Who is Exempt 

The Clinton Daily Herald, July 26, 1862.  This article was in a scrapbook loaned to us by Jan Hanson and the FCCFH.

1.  All persons in the army or navy or volunteer forces of the United States.

2.  Ministers and preachers of the Gospel.

3.  The Lieutenant Governor, members and officers of the Legislature, the Secretary of State, Attorney General, Comptroller, State Engineer and Surveyor, State Treasurer and clerks and employees in their offices of this State, including Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables.

4.  Persons being of the people called Shakers or Quakers, professors, teachers and students in all colleges, and professors and students the several academies and common schools.

4.  Persons who have been or hereafter shall be regularly and honorably discharged from the army or navy of the United States, in consequence of the performance of military duty, in pursuance of any law of the State, and such firemen as are now exempted by law.

5.  Commissioned officers who shall have served as such in the militia of this State, or in any one of the United States, for the space of seven years; but no officer shall be so exempt unless by resignation after such term of service duly accepted, or in some other lawful manner he shall have been honorably discharged.

7.  Every non-commissioned officer, musician and private of every uniformed company or troop raised or hereafter to be raised who has or shall hereafter uniform himself according to the provisions of any law of this State, and who shall have performed service in such company or troop for the space of seven years from the time of his enrollment therein, shall be exempt from military duty, except in cases of war, insurrection or invasion.

~    2. If any member of such company or troop, who shall have been regulary uniformed and equipped, shall, upon his removal out of such company or troop, or upon the disbandment thereof, enlist into any other uniformed company or troop, and uniform and equip himself therefor, and serve in the same, when the whole term of his service in such companies or troops, computed together, shall amount to seven years, he shall be exempt from military duty in like manner in the company or troop in which he was first enrolled.

~    3.  Idiots, lunatics, paupers, habitual drunkards, and persons convicted of infamous crimes, shall not be subject to military duty.

I have typed this as it appeared in the paper, typos and all, and refrained from inserting my own comments - difficult tho it was <grin>.