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Dagmar Alberta (Jensen) Wiggins (1864-1930)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 6/24/2024 at 19:16:08

From Story City Herald February 27, 1930 (page 2)


Well Known Woman Died in Oskaloosa Last Friday

Mrs. Jas. A. Wiggins died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Sells, in Oskaloosa Friday of last week. She had not been at all well since Christmas, at which time she gave evidence of failing in health. Death came from heart disease.

The body was brought here for burial and the funeral was held Monday in the Grace church, of which she had been a member nearly twenty years. Rev. Fuller officiated, preaching from the text, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Several songs were rendered by a quartet consisting of Mrs. James, Mrs. Patterson, Helen Hill and Wilma Jessen. The pall bearers were Oliver Alsager, Arthur Gandrup, Edwin Jacobsen, Adolph Idse, A. G. Larson and Martin Jensen.


Dagmar Alberta Jensen was born April 4, 1864, in Copenhagen, Denmark. There she was married to A. Simonson, to which union two children were born. The husband and oldest child, Nancy, died in Copenhagen, following which she and her younger daughter, Agnes, came to America in 1892. The following year she was married to James A. Wiggins, who passed away about twelve years ago. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Agnes Knudsen of Canton, S. D., and Mrs. Sarah Sells of Oskaloosa, and one son, Warren, of Oskaloosa; also five brothers and two sisters, namely, Peter Jensen of Fargo, N. D., Fred Jensen of Story City, Dr. Hans Jensen of Kansas City, Mo., Walter Jensen of Burwell, Neb., Mrs. Rebekka Christenson of Copenhagen, Denmark, and Mrs. N. M. P. Johnson of Roseburg, Oregon. There are also six grandchildren.

Mrs. Wiggins was a devoted mother and a good neighbor. Since the death of her husband she has made her home a good part of the time with her daughter in Oskaloosa, though she maintained her residence here. A large number of her old time friends attended the funeral Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Knutson of Canton, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Sells and Warren Wiggins of Oskaloosa were here for the funeral, as was her brother, Fred Jensen, who at present is making his headquarters in Mason City.


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