1875 Atlas Index by Name: RS
R., W. Racker Raecker, F. Raecker, F. Railroad, C. F. & M. Railroad, C. F. & M. Ramsey, M. Ramsey, M. Rarks (Parks?), W. Ratha, H. Rathbun Rathburn, S. Raup, J. Raw (?) , Noel Raw (?), Noel Ray Ind. Schoolhouse Raymond, E. Reddington, H. Reddington, H. Reed Reed, S. L. Reed, Sam'l Rees, H & F. Young Reeves, B. M. Reeves, B. M. Reeves, B. M.. Reeves, N. A. Reeves, N. A. Reeves, W. P. Rehe Rehe, C. Rehe, John Reher, Chas. Rehwoldt, F. Reichman, H. Reichman, H. Reichmann, J. Reimler, F. Reinhardt, C. Reinhardt, Caspar Reith, J. Reith, John Reith, Jos. Reith, Jus. Remler Renfrew Renn Renn Renn Schoolhouse # 2 Renn, S. Renn, S. Rens, John Repp, N. Repp, N. Reserf, J. Rew (?) Reynolds, Darius Rice, O. Rice, Orin Rice, S. Rich, H. & Howe, A. Rich, Henry Rich, W. H. Richards, Ed Richards, Jeremiah Richards, John Richards, Jos. Richards, Wm. Richards, Wm. Richardson, A. Richardson, W. Richmon, Loran Riechman, F. Rieck, H. Rieck, Henry Riedell, J. M. Rigenold, Louis Riggs, L. E. Riggs, L. E. Riley, C. Riley, Wm Riley, Wm. Rima, C. Rima, C. Rima, C. L. Rima, Geo. Rima, Geo. Rimrodt Rimrodt, H.C. Ringleb, J. Risdon, Ed. Risdon, J. Ritter, J. Ritter, Z. Ritz, Michael Robert, D. (or Robert D.?) Roberts, Jesse M. Roberts. E. M. Robertson, B. & W. H. Wilson Robertson, T. D. Robinson Robinson Robinson, B. Robinson, C. Robinson, J. Robinson, J. E. Robinson, John Robinson, M. Robinson, Mary Robinson, W. S. Robison, B. Robison, Lucy A. Robison, Wm. Rockdachel, John Rockdaschel, John Roder, Carl Roder, Carl Roever, H. Rogee, Frank Rohlwig, R. C. Rohlwing, C. Rohlwing, Christopher Rohrsen, H. Rohrsen, H. Rohrsen, J. H. Rommel, G. Rommel, G. Rood, H. L. Rood, H. L. Rood, Matilda Rosenberg, Fred Rosencrans, H. Rosencrans, H. Ross, A. C. Ross, T. G. Rover, H. Rover, Henry Rowe, A. Rowe, Albert Rowe, Allen Rowe, Chas. Rowen, L. G. Rowen, M. Rowen, Mathew Rowen, Stephen Rox, R. L. Rue, N. Rugg, Jos. Rummel, C. Rummel, C. Rundels, N. Runyard Runyard, A. Runyard, A. Runyon, A. Runyon, John Rush, A. C. Rush, B. & C. Rush, Ben Rust, A. E. Rust, J. Rust, John Ryan, E. J. Ryan, E. J. Ryan, E. J. Ryan, E. J. |
Polk Lafayette Warren Warren Polk Polk Dayton Douglas LeRoy/Fred Maxfield Wash/Jack Franklin Douglas Lafayette Lafayette Sumner Franklin LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Polk Douglas Douglas Polk Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette LeRoy/Fred J/W/J Dayton Fremont Douglas Warren Warren Maxfield Sumner J/W/J J/W/J Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin LeRoy/Fred Polk Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Maxfield J/W/J J/W/J Maxfield Lafayette Warren Wash/Jack Wash/Jack J/W/J Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Fremont Franklin Franklin Franklin Dayton Dayton Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred Sumner Warren LeRoy/Fred Maxfield Maxfield Dayton Polk Polk Sumner Sumner LeRoy/Fred Douglas LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Dayton Lafayette Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Lafayette Dayton Polk Polk Sumner Wash/Jack Douglas Fremont LeRoy/Fred Sumner Douglas LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Polk Warren Sumner Douglas LeRoy/Fred Dayton Dayton Sumner Sumner Sumner LeRoy/Fred J/W/J Dayton Fremont Fremont Fremont Maxfield Maxfield Maxfield Franklin Franklin Sumner LeRoy/Fred Dayton Maxfield Lafayette Lafayette Wash/Jack Douglas J/W/J Maxfield Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner J/W/J J/W/J Wash/Jack Warren Sumner Lafayette J/W/J LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred J/W/J J/W/J Wash/Jack Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred Polk Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Douglas LeRoy/Fred Douglas Dayton Dayton Sumner Sumner |
