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OVERMAN, Samuel: Died 1905


Posted By: Volunteer: Sherri
Date: 8/3/2015 at 22:03:00

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Samuel Overman died in Des Moines, Iowa, Friday, March 24, 1905, aged 80 years. Funeral services were held Sunday.

Mr. Overman had for six months been living with his daughter, Mrs. Mary Lee, in Des Moines.

He came to Keosauqua in 1875 as a sewing machine salesman and since that time has resided here until he went to live with Mrs. Lee.

He was married to Miss Nancy Robertson of Camp Point, Ill., and to them were born five children, viz. Mrs. Mary Lee of Des Moines; Mrs. H.N. Horn of Hillsboro; Mrs. Chas. Baker of Mt. Ayr; Wm. C. Overman of Ottumwa; and J.M. Overman of Keosauqua. All were present for the funeral services except Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Overman died in 1900.
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Mr. Samuel Overman of this place died at the home of his daughter at Des Moines Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock after a protracted illness. Mr. Overman had been an invalid several years with bladder trouble. Not long ago he underwent a surgical operation and found temporary. His malady was inflammation of the bladder. he was a great sufferer, and but for his powerful constitution he must have passed away weeks ago. When Mr. J.M. Overman went to Des Moines Tuesday he found his father unconscious, and he remained in that condition until Friday evening before yielding up the spirit.

In 1902 Mr. Overman prepared the following brief sketch of himself, which he left with his son Mr. J.M. Overman, which we copy below from the original as follows:

Keosauqua, May 24, 1902. - "I was born in Clark county, Ind., Oct. 25, 1825. My parents both died in four days of each other before I was seven years old. (They died of cholera.) Hence I was turned out to the cold mercies of the world when I was quite young. I grew to manhood in may native state. In 1849 I moved to Illinois. I was converted and joined the M.E. church in November, 1849, at Young's Neck school house in Adams county, under the pastorate of Rev. James B. Young.

"I was married to Nancy Ellen Robertson Dec. 26, 1850, near Camp Point, Ill. She died on the 22nd day of March 1900.

"There were born to us seven children - three girls and four boys, - namely: Mrs. H.N. Horn of Hillsboro, Mrs. Mary S. Lee of Des Moines, Mrs. Fanny Baker of Mt. Ayr, J.M. and W.C. Overman of Keosauqua. John S. and Geo. died in infancy.

"I want to be buried by the side of my wife. My desire is that my body be taken to the church and a funeral be preached and that the music be by the choir. And I would like to have a short obituary published in the Western Christian Advocate. S. Overman."

In 1865 Mr. Overman removed from Adams county, Ill., to Keokuk, where he engaged in the sewing machine business. In 1875 he moved to Keosauqua where he continued in the same business, and quite successfully too, until his health gave out now nearly 15 years ago.

Mr. Overman was always an active member of the M.E. church while living here, his influence always being on the side of the right as he was given to see the right. He was a kind husband and father and a good neighbor. The funeral services were held at the M.E. church Sunday afternoon, and were attended by a large concourse of his old friends and neighbors. The sermon was by Rev. Mr. Ingham, the burial being conducted by the Odd Fellows lodge of this place.

Source: Van Buren Co. Genealogical Society Obituary Book E, Page 111 & 112, Keosauqua Public Library, Keosauqua, IA


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