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FISK, John Bruce (1855-1882)


Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 3/27/2018 at 15:21:20

John Bruce Fisk
(June 30, 1855 – February 14, 1882)

Indianola Herald, Indianola, IA, Thurs., Feb 16, 1882, p.2, col.2
DIED – At the residence of his mother, Mrs. Fisk, in Indianola, on Tuesday morning, Feb 14, ’82, J. B. Fisk, M.D. But a few weeks since Mrs. Fisk buried a loved daughter, and her heart is again called upon to bleed for a loved son, who had but lately engaged in the practice of his profession for a while at this point and more recently at Spring Hill. But that fell destroyer, consumption, had fixed its fangs upon him and did not release its hold until it claimed him as its victim. The sympathies of all should be extended to those who but recently were bereaved of a sister and daughter. We shall give a more extended notice from those better informed than ourselves next week.
Indianola Herald, Indianola, IA, Thurs., Feb 23, 1882, p.2, col.2
Resolution of Respect – Hall of Indianola, Lodge, No. 70, I. O. O. F., Feb 16, ’82
Whereas, our Heavenly Father, in the wise dispensation of His providence, has called from us by death our beloved brother, John Bruce Fisk, who was at the time of his death a worthy member of our order, therefore, be it resolved by Indianola Lodge, No.70, I.O.O.F. – that in the death of brother Fisk, this Lodge has lost an exemplary member; his family a son and brother who loved with an affection that was tender and a fidelity that was manly. The community has lost a good citizen, a young man of high attainments and great moral worth. Resolved that we tender his mother, Sister Fisk, and the surviving brother and sister, and other relatives and friends, the condolence and sympathy of this Lodge, and our Order in this their sore affliction, Resolved that as a token of respect to our departed brother, we will drape our charter and emblems in mourning and the members wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, resolved that a copy of these resolutions be furnished the family of the Brother Fisk under seal of the Lodge and a copy of the same to each of the county papers, with a request that they publish the same. Fraternally submitted, E. W. Hartman, F. A. McClure, Com.


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