Business of DeWitt: Foundry, DeWitt Pump Works, Cigar Factory, Livery Stables, Barbers, Laundry

From the end of January, 1880, until June, the Clinton County Advertiser ran a section called “Business of DeWitt” in which they tell quite a bit about the local businesses.

In 1868 A. B. Cumming, a thorough master of the art, came here and established the


During the depression which followed the panic of 1873 this in common with other industries lagged, but this spring the boom has struck the place, and there is no longer any complaint of nothing to do. During the leisure referred to Mr. Cummings studied the wants of the community. He found that many a stove was rendered worthless for the want of some small part thereof, and he has so assiduously applied himself to making the patterns, and supplying these parts that he is now able to furnish almost anything in the line of stove repairs or any other castings. He also manufactures all kinds of pumps, from the deep-well-wind-mill or force pump, to one suitable for a cistern. He also manufactures horse powers for one or two horses, and feed mills to attach to them, so that at a small cost the farmer is rigged for grinding grain.

In the proper season the foundry may be seen hedged in on all sides with threshing machines awaiting their turn to be treated. He keeps constantly on hand repairs for the Davis or the Nichols, Shepard & Co. threshing machines. Mr. C also keeps well tubing suitable for deep or shallow wells. He is assisted by his son, M. W. Cumming, whose ingenuity has ample field for display in making the various patters needed, and in other duties about the establishment. This institution has advertised through our local columns much to its advantage, and will soon, have a “standing ad” in the advertising department.

North of the foundry are the


D. J. CRANSTON, PROPRIETOR. Mr. Cranston manufactures wood pumps with either an extension or detached cylinder, which makes them durable and satisfactory. He also manufactures the famous Centennial Bed Springs, which are now found in almost every house, and which are acknowledged to be the best. The trifling cost of these beds should not deter any one from purchasing, for without a good night’s rest what is one fit for the following day? Mr. Cranston is sole agent for these popular bed springs in this county. The one-wheeled garden buggies, yeleped whee-barrows, which are made by Mr. Cranston are strong and durable, yet tastily gotten up. He also manufactures folding ironing tables, which, when not is use, can be hung on the wall out of the way. By the manufacture of dog powers Mr. C has shown himself a public benefactor, for many a lazy cur now has to take a hand at the churning, and earn his living. We notice that he has some improved fanning mills for sale, which every farmer should have. See advertisement and give him a call.


GEO. N. HUBBARD, PROPRIETOR was established here in 1877 as successor to Burmeister & Waspie. Mr. Hubbard has displayed an unusual amount of energy in the prosecution of his business, and the result has been a rapid increase thereof. He now manufactures about a hundred and fifty thousand cigars annually, nearly all of which find a home market, though some go westward where DeWitt colonies have settled. He has recently put in an institution for sweating his own tobacco which saves considerable expense. For the high reputation “Hub” cigars have attained he is indebted in no small degree the skill of JACOB WASPI, the foreman, whose large experience has taught him how to make an article that will take with the smoking public. This manufactory is a credit to DeWitt and ought to be represented in our advertising columns.

On the north side of Clinton street, and just east of the Gates House, is one of the best appointed


in the County, being that of A. W. JOHNSON. Mr. J is enlarging his business this spring by adding quite a number of new carriages and buggies, all of which are being made by Fred Driffill, of this place, and are of superior workmanship and well adapted to the hard usage they are liable to get. Any kind of rig can be had here, from the high priced carriages down to the common open buggy, and at reasonable prices. This stable is the home of the famous “Billy Sherman” stallion, who with all his numerous progeny are gifted with speed. Billy is being tracked this summer and his place at the stable filled by Royal George, one of his colts by a Royal George mare, and also by Melzar, a Bashaw, and a full brother to Bashaw Jr., a noted fast horse. Persons having horses to sell will find it for their advantage to call on Mr. Johnson, as the buying and selling of horses is an important branch of his business. He has just sold a three year old Billy Sherman colt at a round price.

At the stable of


east of Cotton’s brick block, is where some of the finest horses in the west are wont to congregate. There may be found Johnny Bull, a Clydesdale, Honest George, a Norman, and Young Perfection and Wapsie Tiger, English drafts, this latter a particular favorite. Mr. Scallan keeps a few horses and buggies to let, and intends during the summer to open up a good livery stable, so that if you have any horses to sell, Tom, the big, good natured and good looking, is the man to get the last dollar there is in them. He has now a pair of good mules for sale or trade. Try him.


have been established here some nine years during which by close attention to their business, and their efforts to please their customers, they have obtained a good patronage. If you want a clean shave, your hut, or mowed down with a miniature mower, the Messrs Williams will do it for you in artistic style. They will soon refit their room. Place of business first door south of Hubbards cigar factory.


is a new comer, and succeeds James B. Smith. He is a young man of only three years experience, but a good artist, and proposes to give his undivided attention to his business. He has recently fitted up his shop in good style, and asks of the public a fair trial. Shop second door north of Fuller & Connole’s grocery store.

The laundry of


just south of the Gates House is taxed to the utmost to fill the demands made upon it. Linen done up at this place vies in brilliancy of polish with new goods on sale at the stores. Patrons may be assured that clothing entrusted to the care of Mrs. Haney will receive the greatest care and attention, and not be worn out by two or three time washing.