Cerro Gordo County Local Genealogy Resources
Court Records, Libraries, Genealogical & Historical Societies
Cerro Gordo County Recorder
220 N. Washington Avenue
Mason City, IA 50401
(641) 421-3056
(641) 421-3138
AnnMarie Legler
North Central Iowa Genealogical Society (NCIGS)
P.O. Box 237
Mason City, Iowa 50402-0237
Kinney Pioneer Museum and Historical Society of North Iowa
Hwy 122 West
P.O. Box 421
Mason City, IA 50402
(515) 423-1258
Clear Lake Historical Society
Beth Ann Schumacher
President, Archivist and Education Coordinator
800 1st Ave. S
P.O. Box 252
Clear Lake, IA 50428
(641) 430-7729
Local Libraries
Clear Lake Public Library
200 N. 4th Street
Clear Lake, IA 50428
(641) 357-6133
Mason City Public Library
225 2nd Street S.E.
Mason City, IA 50401
(641) 421-3668
Mary Markwalter, Director
Meservey Public Library
719 1st Street - Physical address
P.O. Box 68 - Mailing address
Meservey, IA 50457
(641) 358-6274
Chelsea Price, Director
Rockwell Public Library
307 Main Street East - Physical address
P.O. Box 419 - Mailing address
Rockwell, IA 50469
(641) 822-3268
Caroline McManigal, Director
Swaledale Public Library
504 Main Street - Physical address
P.O. Box 114 - Mailing address
Swaledale, IA 50477
(641) 995-2352
Sherry Hopkins, Director
Thornton Public Library
412 Main Street - Physical address
P.O. Box 208 - Mailing address
Thornton, IA 50479
(641) 998-2416
Ventura Public Library
7 W. Ventura Street - Physical address
P.O. Box 200 - Mailing address
Ventura, IA 50482
(641) 829-4410
Carol Clemens
NCIGS Genealogy Library
75 S. Georgia
Mason City, IA 50401
The following individuals are willing to help researchers by looking up information in the listed resources.
Volunteers Needed!
If you own or have access to reference materials of genealogical value for Cerro Gordo County family researchers and want to volunteer yourself, email iagenwebjen@gmail.com.
Reference material of interest could include family histories, marriage records, death records, property records, cemetery lists, county or town history books, newspapers, biographies, yearbooks, census index, and other similiar materials.
Iowa, U.S., Consecutive Registers of Convicts, 1867-1970
Jennifer Gunderson
Iowa, U.S., Marriage Records, 1880-1951
Jennifer Gunderson
Iowa, U.S., Divorce Index, 1992-2008
Jennifer Gunderson
Lincoln Township Cemetery Listing
Mason City Directory 1898-99
Mason City High School Yearbooks, Masonian - 1967, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987
Jennifer Gunderson
Compiled for Cerro Gordo County IAGenWeb by Sally Youngquist
Updated by Sharon R. Becker (Mar 2011) and by Jennifer Gunderson (Feb 2021).