Charles Baldwin Letter

Letter written to Charles' cousin,
Marcus A. O. Packard, Plymouth, Indiana
Dated April 26, 1858

Lewis Cass County Iowa
April 25th 1858

Marcus Packard Esq.

Dear sir,
I do not know but why you may consider me rather presumptions in addressing you not having ever seen you. But I have this for an excuse. Being well acquainted with your mother and also bearing a relationship as my mother's half sister I address you. Warren Packard was here day before yesterday he told me that you was engaged in Editing & Publishing a paper in Ind. I have heard Sister Julia speak of you but supposed you was in Michigan until Warren told me. When we reflect on the changes that time is ever bringing about and the many scenes of the past that could have been changed for the better, we are led to enquire whether in our past life we have so lived as to advance our own happiness and that of our fellow beings, and we are almost invariably led to the impression that we could have done better. Therefor I say let us in the few remaining days that time allots us here try to enhance each others happiness. I hope we may not be strangers to each other as we have been although distance lies between we can by correspondence know each other tolerably well. I feel almost alone away out here in the west having no brother or sister near. To be sure Brother Marcus lives about seventy five miles southeast of me, he is almost a stranger to me. He is pretty wild and reckless. I have but very little control over him. I have tried to sympathize with and restrain him without much effect, but still I have a Brother's love and respect.

I received a letter not long since from Sister Julia who is with Brother Hiram in Columbus this winter. They were all well. Hoping to hear from you soon and wishing you prosperity and happiness, I subscribe myself
Your cousin
Chas. Baldwin

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Contributed by Rich Adams of Lansing, Michigan. This letter was found with other vintage letters in the law office of Rich's grandfather, Donald F. Kitch. Rich indicates that Marcus A. O. Packard was an attorney at Plymouth, Indiana and one of five founders of the Delta Epsilon Kappa fraternity at the University of Michigan in 1855. He is unsure why the letter was in the possession of his grandfather.

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