12 15 20 29 29 30 2 8 23 22 1 9 6 15 14 4 36 25 27 28 5 17 28 9 12 10 20 22 27 20 16 17 16 27 15 22 27 9 35 25 33 28 23 14 22 20 4 9 8 5 6 25 26 35 24 21 3 33 31 17 31 31 23 25 24 23 24 24 26 18 3 25 22 36 18 21 36 11 12 24 24 25 13 7 18 18 19 16 16 4 7 7 1 5 18 33 30 13 19 34 12 29 4 9 20 31 8 6 4 9 16 16 16 25 3 16 26 16 20 33 12 29 27 28 27 17 20 10 14 9 36 33 34 6 16 1 6 23 13 13 24 20 20 36 2 13 16 29 28 33 28 8 1 2 21 34 29 20 17 24 18 24 3 4 33 34 |
S, Wm. S. S. D. # 3 (???) S., J. S., J. S.D. # 3 (???) S.H. (Schoolhouse?) Saddler, J. C. Sage, G. Sager, Jos. Sager, Jos. Sailor, J. Sailor, Jacob Sailor, Wm. Sams, John Sanborn, J. P. Sanburn Sanders, A.A. Sanders, Celia Sanders, J. Sanders, W.P. Sanderson, G. Sanford, Mary E. Sanky, J.A. Savage, B.F. & Co. Savage, E.A. Saw Mill Sawdy, B. W. Sawyer, Dana M. Saylor, Jacob Saylor, Samuel Saylor, Samuel Schamberger, John Schauer, John Schene, C. Schenk, J. Scheve, Conrad Schlaberg, Chas. Schlaberg, Chas. Schlewitz, P. Schmeltzer, G. Schmidt, Chris Schmidt, J.Byer Schmidt, John Schnodt, H.C. Schoemacher, Henry Schoemacher, Henry Schoemaker, Dora Schoephorster, C. H. Schoephorster, J. Schoff, John Schomacher, H. Schonbucher, Chas. Schonweis, Fred School Land Schoolhouse Schoolhouse # 1 Schoolhouse # 1 Schoolhouse # 1 Schoolhouse # 1 Schoolhouse # 1 Schoolhouse # 1 Schoolhouse # 1 Schoolhouse # 1 Schoolhouse # 1 Schoolhouse # 1 Schoolhouse # 10 Schoolhouse # 2 Schoolhouse # 2 Schoolhouse # 2 Schoolhouse # 2 Schoolhouse # 2 Schoolhouse # 2 Schoolhouse # 2 Schoolhouse # 2 Schoolhouse # 2 Schoolhouse # 2 Schoolhouse # 2 or Luth. Church Schoolhouse # 3 Schoolhouse # 3 Schoolhouse # 3 Schoolhouse # 3 Schoolhouse # 3 Schoolhouse # 3 Schoolhouse # 3 Schoolhouse # 3 Schoolhouse # 3 Schoolhouse # 3 Schoolhouse # 4 Schoolhouse # 4 Schoolhouse # 4 Schoolhouse # 4 Schoolhouse # 4 Schoolhouse # 4 Schoolhouse # 4 Schoolhouse # 4 Schoolhouse # 4 Schoolhouse # 4 Schoolhouse # 5 Schoolhouse # 5 Schoolhouse # 5 Schoolhouse # 5 Schoolhouse # 5 Schoolhouse # 5 Schoolhouse # 5 Schoolhouse # 5 Schoolhouse # 5 Schoolhouse # 6 Schoolhouse # 6 Schoolhouse # 6 Schoolhouse # 6 Schoolhouse # 6 Schoolhouse # 6 Schoolhouse # 6 Schoolhouse # 6 Schoolhouse # 6 Schoolhouse # 7 Schoolhouse # 7 Schoolhouse # 7 Schoolhouse # 7 Schoolhouse # 7 Schoolhouse # 7 Schoolhouse # 8 Schoolhouse # 8 Schoolhouse # 8 Schoolhouse # 9 Schoolhouse # 9 Schoolhouse, Frederika Union Dis. # 5 Schoolhouse, Tripoli Dis. # 1 Schophoster Schower (?), J. Schram, F. Schram, F. Schran, F. Schroder, C. Schroder, F. Schroder, Fred. Schroder, H. Schroder, J. H. Schrodermeier, Conrad Schrodermeier, Fred Schroeder, C. Schroeder, Carl Schroeder, F. Schroeder, H. Schroeder, H. Schuknecht, C. Schuknecht, C. Schuknecht, C. Schuknect, Jos. Schulte, C. Schultz, F. Schultz, Jno. Schultz, Wm. Schumacher, J. Schunemann, J. Schunemann, John Schwacke, Henry Schwacke, Wm. Schwacke, Wm. Schwake, Conrad