
Drive On.

We Senior's are a happy band,
The happiest you'll find in all the land.
And when anything troublesome comes our way,
We soon crush it out for it doesn't pay.

When settling a question of great import,
We call a class meeting, our best resort.
Many the questions that are settled here,
And many are left unsettled I fear.

When the question of mottoes came to view,
It took hard thinking to find one 'twould do.
But after discussion profound and long,
A fact that no man by his eye discerns
We chose two words and they were "Drive On."

When ever you find us in school or out
You need not cherish the sign of a doubt,
As to what class in life or school we belong--
For we follow our motto, we always "Drive On."

Down town if seniors their friends do meet,
And linger awhile upon the street,
And if perchance they linger too long,
A small voice whispers, Dear Seniors, "Drive On."

And if in the hall you should chance to stop,
Our motto as slang is sure to crop out.
For if in crowd you do not belong,
You'll hear a murmur, I wish you'd "Drive On."

Teachers, Friends, and Schoolmates all,
If the Seniors fail to obey your call,
And you wish to see a little fun,
Just whisper their motto and watch them "Drive On."

C. M. C.

Pg. 25, Drive On, 1901 Scraps, Atlantic, Iowa

Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass July, 2024, from Scraps 1901, pp. 25.


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