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Cerro Gordo County

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The State Historical Society of Iowa Membership List
Cerro Gordo County Members

 Mason City  High School
 Abel, Wilson L.  Hook, Paul Pershing
 Adams, Dr. Carroll O.  Johnson, Roy Ben
 Armstrong, S. L.  Judd, M. D.
 Barnard, Mrs. John T.  Koerber, E. Emil
*Beck, Allan F.  Loomis, Lee P.
 Beck, C. Frederick *MacNider, Hanford
 Blackmore, Guy  Milligan, Lester
 Carlisle, Marvin A.  Mitchell, Mrs. Helen
 Chappell, Mrs. Hazel V.  Monroe Junior High School
*Clough, R. F.  Roosevelt Junior High School
 Crabb, Dr. George M.  Schmid, Harriet
 Duncan, Mrs. Marian *Shepard, Hugh H.
*Glass, Remley J.  Stanbery, Ralph S.
 Hall, W. Earl  Way, Bayard C.
 Harding, Charles B.   
 Hart, Clayton O.  Rock Falls
 Hawkins, L. T.  Consolidated School

Source: The State Historical Society of Iowa. The State Historical Society of Iowa Membership List by Counties and States. Iowa City, Iowa. January 1952.
Transcribed for Cerro Gordo County IAGenWeb by Jennifer Gunderson (Feb 2021).