William N Dickerson, County Judge; Robert C Gordon, Sheriff; Job Haworth, Treasurer and Recorder; S M Tucker, Prosecuting Attorney; D Chapman, County Surveyor; S H Myers, Coroner.

At the August term of the county court, 1859, Judge Lorah, in response to a petition signed by 150 names, ordered a bridge to be built across the 'Botna at Lewis. Dan Bryan made the plan and Thomas Meredith got the contract for the bridge at $1,475. This was the first free bridge across that stream.

In the year 1859, E. W. Henderson, John Barber, and Amos Grindley, of Lewis, went to Pike's peak in search of gold, and met with such good success that the news they wrote home put almost every able-bodied man in the county in the notion of going. Among those who went out next year were the following, some of whom were probably about as well fitted for gold miners, as an elephant would be for a carriage animal: J Bradshaw, Dr. H S. Carey, H Littlefield, Jesse Denton, Stiles Mills, Oliver Mills, James Deaver, Moses Davis, K W Macomber, James W Brown, Albert Burnham, Henry Peck, Moses Hunt, Robert Gordon, Burr Mosier, John Brims, Isaac Cozad, John, Ed and Newt Mills, Peter Hedges, Sim Green, Charles and Gehart Hebing, Holt Cotton, T J Allyn, Barton Garvin, Solomon Upson, O O Turner, J B Ferrell, V M Bradshaw, J H Coe, Joseph Everly, James Winn, E W Davenport, William N Dickerson, S M Tucker, Cornelius Soper, King Soper, Roswell Temple, James Temple, William Hobson, W G Temple, Dr. A Teal, Joseph Warnock, Samuel Disbrow, Eli Watson, Anderson Bales, Rev. Bowater Bales, Ed Manly, Dan Stanley, Levi Early, G I Chizum, Morris Albaugh, Frank Dietrich, Richard Byrd. Oliver Mills and J H Coe owned a mine out in Colorado that has since sold for a million dollars. They sold it for four thousand dollars. It will be seen by the above list that in 1860 men must have been scarce in the county. They nearly all returned the same year.


W C Croff, G Shannon, L Smith, H G Stringham, D Stanley, D C Casper, John Killin, Morris Albaugh, E Parsons, D W Morrison, S P Stringham, J Bryan, E W Buckwalter, H Smith, S M Tucker, Thomas Hodgson, C Soper, E H Gill, J G Warnock, Wm Haworth, J C Yetzer, H Ferrell, V P Towensend, F Richardson, S E Peck, G M Elsey, S C Vance, T T Rogers, H K Cranney, D Chapman, P Cranney, F Haftich, V M Conrad, H M Woodward, John W Gyga, E Watson, C C Marshall, Joseph Rogers, L F Seague, J White, L L Alexander, D Vanhoutan, Wm. Sackett, M Bryan, K W Macomber, Geo. Lafler, W B Swisher, J H Coe, A Byrd, A Gridley, T J Byrd, J A Spoor, J Bradshaw, H Reynolds, J C Bales, J S Haworth, E B Bell, W W Haworth, E G Weigart, K T Murdock, J Moore, S Stough, Wm. Marshall, B Baldwin, Wm. Chapman, J Hodges, V M Bradshaw, B Bales, T B Johnson, J S Rand, A Lafler, James Skinner, H S Carey, W Brassfield, Wm. Bryan, J H Cook, R P Weigart, Charles Baldwin, Jesse B Weigart, A J Millslagel, William Lafler, J Everly, G I Chizum, E Manley, H B Jolly, R Cotter, P Porter, W H Holt, W Spurlock, N B Morris, S K Shields, W Baughman, S Mahon, O Baldwin, A B Davis, H Johnson, J C Northup, B Williams, William Cluff, C E Woodward, P Hedges, H W Bales, G Stennett, John Blake, D K Bennell, R C Gordon, J Barber, George Fansler, F Hostetter, William Stringham, M T Elsey, W P Cross, Hiram Whipple, Jones Fansler, G B Hitchcock, William N Dickerson, J B Ferrell, M C Gill, William B Knapp, A Brewster, P T Stringham, D W Wellman, James Smith, James T Deaver, Thomas Coon, J Fulser, N Baer, H D St. Clair.

Judges of Election: Mason C Gill, S K Shields, G I Chizum. Clerks: T J Byrd, V M Bradshaw.


At the August election, 1856, held at the house of Jefferson Goodale, in Pymosa township, the following were the voters:

James L Byrd, Jefferson Goodale, Joseph Northgraves, William P Hamlin, A S Byrd, William Cannon, Almon Goodale, James W Brinkerhoff, Joseph Doner, John Merryhew, John C Cannon, S L Lorah, James Montgomery, Robert Robison, Clarke Byrd, William Millholen, Samuel Knepper, James R Silvers, J B Donnell, William Stewart.

The Judges of the election were Joseph Doner, Almon Goodale, and James L. Byrd. Clerks, John C. Cannon and Samuel L. Lorah.


James Lockwood, Jesse Eller, Gabriel Long, Peter Kenoyer, Charles Jackson, Claiborne Marion, John T Humerick, Jacob Watson, John R Kirk, D A Barnett, R L Jameson, W W Jameson, Levi Nichols, A H C Lockwood, Jesse Watson, Henry Michael, David D Morris, Philip Michael, Albert Wakefield, James Stewart, Morris Hoblit, G W Wakefield, R D McGeehon, Charles McGee, A J Scott, V C Antrim, Robert F Kirk, G S Morrison, William Porter, George McGee.

JUDGES OF THE ELECTION: D A Barnett, W W Jameson, Henry Michael. CLERKS: A G McQueen, R D McGeehon.


E Porter, Samuel Whisler, J Brenton, K H Wilson, J Alms, J Irwin, R Irwin, S Irwin, A T McCarter, A Alms, William Gardner, William F Brenton, A L Brenton.

JUDGES: John Irwin, John Brenton, Andrew Alms. CLERKS: A T McCarter and Samuel Whisler

From the History of Cass County, Iowa Together With Brief Mention of Old Settlers by Lafe Young, Atlantic, Iowa: Telegraph Steam Printing House, 1877, pp. 42-45. Transcribed for Cass County by Cheryl Siebrass, August, 2014.

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