Mrs. M. Y. Jones, ... Fashionable ... ... Millinery ... 510 Chestnut Street. |
Some New Styles and Finishes in Picture Mouldi ng At Osborne's Furniture House. Wall Paper--New Patterns at lowest prices. |
Stier, Martin and Dunn, Sell all Good Things to East and the Dishes from which to serve them. A Specialty of Fancy Groceries for Lunches, Picnics and Banquests. Musson Phone 41. Iowa Phone 72 |
J. B. Rockafellow, Attorney at Law Atlantic, Iowa. |
Suits, Made to Order, Chas. Block |
The Pioneer Hotel Keeper of Atlantic, Geo. F. Lang, Proprietor of the ATLANTIC HOTEL 318 Walnut St., Atlantic, Iowa. Call and See Us. |
Cornell College Standards and Facilities Excellent Expenses Moderate For Cata;pgie &c. write President Wm. F. King, Mt. Vernon, Iowa |
B. A. Goodspeed, Attorney at Law, 417 1/2 Chestnut Street Atlantic, Iowa |
Mrs. G. W. Parham, Millinery, Notion s, Fancy Goods, Shirt Waists and Wrappers. Atlantic, Iowa. |
Bailey & Son, Leaders in Fine Groceries, Corner Fourth and Chestnut Sts. |
Buy a Truck of Chas. Block |
E. Willard. E. M. Willard ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Atlantic, Iowa. |
Johnson & Thompson, IMPLEMENTS Coal And Wood. |
Smart Summer Styles... Mark the Suits we make to order from a choice line of woolens in exclusive patterns. Want of fit is a fatal clothing defect, and no man can fit somebody and everybody at the same time. Men differ in shape as much as in temperament, and it isn't possible to strike an average. We make nice Suits from $23.00 and upwards. Call on us before leaving your order elsewhere MUMBY & HARRISON First door south Nichols' Bank. |
J. BURNEA Wholesale and Retail DEPARTMENT STORE> No. 14 to 16, West Sixth St. |
IOWA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Cedar Falls, Iowa. A special school for teachers. It is an institution, not a factory. It does not promise to do anything for anybody but it doesw promise to give the greatest opportunities to all who enroll. H. H. SEERLEY, President. |
Chas. Block for Furnishing Goods. |
ALBERT JOHNSON, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Atlantic, Iowa. |
The Iowa State College of Agriculture offers thorough courses of study and a large and able faculty with most reasonable expenses. Courses in all forms of Engineering, including, Civil, Hechanical, Electrical and Mining, and all forms of Agriculture and General and Domestic Science, with an excellent course for Young Women. Also Veterinary Science and Specific Courses. Illustrated Compendium sent free on application toand Mechanic Arts, Ames, Iowa, W. M. BEARSHEAR, President. |
A. P. HENDRICKSON. (Successor to John Johnson) CLOTHIER, Atlantic, Iowa. |
A. G. BEECH. Boys' Clothing. Ladies' and Gents' FURNISHINGS Oldd Fellow's Bl'k Atlantic, Ia. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Jewelry, Silverware, Tinware, Glassware, Queenware |
DRS. PORTERFIELD & CAMPBELL, No. 1, West Fifth Street. |
DR. EMMERT. Phones Residence . . . Bell 3076; Musson 12 Office . . . Bell 2076; Musson 199 |
A. D. M'CALL DENTIST, No. 6, West Fifth St., Atlantic, Iowa. |
MRS. ELLA WISHARD, DRESS MAKING PARLORS, 500 Locust Street, Atlantic, Iowa. |
PARK BARBER SHOP. W. D. BLACKWOOD, Proprietor, BATHS IN CONNECTION. 514 Chestnut St., Atlantic, Iowa. |
SHOUDY BROS., Headquarters for Hardware, Harness, Fly Nets, Buggies GROCERIES. |
On One Point All Gentlemen Agree There is No Better Shoe Made Than the Florsheim Shoe for Men They are Beauties. All Latest Sytles. NEBE SHOOMAN The Yellow Front. |
EGGERS BROS, Jewelers and Opticians Carry a complete line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and SILVERWARE. A choice line of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS are on display. Our Optical Department is very complete. Eyes tested free. We would be pleased to show you our Stock. EGGERS BROS. 325 Chestnut Street, Atlantic, Iowa. |
BUENA VISTA COLLEGE Storm Lake, Iowa. Collegiate, Academic, Normal, Commericial, Musical and Eolocutionary Departments. Beautiful location; competent instructors. For catalogue and other information addess, Rev. E. E. Reed, President. |
Rates $1.00 per day. MRS. J. BOJENS, Prop. OCCIDENTAL HOUSE Cor. 3d and Walnut Sts. Atlantic, Iowa. |
SHUTER - - Real Estate |
GRANT'S MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS 215 Chestnut Street |
Dr. WM. M. GRIFFITH, Dentist Over Bailey's Store, Atlantic, Iowa. Musson Phone No. 200. |
FOLLETT & CURTIS Lawyers. Atlantic, Iowa. |
MACOMBER & SEMONES Atlantic, Iowa. |
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