1875 Atlas Index by Name: MN
M. M. & P. M., G. M., L. T. M., S. T. Ma?ck, B. F. Macaw, Wm. MacComber, A. Madden, G. W. Madden, G. W. Madden, G. W. Madden, Geo. W. Malchen, Dorathea Malchin, D. Malix, Jacob Malory, T. Malzahn, Fred Malzahn, Fred Manly, John Manly, S. Mann, John P. Mann, Wm. Maraton Wing Marble, Stephen K. Marks, H. Marks, H. Marquis, David Marquis, J. Marsh, Ellen H. Marsh, F.O. Marsh, M. L. Marsh, M.M. Marsh, N. Marsh, O. D. Marsh, R. B. Martin, A. T. Martin, A. T. Martin, A. T. Martin, A. T. Martin, A.T. Martin, C. J. Martin, J. H. Martin, J. H. Martin, John Martin, John Martin, Luther R. Martin, Tho. W. Marvin, S.S. Mass, Chris. Mass, F. A. Mass, H.F. Mather, Geo. Mathews & Cornwell Mattall, M.M. Mattern, Joseph Matteson, D.B. Matteson, L. D. Matteson, O.B. Matteson, O.B. Matteson, O.B. Matthias, J. W. Matthias, W. Matthias, W. Matthias, W. Matthias, W. Matthias, Wm. Mattias, J. W. Mauerer, C. Mauerer, J. Maurer, P. Maurer, P. Maxfield, V. Maynard, J. K. L. Maynard, J. K. L. Maynard, J. K. L. Maynard, J.K. L. Mc., Moses Mc?ine, H. McC., M. McCartney, Jas. McCartney, Jas. McCloskey McCloskey, M. McClosky, M. McCluskey, M. McConkey, J. O. McConkey, Jacob McCoough, Daniel McCormack, Chas. McCormick, Wm. McCorrister, Margar. McCorrister, Margaret McCoy McCoy, Ellis McCoy, Thomas McCoy, W. McCracken, Rob't McCracken, Rob't McCracken, Rob't McCracken, Rob't McCronkey, J. McCue, Ed. McCunn, Ellison McD.., R. G. & M. Fisher McDonald, David McDonald, David McDonald, R. G. McDonald, R. G. McDonald, R. G. McDonald, R. G. McFarlane, Jon. McFarlane, Jon. McFarlane, Rob't McGinness, Orvil McGowen, Ed. McH., W. McHenry, Jos. McHenry, W. H. McIntyre, Thos. McKean, Sam. McKee, John McKeown McKeown, Jos. McKloskey, Thos. McLurnan, Johnson McMeans, Geo. McMeekin, A. McMeekin, A. McMeekin, J. F. McMeekin, Thos. McQueeny, J. M. McQueeny, John McQueney, John McRae, J. McRae, John McRae, John McRay, D. McRoberts, D. McRoberts, Douglas McRoberts, Thos. Meader, Geo. Medders, H. Meeker, S. Meier, Aug. Meier, August Meier, F. W. Meier, Geo. Meier, Geo. Meier, H. Meier, H. Meier, H. Meier, H. Meier, H. C. Meier, H. H. Meier, H. O. Meier, H. O. Meier, H.F. L. Meier, H.O. Meier, Henry Meier, J. C. Meier, J. C. Meier, J. C. Meier, J. H. Meier, J. H. C. Meier, J.H. Meier, J.H. Meier, J.H. Meier, John Meiers, J. K. Meiers, J. K. Meine, H. Menden, Henry Menkler, J. I. Mentor P.O. Merritt, S. D. Merscj, Nicholas Merwin, Henry Messinger, E. J. Messinger, R. P. Messinger, R. P. Meter (?), W. Mether, W. Mether, Chas. Mether, Chas. Mether, Wm. Metzger, D. Meyer, Chris. Meyer, J.C. Meyer, John H. Meyerhoff, William Meyerhoff, Wm. Meyers Meyers, Abram Michael, Elizabeth Michenor, J. Michlke, S. Mickle, R. Mickle, R. Mickler, J.J. Mikle, W. S. Milius, W. Millard, E. Miller Miller, A. Miller, A. Miller, A. Miller, C. J. Miller, C.J. Miller, C.J. Miller, Catherine Miller, D. J. Miller, E. Miller, F. Miller, F. Miller, G. B. Miller, G. B. Miller, G. B. Miller, H. Miller, H. Miller, H. Miller, H.D. Miller, P. Miller, Peter Miller, S. G. Miller, W. Miller, Wm. Milligan, R. Millius, H. Mills Miner, G. N. Minkler Minkler & Wing Minkler, J.J. Minkler, J.J. & Wing Mish, M. E. Mishler, Jonas Mishler, Julia Mishler, M. Mitchell, James Mitchell, S.W. Mix, H. A. Mock, B. F., et al Mock, B. F., et al Mohl, C. Mohley Mohling, C. Mohling, Christian Mohling, F. Mohling, F. Mohling, H. Mohling, H. Mohling, J. Mohling, J. Mohling, J. Mohling, J. Mohling, John Mohling, John Mohlis Mohlis, F. Mohlis, Fred Mohlis, Fred Mohlis, Fred Mohlis, Fred. Mohlis, H. Mohlis, L. Mohlis, W. Moller, C. Moller, C. Moller, Fred Moller, H. Moller, H. Moller, H. E. Moller, Henry Monogu (?) T. Montrose, G. Moody, W. Moody, Wm. Moon, H. D. Moore, B. W. Moore, G. J. Moore, H. Moore, H. J. Moore, J. C. Moore, N. J. Moore, N. J. Moore, N. W. Moore, N. W. Moore, N. W. Moorehouse, R.. Morehead, W. G. Morehead, W. G. Morehouse, R. Mores, J. P. Mores, W. Mores, W. Mores, W. H. Mores, W. H. Mores, W. H. Mores, W. H. Mores, W. H. Mores, W. H. Mores, W. H. Mores, W. H. Mores, W. H. & A. S. Mores, W. H. & A. S. Mores, W. H. & A. S. Mores, Wm. H. & A. S. Morgan, M. S. Morgan, Martin S. Morgan, W. G. Mosier, R. Moulton, Levit T. Mowatt, J. M. Mudge, I. R. Mudge, S. P. Mudge, S. P. Mudges, S. P. Muhlke, S. Muhlke, S. Muhlke, S. Mullen, J. Mullen, Rob't Muller, J. A. Mullin, John Mundfrom, Frederick Munger, A.P. Munger, E. Munger, F. Munger, H. Munger, H. Munger, H. S. Munger, H. S. Munger, H.J. Munger, L. A. Murphey, T. Murphy, Jas. Murphy, Jos. Murphy, Jos. Murray, E.H. |
Lafayette Douglas J/W/J LeRoy/Fred J/W/J Wash/Jack Fremont Dayton Sumner LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Fremont LeRoy/Fred Douglas LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Sumner J/W/J LeRoy/Fred Polk Franklin Douglas Sumner Sumner J/W/J J/W/J Lafayette Sumner Polk Polk Dayton LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Fremont Fremont LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Dayton Fremont Fremont Fremont Sumner Fremont Warren Fremont Dayton Franklin Fanklin Franklin Lafayette Franklin LeRoy/Fred Douglas Dayton Polk Dayton Dayton Dayton Maxfield Maxfield Maxfield Maxfield Maxfield J/W/J Maxfield Franklin Franklin Maxfield Maxfield Wash/Jack J/W/J J/W/J Wash/Jack Wash/Jack J/W/J Lafayette Wash/Jack Lafayette Lafayette LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Sumner LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Warren Sumner LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Lafayette Wash/Jack Lafayette Lafayette Douglas LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Douglas LeRoy/Fred Franklin Wash/Jack Douglas Polk Polk Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Warren Franklin J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J Douglas Douglas Polk Fremont Fremont LeRoy/Fred Polk Sumner Sumner LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Sumner LeRoy/Fred Sumner Franklin Franklin Franklin Dayton Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Lafayette Douglas Polk J/W/J LeRoy/Fred Fremont Warren Franklin J/W/J Dayton Maxfield J/W/J LeRoy/Fred J/W/J Maxfield Maxfield J/W/J Maxfield J/W/J Maxfield J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J Dayton Fremont Franklin Franklin Franklin Maxfield Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Warren Fremont Dayton LeRoy/Fred Polk Dayton J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J Warren Warren Warren Warren Polk Douglas Dayton J/W/J Maxfield Maxfield J/W/J Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Maxfield J/W/J Wash/Jack Dayton Wash/Jack Maxfield LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Sumner J/W/J LeRoy/Fred Maxfield Franklin Franklin Polk LeRoy/Fred Warren Sumner LeRoy/Fred Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Dayton J/W/J J/W/J Franklin Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Lafayette Sumner Dayton Sumner Maxfield Wash/Jack Lafayette Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Sumner J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J Dayton Douglas Wash/Jack Wash/Jack J/W/J J/W/J Dayton Warren Fremont LeRoy/Fred J/W/J J/W/J Fremont Fremont Fremont J/W/J Fremont Fremont Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton J/W/J Dayton J/W/J Warren J/W/J Douglas Maxfield Warren Douglas Douglas Lafayette J/W/J LeRoy/Fred Fremont