theo Sager, Wm. Bartels, Fred Landdeck, Otto Staehling, Walter Hehn, Howard Borup, Clarence Eller. Not present when picture was taken: Minnie Geffers and Velma Ross.

Wartburg College Basketball team 1913

Wartburg Basketball Team 1913 There are no names to indicate who the players are.


Wartburg College Junior Class 1911 Postcard

These two post cards were contributed by David and Judy Shedlock

Junion Class 1911Reverse of postcard


Wartburg College Fraternity Postcard

Wartburg FraternityWartburt Back of Postcard