Schwem, Fred. Schwem, J. Schwemm, C. Schwemm, C. Schwemm, F. Schwemm, J. Schwer. Chas. Scols, J. Sconton, Albert Scott, B. P. Scott, E. A. Scott, W. Sculley, Wm. Sculley, Wm. Sculley, Wm. Sculley, Wm. Searls, John Sears, E. J. Sears, John Seavy, A. L. Seavy, A. L. Seeger, H. H. Seeger, J. H. Seeger, J. H. Seeger, J. H. Seeger. H. H. Seehas, John Seekatz, A., Est. Seekatz, A., Est. Seeley, Fletcher Seeley, J. Segner, M. J. Selk, J. Sell, C. Sell, C.J. Sell, Carl Senott, Martin Severin, J. Sewell, A. Sewell, Allen Sewell, Samuel Sewell, Samuel Sewell, T. J. Sewell, Thomas J. Sewell, Thomas J. Sewell, W. Sewll, Allen Shafer, J., Est. Shaft, J. Shannon, R. B. Shannon, R. B. Sharke, L. Sharon, J.S. & Corning, N. (tax title) Sharp, John Shaver, Jasper Shaw, E. F. Shaw, Newton L. Sheahan, D. Sheahen, D. Sheldon, A. H. Sheldon, Albert N. Sheldon, Irvin Sheldon, W. J. Shell, J. Shepard, A. D. Shepard, D. H. Shepard, H. D. Shepman, Chas. H. Sheppard & Hopkins Sheppard, S. F. Sheppard, S. F. Sheppard, S. F. Shewalt, Allen Shields, Chas. Shields, J. Shields, Jas. H. Shippy, C.S. Shippy, Chas. Shirts, T. Shoeporster, C. Shores, M. Shores, Martin Showalter, A. Showalter, A. Shults, Fred. W. Sieber, C. Sieber, Eliza Siebert, Eliza Siebert, G. Siebuhr, Bernhard Simmons, John Simpson, Rob't Simpson, Robert Sinderson, Thos. Sippel, A. Skillen, Jas. A. Skillen, K. Skillen, Rob't Skillen, Rob't Skillen, Robt. Skillin Skilling, K. Skillings, T. Skinner, J. Skinner, J. Skinner, J. Slater, A. Slimmer Slitz, C. Sluessler (?) Smalley, John Smalley, John Smalley, P. Smalling Smalling, D. K. Smeltzer, Geo. Smeltzer, Geo. Smith Smith Smith, Allen Smith, Allen Smith, C. S. Agt. Smith, D. Smith, E. Smith, E. H. Smith, Emily Smith, F. S. Smith, H. Smith, H.R. Smith, J. Smith, J. Smith, J. A. Smith, J. A. Smith, J. F. Smith, Jacob Smith, John Smith, John H. Smith, Jos. Smith, Joseph Smith, Joseph Smith, Joseph Smith, L. Smith, L. Smith, Lloyd Smith, Lloyd Smith, Luke Smith, O. Smith, W. Smith, W. Smith, W. Smith, W. Smith, W. Smith, W. Smith, W. Smith, W. Smith, W. L. Smith, W. O. Smith, Wm Smith, Wm. Smith, Wm. Smith, Wm. Smith, Wm. Smith, Wm. Smith, Wm. Smith, Wm. Smock Sohle Sohle, L. Sornberger, W. Sornberger, W. Southerland, W. Southerland, W. Southwest Schoolhouse # 9 Southworth, C. T. Sparks, M. W. Spaulding, J. E. Spaulding, J. E. Spaulding, John F. Spaulding, R. A. Spaulding, R. A. Spellman, M. T. Spenly, R. Spensley, R. Sperbeck, A. Spier, Chas. Spring Lake Schoolhouse # 3 Springling, Andy Srockhus, Sarah St. John, J. St. John, J. St.John, Wm. Staack, Gottlieb Staack, T. Staage, C. Staage, C. Staage, C. Staage, F. Staage, H. Staage, H. Staage, H. Staage, H. Staage, H. Staage, H. W. Staage, W. Staage, W. Staage. H. Staats, A. Stack, W. Stack, William Stanton,D. B. Starr State of Iowa State of Iowa Steam Mill Steam Mill Stears, J. Steege, Henry Steege, J. Steege, J. C. Steege, John Steege, John Steege. J. F. Steele, J. D. Steen, Martha Steen, N. Stephen, A. Stephens, A. Y. Stephens, John Stephenson and Morey Stephenson, Evaline, Stephenson, T. C. Sterling, W. P. Sterling, W. P. Sterling, W.P. Stevens, R. Stevens, R. Stevens, W. H. Stevenson, A. L. Stevenson, E. Stevenson, J. E. Stevenson, J. E. & Rinaldo Stevenson, L. M. Stevenson, Thos. C. Stewart, A. R. Stewart, M. L. Stewart, M. L. Stewart. M. L. Stinkel, F. Stirling