J/W/J Douglas Douglas J/W/J Douglas J/W/J Douglas LeRoy/Fred J/W/J Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Dayton Dayton Wash/Jack Polk Fremont J/W/J Polk Polk Polk Maxfield Warren Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Warren Wash/Jack Wash/Jack J/W/J Douglas Douglas Dayton Maxfield Sumner LeRoy/Fred Sumner Lafayette Lafayette J/W/J Franklin Maxfield Maxfield LeRoy/Fred Wash/Jack Warren Wash/Jack Fremont Sumner J/W/J J/W/J Dayton Dayton Sumner LeRoy/Fred Franklin Sumner Wash/Jack Dayton LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred |
28 12 35 26 35 29 35 31 29 16 26 25 8 27 5 15 13 14 17 20 8 24 14 20 22 23 35 35 22 33 12 12 32 10 2 4 5 16 17 21 8 2 3 1 2 13 3 5 34 35 34 7 3 8 20 3 28 4 8 10 35 28 29 33 35 23 33 32 32 12 13 20 17 20 24 25 29 16 20 2 3 14 14 13 18 10 12 24 29 13 15 24 15 20 25 24 12 7 18 13 22 36 29 11 26 27 1 2 11 12 25 36 25 21 36 29 29 32 10 21 3 12 23 1 6 2 10 2 11 1 7 15 18 10 17 20 11 24 23 19 18 6 26 26 27 16 6 11 8 7 21 16 8 25 6 12 19 1 6 8 16 17 32 34 3 4 5 34 13 24 22 14 32 1 35 28 29 26 26 35 17 22 21 27 21 5 34 14 25 13 14 29 19 30 8 11 18 10 19 15 30 11 22 11 36 22 13 31 31 36 18 27 11 22 12 13 15 22 1 22 35 17 20 19 9 22 5 33 10 32 34 14 14 20 2 26 26 26 26 13 21 27 26 17 21 15 35 4 27 13 22 2 11 12 22 2 10 32 19 20 28 29 21 21 19 21 13 1 35 6 14 27 35 30 32 27 10 6 27 4 34 26 29 2 22 18 23 24 35 12 13 28 8 13 5 29 30 33 1 33 10 13 35 30 1 6 6 28 33 12 24 18 8 2 32 33 7 20 15 22 27 21 14 16 7 4 20 20 22 27 4 15 11 9 1 4 11 11 35 |
N. Nafus, G. W. Nafus, G. W. Nafus, G. W. Nafus, J. M. Nafus, J. M. Nan- (?) Nancarrow, John Neal, G. Neal, Geo. Neal, Moses Neal, Moses Nefiger, C. T. & Hands, C. Nelson, Erich Nerge, Henry Nerge, J. Nerge, John Nerge, W. Nergee, W. Nessen, C. Neverman, C. Nevermann, J. H. Nevermann, J.H. & Wente, H. C. Nevermann, Mary Nicholas, E. Nichols, A. Nichols, E. Nichols, Erastus Nichols, L. Nichols, Levi Nichols, Luman Nicholson, Nicholson, William Nicholson, Wm. Niedert, F. Nieland, A. Nieman, Fred Niemeyer, Christopher Nilson, G. C. Nolte, Wm. Nolter, Fred Norris, M.B. Northern City Limits of Waverly Northern City Limits of Waverly Not Listed Notger, F. Nottger, F. Nottger, F. Null, N. Num small claims/initials only Num. small claims/ inititials only Num. small claims/initals only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/initials only Num. small claims/intials only Num. small claims/intitials only Num. small claims/intitials only Num. small claims/intitials only Num. small clalims/initials only Nute, F. B. Nutt Nutting, O. Nutty, O. |
Lafayette Polk Polk Polk Polk Polk Lafayette Warren Franklin Franklin Wash/Jack Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred Douglas Dayton Sumner LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Maxfield J/W/J Maxfield Maxfield Fremont LeRoy/Fred Fremont LeRoy/Fred Sumner J/W/J Warren Dayton Lafyaette Warren Warren Maxfield Franklin Dayton Douglas Warren Douglas Fremont Franklin Lafayette Lafayette Maxfield J/W/J Warren J/W/J Warren LeRoy/Fred Fremont Polk Warren Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J J/W/J Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Wash/Jack LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred LeRoy/Fred Polk Polk Polk Polk Polk Polk LeRoy/Fred Wash/Jack Fremont Wash/Jack Wash/Jack Polk Franklin J/W/J Polk Polk |
28 10 15 20 12 17 16 7 25 29 10 11 3 16 7 19 15 22 15 32 22 17 4 26 12 2 22 7 8 31 7 21 18 17 23 12 33 26 4 15 7 20 34 35 11 34 9 27 34 22 13 17 31 4 9 16 21 22 7 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 34 18 21 29 32 35 9 14 29 21 8 27 28 33 29 15 1 12 2 33 20 24 17 22 28 |
This page was last modified on July 26, 2008