For additional information and to check for updates, visit the Family History Library Catalog (select Place Search and type in "Iowa").
Adair |
1021706 |
Adams |
1021707 |
Allamakee |
1021708 |
Appanoose |
1021709 |
Audubon |
1021710 |
Benton |
1021711 |
Blackhawk |
1021712 |
Boone |
1021713, 1020332 |
Bremer |
1020333 |
Buchanan |
1020334 |
Buena Vista |
1020335 |
Butler |
1020336 |
Calhoun |
1020337 |
Carroll |
1020338 |
Cass |
1020339 |
Cedar |
1020340 |
Cerro Gordo |
1020341 |
Cherokee |
1020342 |
Chickasaw |
1020343 |
Clarke |
120344 |
Clay |
1020189 |
Clayton |
1020190 |
Clinton |
1020191, 1020192, 1020193 |
Crawford |
1020194 |
Dallas |
1020195 |
Davis |
1020196 |
Decatur |
1020197 |
Delaware |
1020198 |
Des Moines |
1020199, 1020200 |
Dickinson |
1020345 |
Dubuque |
1020346, 1020347, 1020348 |
Emmet |
1020349 |
Fayette |
1020350 |
Floyd |
1020351 |
Franklin |
1020352 |
Fremont |
1020353 |
Greene |
1020354 |
Grundy |
1020355 |
Guthrie |
1020356 |
Hamilton |
1020357 |
Hancock |
1020358 |
Hardin |
1020359 |
Harrison |
1020360 |
Henry |
1020361 |
Howard |
1020362 |
Humboldt |
1020362 |
Ida |
1020363 |
Iowa |
1020364 |
Jackson |
1020365 |
Jasper |
1020366 |
Jefferson |
1020367 |
Johnson |
1020201 |
Jones |
1022067 |
Keokuk |
1022068, 1022069 |
Kossuth |
1022070 |
Lee |
1022071, 1022072 |
Linn |
1022073, 1022074 |
Louisa |
1022076 |
Lucas |
1022076 |
Lyon |
1022077 |
Madison |
1020202 |
Mahaska |
1022078, 1022079 |
Marion |
1022080 |
Marshall |
1022081, 1022082 |
Mills |
1022083 |
Mitchell |
1022084 |
Monona |
1022085 |
Monroe |
1022086 |
Montgomery |
1022087 |
Muscatine |
1022088 |
O'Brien |
1022089 |
Osceola |
1022090 |
Page |
1022091 |
Palo Alto |
1022092 |
Plymouth |
1022093 |
Pocahontas |
1022094 |
Polk |
1022095, 1022096, 1022097, 1022098, 1022099 |
Pottawattamie |
1022100, 1022101, 1022174 |
Poweshiek |
1022175 |
Ringgold |
1022176 |
Sac |
1022177 |
Scott |
1022180 |
Shelby |
1022181 |
Sioux |
1022182 |
Story |
1022183 |
Tama |
1022184 |
Taylor |
1022185 |
Union |
1022186 |
Van Buren |
1022187 |
Wapello |
1022188, 1022189 |
Warren |
1022190 |
Washington |
1022191 |
Wayne |
1022192 |
Webster |
1022193, 1022194 |
Winnebago |
1021195 |
Winneshiek |
1022196 |
Woodbury |
1022197, 1022198, 1022199 |
Worth |
1022200 |
Wright |
1022201 |
State Institutions |
1022201 |
Questions, comments, or suggestions are welcome. Please email the State Census Coordinator. |