Stitzer, Chas. Stobie, John Stobie, John Stock, T. Stocking, Chas. Stockwell, W. L. Stockwell, W. L. Stockwell, W. L. Stoddard, A. Stoler, Dan'l Stoler, Dan'l Stowell, N. Strallon, John Stramer, H. Stratton, John Stratton, John Stromer, H. Strottman, H. Strottmann, H. Struckmeyer, Wm. Strumpel, J. H. Strumpell, Henry Stuart, E. R. Studevant, J. Stufflebeam Stufflebeam, J. Stuma, C. Stumme, C. Stumpell, H. Sturdevant, James Sullivan, J. Sullivan, John Sullivan, M. Sullivan, Michael Sullivan, Timothy Sumner, South Edge Sumner, Town of Sumner, West Edge Sunderland, M. V. B. Sunderland, M. V. B. Sunderland, M.V. B. Sundermayer, Henry Sutherland, M. Sutherlin, A. B. Swader, W. Swale, J. Swale, J. A. Swale, John Swale, John Sweatland, S. R. Sweet, A. E. Sweet, C. C. Sweet, H. H. Sweet, J. M. Sweet. A. E. Sweet. A.W. Sweet. H. H. Sweetser, A.C. |
Dayton Lafayette Lafayette Fremont Fremont Lafayette Douglas Douglas J/W/J Maxfield Maxfield Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Douglas Polk Polk Dayton Franklin Franklin Dayton LeRoy/Fred Douglas Franklin Dayton Franklin LeRoy/Fred Dayton Polk Dayton J/W/J J/W/J Douglas Warren J/W/J J/W/J Maxfield Lafayette Lafayette Warren Franklin Douglas Franklin Franklin Dayton Maxfield Maxfield J/W/J Sumner Sumner Maxfield J/W/J Maxfield Maxfield LeRoy/Fred Wash/Jack Franklin Polk Fremont Maxfield Warren Douglas J/W/J Wash/Jack Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred Wash/Jack Franklin Dayton Polk Maxfield Warren Douglas J/W/J Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred Lafayette Fremont Franklin Dayton Polk Fremont Maxfield Warren Douglas Lafayette Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred Franklin Dayton Polk Fremont Maxfield Warren Douglas J/W/J Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Franklin Dayton Polk Fremont Maxfield Warren J/W/J Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred Franklin Dayton Polk Fremont Maxfield Warren J/W/J J/W/J Wash/Jack Franklin Fremont Warren Lafayette J/W/J Wash/Jack Franklin Warren J/W/J Franklin Warren Fremont Fremont LeRoy/Fred J/W/J Warren Warren Warren LeRoy/Fred J/W/J J/W/J Warren Dayton Warren Warren Fremont Fremont J/W/J Maxfield Maxfield LeRoy/Fred Fremont Fremont Dayton Douglas LeRoy/Fred Warren Warren Maxfield Douglas Douglas Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Douglas Douglas LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Fremont Wash/Jack Polk Wash/Jack Sumner J/W/J Warren Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Douglas J/W/J Sumner Polk Polk J/W/J Maxfield J/W/J J/W/J Maxfield Dayton Maxfield Maxfield Polk Sumner Wash/Jack Maxfield LeRoy/Fred Dayton Dayton J/W/J J/W/J Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Polk Polk Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack J/W/J Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Dayton Sumner Wash/Jack Warren J/W/J Lafayette LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Lafayette Franklin Lafayette Warren Wash/Jack Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Douglas Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Polk Polk Polk Dayton Franklin Franklin J/W/J LeRoy/Fred Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Polk Polk Warren Franklin Polk Polk Polk Douglas Warren J/W/J J/W/J Douglas Maxfield Fremont LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Fremont Lafayette Franklin Franklin Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred Lafayette Warren Warren Lafayette J/W/J J/W/J Franklin Franklin Polk Polk Polk Polk Sumner Wash/Jack Sumner Polk Maxfield Dayton Franklin Franklin Polk Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Sumner Polk Sumner Sumner Polk Polk Polk Polk Polk Polk Polk Polk Franklin J/W/J Franklin Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Maxfield Lafayette LeRoy/Fred Sumner Wash/Jack Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Polk Lafayette Wash/Jack Lafayette Lafayette Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Lafayette LeRoy/Fred Wash/Jack Polk Polk Polk Fremont Fremont Wash/Jack Douglas LeRoy/Fred Lafayette Maxfield Lafayette Dayton Polk Wash/Jack Wash/Jack J/W/J Maxfield Wash/Jack J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J Maxfield J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J Franklin Fremont Fremont Franklin Polk Sumner Douglas Lafayette J/W/J J/W/J Sumner LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Fremont J/W/J Maxfield J/W/J Sumner LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Wash/Jack Douglas Douglas Sumner Lafayette Dayton Dayton Franklin Wash/Jack Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred Sumner LeRoy/Fred Sumner LeRoy/Fred Wash/Jack Lafayette Douglas J/W/J Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Warren Dayton Fremont Fremont Fremont Wash/Jack Warren Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Sumner Maxfield Maxfield J/W/J Wash/Jack Fremont Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Maxfield LeRoy/Fred Maxfield Warren Fremont Maxfield Douglas Warren Lafayette Lafayette J/W/J Maxfield Maxfield Warren LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Warren Sumner Sumner Sumner J/W/J Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Warren Polk Polk Dayton LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Sumner Fremont Sumner Fremont LeRoy/Fred Fremont Fremont Fremont Franklin |
32 27 32 11 33 33 24 7 33 1 12 20 18 20 31 24 28 36 34 34 28 6 20 35 4 13 13 11 35 6 35 36 3 34 21 27 21 20 21 27 28 22 22 7 5 7 8 25 14 16 17 15 24 36 16 35 1 9 14 2 31 2 11 1 34 12 6 9 22 16 5 19 8 14 21 24 36 31 21 25 34 4 20 6 20 33 4 19 29 28 7 1 23 10 30 35 14 24 6 27 14 22 35 15 33 9 36 24 17 2 36 29 27 4 30 7 36 8 26 31 5 31 27 14 18 18 2 6 4 22 17 30 31 32 27 13 12 36 21 28 28 3 3 23 16 17 27 21 22 25 27 33 10 22 28 12 26 4 4 5 17 36 36 28 32 29 28 30 21 12 4 25 17 19 26 27 34 21 35 34 21 22 27 7 12 16 7 16 4 9 34 13 35 8 16 14 15 7 27 20 21 26 27 23 21 22 21 22 10 23 13 24 29 9 33 18 31 12 9 31 14 13 14 8 1 34 33 21 5 12 24 25 36 8 8 20 10 17 15 28 16 32 30 8 15 1 33 34 33 33 25 5 31 18 14 25 5 16 29 32 5 9 17 12 20 22 30 8 3 22 6 8 19 27 20 32 22 28 20 20 21 22 23 7 25 11 1 18 25 25 29 4 28 28 29 19 36 18 14 15 16 23 17 21 16 21 25 31 17 3 6 7 9 16 17 34 25 35 20 29 11 12 6 13 18 21 18 36 12 31 32 19 20 29 11 6 35 36 36 17 35 12 23 6 2 1 17 35 23 23 24 27 24 35 14 21 22 23 9 8 9 21 22 8 14 21 16 8 11 9 16 18 7 6 16 23 34 21 22 22 34 11 35 20 29 16 22 1 5 9 16 16 34 35 3 25 26 5 6 10 6 3 4 11 9 17 26 25 26 32 15 18 19 13 27 26 34 35 27 31 32 18 33 33 34 35 4 21 10 25 29 4 30 34 22 23 23 21 3 26 9 31 9 31 11 25 24 23 28 27 28 25 24 25 17 3 1 1 15 30 10 18 21 23 2 11 16 17 |