Toronto Tidings in the Wheatland Gazette

Source: Buxton's Wheatland Gazette, June 16, 1908

W. A. Licht and family Sundayed in Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Edwards spent Friday in Davenport.
We will all go to Wheatland for the big doings July 3rd and 4th. M. B. Hart spent a coupole of days in Davenport on business this week.
Rev. Father John McNamara, of Dubuque, visited his brother here this week. Martin Welch visited friends in Davenport Wednesday and Thursday of last week.
Wm. Rutenbeck and J. C. Comstock, of Lost Nation, were in town on business Thursday. Ed Cubbage, of Ida Grove, was here a few days this week looking after the farm, and visiting with relatives.
The Creamery Co. will celebrate August 15th again this year, and are making big preparations for the event. J. H. Bielenberg has decided to have no dance here this month, and the one advertised for the 20th has been called off.
The fishing here this summer is the best we have had in years.  Our local sports here have been making some fine catches of late. Mowry & Willert shipped a car of hogs to Savanna Tuesday.  Mr. Willert went in charge.  They shipped one to Savanna on Monday also.
J. M. Johnson and Henry Gustavsen, of Des Moines, have been spending the week here visiting the John Miller family and fishing on the Wapsie. Quite a big delegation went from here to Lowden to attend the Krieger Fest Friday, and all report a good time in the evening, but the rain spoiled the doing in the day time.
The past week has been the most favorable for the farmers that we have had so far and they are making everything count.  We are still having too much rain for the low ground. Geo. W. Mowry wears the belt as the best fisherman for the best catch of the season.  He caught a fine 26 pound catfish one night this week, besides several smaller ones.  George says Conrad Endorf, who has held the belt, will have to go way back and sit down now.

At the home of the bride's brother near Massilon Wednesday, June 10th, Rev. Williams said the words that untied J. N. Barnhart, of Toronto, and Miss Maud Emerson, of Cedar Rapids, in the holy bonds of wedlock.  Mr. Barnhart is a prosperous young man and well to do farmer, who is held in the highest esteem by all here.  Jim has been keeping batch on his farm and needed a helpmate.  Miss Emerson was born and raised near Massilon where she is highly respected and, like the groom, is held in high esteem by all who know her.  The couple have been sweethearts for years, and either is well worthy of the other.  Their many friends here join me in extending hearty congratulations and best wishes.  A big crowd of Jim's friends called on the young couple and gave them an old time belling Wednesday even, and Jim responded liberally.  They will be at home to their friends on the groom's farm south of town.

Source: Buxton's Wheatland Gazette, June 24, 1908

N. J. Edwards -- Correspondent  
Ready made hayracks for sale by J. O. Devitt. The township trustees held a meeting here Thursday.
June Goodall spent a couple of days in Clinton this week. Fred Horstmann, Sr., is spending this week in Davenport.
Miss Irene Goodall is spending a few weeks at home at present. Miss O'Boyle attended the teacher's institute at Clinton this week.
Miss Augusta Bielenberg, of Chicago, is spending her vacation here. Mattie Cavey and Miss Rosena Bielenberg spent Friday in Davenport.
Ed Hart, Jr., spent a couple of days in Davenport this week on business. C. E. Richey has been taking his saw mill here this week, also his wood saw.
N. J. Edwards and B. C. Horstmann were in Wheatland on business Monday. Miss Viola Bethurum, of Eldridge, is here for a weeks visit with ye scribe and family.
Misses Lillian and Julia Goodall attended the teacher's institute at Clinton this week. Mrs. Jacobs visited her daughter Mrs. Skinner at Massilon a couple of days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. McGarry took in a big wedding at Anamosa Wednesday and report a fine time. Mrs. Jensen who has been visiting here the past few weeks left Tuesday for her home in Dysart, Iowa.
Hart & Hart will handle bread here this summer which will be a great help to the ladies during the hot weather. Several of the boys picknicked on the river Sunday up by Aug. Willert, Jr.'s place and killed the beer on J. J. Barnhart.
Mr. Schroeder and daughters Caroline and Proda, of Davenport, are here visiting his brother Henry Schroeder and family. O. H. Goodall arrived home Saturday evening from his school work at Omaha, and will remain here during the vacation.
Fruit season is on in full blast now, the strawberries have been a good crop.  Now the cherries are following up with a fine crop. There was a heavy wind and electric storm here Saturday night, blowing down several trees and the telephone and telegraph lines.
F. H. Pieper went to Dixon Saturday looking up people for his next Texas trip.  This is the time of the year to go there and see the crops. Mowry & Willert shipped three cars of hogs to Savanna this week.  Mr. Mowry going in charge of one shipment and Willert with the others.
Mrs. Grenahan has had her house painted the pas wekk, which greatly improves the looks of the place.  H. S. Pipes and men are doing the work. J. O. Devitt received a car of stone this week for Mr. Bielenberg, who is putting a cellar under the cottage on the hill.  Mr. Struck, of Wheatland, is doing the work.
Friday and Saturday were surely good hot corn days and it is about the first good growing days we have had too.  The corn certainly responded to it manfully, and shot right up out of the ground.  We need a great deal of this kind of weather to make the corn crop.  The small grain is looking very good here. The telephone line between here and Wheatland has been on the bum for some time, and we are about the same as out of the world.  There should be a line man kept and paid to look after the lines the same as other telephone companies.  We do not think one patron would kick on paying a little extra money to insure good service, and have their lines and phones looked after when needed.

