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Samuel Chapman by Adm. to William P Chapman


Posted By: Paul French (email)
Date: 5/20/2009 at 17:26:14

Samuel Chapman by Adm. to William P Chapman
Administrators Deed.

Know all men by these Presents: That whereas, on the 16th day of March 1883 Samuel Chapman executed and delivered to William P. Chapman his bond for a good and Sufficient Deed, to the real estate hereinafter described, upon payment of a certain Note for $270 due on the 1st day of March 1887. and the performance of certain other conditions. and

Whereas, on or about the 24th day of March 1891, the said Samuel Chapman brought suit in the District Court of Van Buren County. Iowa. in the case entitled Samuel Chapman vs William P. Chapman and Mary Chapman, upon said Note. No 8510, and

Whereas the said defendants joined issue therein alleging that said note was fully paid and the other considerations of said bond were fully performed, and praying a specific performance and

Whereas on or about the 20th day of February 1893. the said Samuel Chapman died intestate in said County. and

Whereas the undersigned was duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Samuel Chapman. deceased and duly substituted for said decedant as plaintiff in said case, and

Whereas, at the October Term. 1893. of the District Court aforesaid. said cause came on for hearing before said Court. and upon the hearing thereof a decree of Specific performances was entered and rendered in said cause and the undersigned ordered and directed to make execute and deliver to the said William P. Chapman a good and sufficient deed of Conveyance of said property in fee simple.

Now Therefore in consideration of the premises aforesaid and of the payment of said NotE to said decedent in his life and the performances of the conditions of said bOnd. I Alfred Chapman as Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Chapman, deceased, under and pursuant to the Authority in me vested by the decree aforesaid and in obediance thereto, do hereby convey to William P. Chapman, the following described real estate in Van Buren County Iowa towit:

The East half of the North East quarter of the South West quarter of Section Three (3) Township Sixty Eight (68) Range Eight (8) West Containing twenty (20) acres more or less and the right of way for a wagon road on the East line of said quarter section to the South East corner of said quarter Section.

To Have and to Hold the same together with all the appurtenances Thereunto belonging by title in fee simple as fully and completely as though the said Samuel Chapman had executed a deed of conveyance therefore to said William P. Chapman in his life time pursuant to said bond.

Witness my hand this 16th day of October AD 1893.
Alfred Chapman
Administrator of Samuel Chapman deed

State of Iowa, Van Buren County, SS:
On this 16th day of October A. D. 1893. personally appeared before me the undersigned a Notary Public within and for said County Alfred Chapman, Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Chapman, deceased, who is personally known to me to be the identical person who as such Administrator executed the foregoing deed of conveyance as such, as Grantor and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth.

Witness my hand and seal this 16th day of Oct 1893.
W. W. Entler Notary Public

In the District Court of Van Buren County Iowa.
Samuel Chapman
William P. Chapman
Mary Chapman

Order approving Deed.

Be it Remembered that on this 17th day of the October Term 1893. the foregoing deed executed pursuant to a decree of the Court in the aove entitled case, came on for approval before the Court, and being submitted to the Court. examined and fully understood by the Court, It is Ordered that the foregoing deed of Conveyance be and the same is hereby approved and confirmed.

H. C. Traverse

Filed for Record October 24, 1893. at 8 o'clock AM.
P. E. Walker Recorder

Source: Van Buren County, Iowa Deed Book 29 pages 357, 358, and 359


Van Buren Documents maintained by Rich Lowe.
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