Willihnganz Family Reunion

US descendents of Franz and Barbara (Hauber) Willihnganz had a family reunion July 14th, 2002 at R. J. Boar's Restaurant in Clinton.  Franz and Barbara immigrated to this country in 1883 from Germany.

This is a wonderful Christmas photo from 1905. 

(You can click on any of the small images to see a larger picture.)

Don Thomas in Peoria coordinated it, and you can contact him at dthomas212@msn.com  for more information.  Don sent us the pictures and info on this page.

The 60 Attendees of the Willihnganz Family:

Robert Chada and family
Elaine Dawson
Marian Dawson and Grand children
Lalie Wheeler Doyle
Harriet and Bob Goodsman
Donna Jolly
Charles Krebs and family
Linda Krontz and family
Mrs. Joseph Murphy and family
Kevin Nixon
Gene and Judy Stein
Mike Clark and family
Jerry Wheeler
Cletus and Betty Willihnganz
Chris Dixon
Sandy Meeker and family
Donald Thomas and family
Bernice Spier and family
Julietta Krebs