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Cerro Gordo County

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Medical Register for Cerro Gordo County, 1876
Population 6,683

  • Allen, W. W., Mason City; Medical Department of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1856, R.

  • Charlton, J. W., Clear Lake; Medical Department of the Iowa State University, Iowa City, 1872, R; Demonstrator of Anatomy in Medical Department of Iowa State University.

  • Connally, R. S., Rock Falls, * R.

  • Dakin, J. B., Mason City; Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1866, E.

  • Graves, C., Plymouth, † R.

  • Harris, Shorland, Mason City; University Philadelphia, 1853, E.

  • McDowell, Geo. F., Clear Lake; Medical Department University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1869, R; U. S. Examining Surgeon for Pensions.

  • Miller, E. C., Rockwell; Chicago Medical College, Chicago, Ill., 1874, R.

  • Noyes, A. A., Mason City; College Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk, Iowa, 1850, R; Secretary and Treasurer of the Cedar Valley Medical Society; Member of Examining Committee Medical Department Iowa State University, 1876. "Two cases of double stricture of the urethra, of organic character, complicated, with many false passages and fistulous openings;" urine voided through all the fistulous openings. Perineal section was performed and the cartilaginous material, which had completely obliterated the urethra, together with the portion of the urethra involved, to the extent of an inch or more, was removed by excision. Catheter retained in situ for thirty-three consecutive days. Result—Perfect cure in each case. Dr. Noyes claims that this operation (incision) has never before been successfully performed in this surgical disease. Read before the Iowa State Medical Society, 1876.

    Transcriber's note: A. A. Noyes received an acknowledgement of important assistance [to the author] and is also named in the following lists: Names of Permanent Members of the Iowa State Medical Society, Names of Permanent Members of the American Medical Association from the State of Iowa, Members of the Cedar Valley Medical Society, Members of the Upper Cedar Valley Medical Association, and Members of the Central District Medical Association of Iowa.

  • Ogden, J. G., Mason City; Medical Department of the University of New York, 1847, R.

  • Tuttle, A. M., Clear Lake; Hahneman Medical College, Chicago, 1874, H.R.

NOTE: R Denotes Regular in practice. H, Homeopathic in practice. E, Eclectic in practice. PM, Physio Medical in practice. B, Botanic in practice. * Graduation doubtful. † Not a graduate. ‡ Unknown.

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Source: Lothrop, Charles H., M.D. The Medical and Surgical Directory of the State of Iowa. Lyons, Ia. J. C. Hopkins, Printer. 1876.
Transcribed for Cerro Gordo County IAGenWeb by Jennifer Gunderson (Mar 2021).

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