Business of DeWitt: Creamery, Marble Works, Brick Makers, Broom Makers, Etc.

From the end of January, 1880, until June, the Clinton County Advertiser ran a section called “Business of DeWitt” in which they tell quite a bit about the local businesses.

Of all the institutions which have give our town a wide reputation, the GLEN ROSE CREAMERY stands pre-eminently at the head. In the winter of 1877-8 J. B. Rose who for some years had been buying butter from the farmers in this vicinity, and had become thoroughly disgusted with the low prices at which it sold in the Eastern markets, and all on account of the lack of facilities on the part of dairy-women, began to agitate the question of establishing a creamery in our midst. With an energy and persistence for which he is noted, he followed the matter up, getting speakers from the dairy districts of the East, at his own expense, to come here and present the benefits of the factory system. As a result of this agitation by May a new building had been erected with first class machinery and equipments, and the lacteal fluid was concentrating here from all points of the compass. A superintendent of large experience in the dairy districts of Illinois was called to superintend the works, and with such skill did he perform his duty that DeWitt cheese at once took a front rank in the leading markets of the country and first premiums at nearly every place it was exhibited.

In July, 1879 the Fairlamb ca?s were introduced here, and a new departure was made. Routes were established and emissaries of the creamery called daily to skim the milk at the houses on their way. This system at once grew into favor with the farmers so that in October of the same year the manufacture of cheese was temporarily suspended, butter has since been manufactured and besides some twelve points radiating from the creamery some reaching into Scott County, Mr. Rose has established railroad routs, which being here the collections of cream made at Delmar, Calamus, Wheatland and Low Moor in this county, and Long Grove in Scott. Together this cream requires the aid of two railroads and an army of about twenty men and thirty horses.

The advantages of this system to our farmers are obvious to the most obtuse. The milk is left on the farm, making it possible to raise the calves, which cannot be done where cheese is made. A farm stocked with cattle is always getting more valuable, while grain producing impoverishes it.

The cream is handled by skilled workmen, and the product sold for about double the price of the inferior article. The hard work, together with the oral and mental ?? which are apt to get mixed up with the butter during the second and third hours of churning, are all delivered to the creamery to be handled by the patient steam engine. This institution is now turning out about 600 pounds daily, with a prospect of increasing the amount to 1200 pounds soon.

The factory is now presided over by C. A. Turner, an experienced workman, and who displays so much skill in his department that the product of Glen Rose Creamery sells at the highest price. He is assisted by R. McBeth and Frank Saulsbury who well understand their duties.

At the recent session of the Northern Iowa Dairy Association at Monticello, out of seventy-five exhibitions only three ranked equal or higher than the Glen Rose. The reputation of Mr. Rose as an organizer has brought him many applications from abroad, to go and establish creameries in their midst.

The “Glen Rose” has now over 200 patrons, and their numbers are fast increasing. It pays out about ten thousand dollars monthly, the payments being made at the doors of the patrons. The financial business is conducted at the office, corner of Jefferson and Chambers Streets. The assistant at this office is H. C. Kellogg, a careful accountant, and one who for his years has had a large experience in the business.

The marble works of AVERILL & LIEURANCE have recently been established here. The proprietors are John Averill, who was assistant to the late D. Conley, and G. W. Lieurance, late of Lisbon, Iowa.

These gentlemen are thorough masters of their art, attentive to their business, and deserve, as they will boubtless receive, a liberal patronage. DeWitt has for some time needed just such an institution as this and we trust the proprietors will find that they struck the right place at the right time. Orders are already coming in, and we noticed some good specimens of work being sent out. We hope that any of our readers who unfortunately need anything in this line, will give these gentlemen a call, as we feel confident that they will be well suited as to terms and quality. See advertisement next week.

HICKEY & CHRISTIANSEN, Brick makers, started business in the spring of 1879. Their works are located on the road to the Eureka Mill, and quite accessible to town. The proprietors were quite fortunate in selecting their location, as they found a bed of clay of most excellent quality. The burnt two kilns last year, and report the prospects for the coming year to be good. As soon as the season is a little further advanced they will take hold of the work in earnest again. They have something like a hundred thousand of brick on hand and for sale. Orders left with Mr. Christiansen at Peter Grill’s will receive prompt attention. See advertisement.

RICHARD HEATH, Broom maker, at his factory half a mile north of town, makes a good article of brooms, and has all he can do in the way of supplying the home market. He has been some twelve years in the business, during which time so well has the “better half” of the local edition been satisfied that no other brooms have been admitted to the house. Mr. Heath procures the best material, and makes it up to suit the wants of his customers. People will find him a pleasant, straight-forward gentleman to deal with.

The Barbed Wire Manufactury of W. E. ALEXANDER has recently started here. The place of business is on Harrison Street, west of the steam mill. Farmers having old plain wire, will do well to sent it to this establishment, have it barbed and annealed and coated with a mixture which will preserve it from rust, and all for a trifling expense. The barb is known as the “Norwegion,” has four points, and cattle however “breachy,” give them a wide berth. Any business entrusted to Mr. Alexander will be tended to promptly and satisfaction given.