In the Fourth General Assembly which met at Iowa City, December 6th, 1852, Cas county was represented in the Senate by Hadley D. Johnson, of Pottawattamie county, in the House, by Joseph L. Sharp, of Mills county. Mr. Sharp'sdistrict consisted of some thirty counties in the western and north-western part of the State.

In the Fifth General Assembly, which met at Iowa City, December 4, 1854, Cass being districted with Mills, Montgomery, Adams, Union, Ringgold, Taylor, Page and Fremont, was represented in the Senate by Geo. W. Lucas. The representative district was composed of Mills, Montgomery, Adams, Union, Adair, Audubon, and Cass, and the representative was Richard Tutt, of Mills county. Mr. Tutt was a young man of much promise, but died a few days before the Assembly met. The vacancy was not filled for the regular session, but before the extra session of 1856, Joseph W. Russell, also of Mills county, had been elected to fill the vacancy.

In the Senate of the Sixth General Assembly, which met at Iowa City, December 1, 1856, Cass county was represented by M. L. McPherson, of Madison county. The district was then Warren, Madison, Adair and Cass.

In the House of the Sixth General Assembly, Cass was represented by Benjamin F. Roberts, of Madison county. The district was Madison, Adair and Cass.

In the House of the Sixth General Assembly, Cass was represented by Benjamin F. Roberts, of Madison county. The district was Madison, Adair and Cass.

In the Constitutional Convention of 1857, which met at Iowa City, January 19th of that year, Cass county being districted with Warren, Madison and Adair, was represented by Lewis Todhunter, of Warren.

In the Senate of the Seventh General Assembly, held at Des Moines (1858), Cass being districted with Warren, Madison and Adair, was represented by M. L. McPherson, of Madison. The representative district then was coposed of Guthrie, Dallas, Cass and Adair, and the representative was Leroy Lambert, of Dallas county.

In the Senate of the Eighth General Assembly, (Des Moines, 1860), Cass county being districted with Pottawattamie, Harrison, Shelby, Audubon and Guthrie, was represented by W. H. M. Pusey, of Council Bluffs. The Representative district then was composed of the counties of Union, Adair, Adams and Cass. K. W. Macomber, of Cass, was the Representative.

In the Senate of the Ninth General Assembly, Cass being associated with Adair, Dallas, Guthrie, Audubon and Shelby, was represented by James Redfield, of Dallas. In the House of that Assembly, Cass was represented by Samuel L. Lorah. The district then consisted of the counties of Audubon, Guthrie, Cass and Adair.

In the Senate of the Tenth General Assembly, (1864), Lewis W. Ross, of Council Bluffs, was the Senator from this district. The district consisted of the counties of Fremont, Mills, Cass and Pottawattamie.

In the House of the Tenth, E. B. Fenn, of Guthrie County, was the member. The representative district then consisted of the counties of Adair, Audubon, Cass and Guthrie.

Lewis W. Ross, was the Senator from this district in the Eleventh General Assembly, (1866) the district remaining the same as in the tenth. The Representative district of the Eleventh Assembly consisted of the counties of Guthrie, Adair and Cass, and Abraham L. McPherson, of Adair county, was the Representative.

For the Twelfth General Assembly (1868), the Senatorial district was made up of the counties of Pottawattamie, Mills, Cass and Fremont. J. P. Cassady, of Council Bluffs, was the Senator. Galen F. Kilburn, of Adair, was the Representative in the Twelfth, and his district was composed of the counties of Adair, Cass and Montgomery.

For the Thirteenth General Assembly (1870) the Senatorial district contained the counties of Montgomery, Cass, Mills and Pottawattamie. J. P. Casaday, of Council Bluffs, was the Senator. Cass, Adair and Montgomery constituted the Representative district and W. W. Merritt, of Red Oak, was the Representative.

Madison, Adair and Cass counties made the Senatorial district of the Fourteenth General Assembly (1872), and B. F. Murray, of Madison, was the Senator. The Representative district comprised Cass, Adair and Montgomery counties, and Oliver Mills, of Cass, was the Representative.

Cass, Adair, Adams and Union constituted the Senatorial district of the Fifteenth General Assembly (1874), and Lafayette Young, of Cass, was the Senator. The Representative district for the Fifteenth Assembly, consisted of the counties of Adair, Cass, Audubon and Shelby, and W. H. Easton, of Adair, was the Representative.

The Senatorial district for the Sixteenth General Assembly was the same as that of the Fifteenth and the same Senator held over. The Representative district was also the same, and in the Sixteenth Assembly M. K. Campbell, of Shelby county, was the Representative.

In future General Assemblies, Cass will have a Representative of her own --- the Apportionment Act of the Sixteenth General Assembly having made that provision. The same Assembly placed Cass along with Madison and Adair in a Senatorial district.

From the History of Cass County, Iowa Together With Brief Mention of Old Settlers by Lafe Young, Atlantic, Iowa: Telegraph Steam Printing House, 1877, pp. 48-51. Transcribed for Cass County by Cheryl Siebrass, April, 2014.

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