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Andreas Peter Nielsen Torp aka Andrew N. Torp (1852-1930)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 6/29/2024 at 15:12:49

From Story City Herald October 16, 1930 (page 5)

Obituary of A. N. Torp

(The following short sketch of the life of former Story Citian, was taken from the Fresno, Cal., Bee.)

Last rites for Andrew Nielsen Torp, 78, a resident of Fresno county for eighteen years, who died Saturday [October 4, 1930] were conducted Tuesday at the Stevens and Bean chapel and were followed by cremation.

Born in Denmark, Torp came to the United States in 1871 and located in Chicago which was recovering from the great fire. In 1878 he moved to Iowa where a year later he married Miss Christine Nielsen, who survives him. Torp then learned photography and located in Story City where he was the first photographer.

Coming to Fresno in 1910 to attend a convention of the Danish Brotherhood, Mr. and Mrs. Torp liked the city so well they came back in 1912 and purchased a farm in the Oleander district where they lived until 1920 when they moved to Fresno. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary June 17, 1929.

Besides his widow, Torp is survived by five sons, Andrew N. Torp, Jr. of Fresno, Irving Torp of Dos Palos, Calif., Casper Torp of Arcadia, Calif., Jesse Torp of Tracy, Minn., and Firmin Torp of Mobile, Ala., and a sister, Mrs. N. Hansen, who lives in Denmark.


Story Obituaries maintained by Mark Christian.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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