Source: Buxton's Wheatland Gazette, July 08, 1908

N. J. Edwards -- Correspondent  
Hart & Hart received a car of salt this week. Ed Hart, Jr., was in Davenport on business Friday.
J. G. Devitt was a passenger to Oxford Junction Thursday. Body Z. Swarm, of Clinton, is spending the week here with Earl Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sch?ck, of Davenport, spent the Fourth here with relatives. F. A. Goodall, Martin Welch and Walter Carpenter went to Davenport Wednesday on business.
Miss Irene Goodall left Monday for Petersville, after a two months visit with the home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McDonnell left Thursday for an extended trip in the western part of the state.
Mrs. McAndrews and sister Mary left Wednesday for a two months' visit with relatives in Coon Rapids. Fred Licht and a couple of Davenport friends spent the Fourth here with W. A. Licht and Wm. Schroder.
Barnum & Bailey's circus is billed for Rock Island on the 10th of July, and a number from here figure on going. J. H. Bielenberg will have bills out this week for a big dance Saturday evening, July 18th.  Christensen's orchestra.
Mowry & Willert shipped two carloads of hogs this week.  The hogs are getting to be a scarce article around these diggings. Theo Carstensen of Clinton, was in town Wednesday canvassing for the German paper of Clinton, and had very good success.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Yale arrived home from their three weeks' trip to Excelsor Springs Wednesday.  They report a delightful time. Rose & Beckstrom willl put on the Passion Play in moving pictures and illustrated songs at Bielenberg's hall here July 13.  They come well recommended.
J. O. Devitt received a fine McPha??  piano this week, bought from C. L. Emersen, of Cedar Rapids.  The piano is Miss Esther's birthday present, and the little lady is very proud of it. Everybody left town on the Fourth and went to Wheatland.  There wasn't a corporal's guard left in town.  Wheatland certainly had a big crowd and a swell time.  Everybody was well pleased.
Dr. Bittner of Wheatland, reports a fine big girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Benson this week.  All concerned are doing well, and George has been over bying for the boys.  This is then first and George is pretty proud. The second directors held their annual meeting here July 1st.  The Toronto Ind. Dist. elected N. J. Edwards secretary and F. A. Goodall treasurer.  The ??? district elected Gus Horstman secretary and Edw. Hart, Sr., treasurer.
Rev. Father McN??? officiated at the marriage of Wm. Kinney and Miss M??? E??ley here Wednesday morning.  They are both Lost Nation voting people, and are quite well known and highly respected, and we join their friends here in harty congratulations and best wishes. The remains of Mrs. Peter Hart, of Longmont, Colo., were brought here for burial in the Catholic cemetery Tuesday.  Mr. Hart and a number of relatives accompanied the remains here, and Mr. Hart will stay here for a visit with relatives.  He is undecided as to the future, but may decide to return to Iowa, his native state.  Mr. Hart has the sympathy of all in his bereavement.